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I had to send in a my Rossi 97206 in due to a recall. The deal is they would repair anything required, pay for shipping both ways, and provide $50 for the hassle. Fair enough, I sent it in. I get a call just now saying they can't repair it, but they will replace it. But, wait, they no longer make the 97206, so they'll send another wheelgun. My one and only option? A blued, Taurus 605 snub. So, I send in a full-size, six-shot, stainless steel, .357 Magnum and they are replacing it with a small, five-shot, 2" barrel snubbie that is worth less than the aforementioned. Since it isn't an exact replacement, they have to send it to an FFL, which fortunately I have, but that would have been an extra kick in nether regions if I didn't. And I have yet to see a $50 check. WTF Rossi? :mad:

Anyway, being that I already have a Taurus 605 and don't need another snub, I'm going to sell it and buy an actual replacement. On that score, can anyone recommend a revolver that is:

  • Full-size.
  • 6-shot or more capacity.
  • Stainless steel.
  • Decent quality fit and finish.
  • Decent trigger pull.
  • 6" barrel.
  • Adjustable sights.
  • Decent aftermarket support with respect to custom grips.
  • Not some oddball manufacturer that will make obtaining parts a PITA.
  • Not crazy expensive.
To answer the "what for" question:

  • Shooting metallic silhouettes. (Standard sized chicken, pig, turkey, and ram.)
  • Shooting bowling pins.
  • Holster carry when on my own property.
  • Maybe carry while hiking.
I'm heavily leaning towards a Ruger, though I am open to a Smith or other manufacturer. Thanks for any recommendations. :)
In this world of safe zones I see no reason to leave mine, I'll stick with Colt, Ruger and older S&W when it comes to wheel guns, period.
Unfortunately, "crazy expensive" may be at least partially in the equation, depending on how you define it. Even if you ignore iconic or designer models where cost is no object, most pistols with the features you describe above, in reputably reliable brands, are going to cost substantial money.

Without naming names, consider the analogy of brand name powered hand tools vs. most bargain stuff (20% off):
- Both will do about the same thing.
- Either brand can fail on day-one, or last decades.
- Warranties and manufacturer support differ.
- Some are built for daily professional use/abuse, some are fine for occasional weekenders.
- To many, myself included (and T-Ritz it would seem), satisfaction and confidence might also matter.

IMHO, the Rossi 2" snub you mention would not be pleasing to shoot with magnum rounds. If it doesn't exceed your budget, I love the 6" S&W 686 (newish 7-rounder or the older 6-shooter). That's just an opinion. I hear Rugers are nice too.

Just thinking out loud here. We'll all be interested to see what you end up getting.
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Thanks all for the replies. I should have been more specific about cost; anything $1,000 and under is fine. I would need to have some reason to consider going higher.

And, indeed, the 605 is a nasty little brute with .357 Magnum loads. I carry mine with .38 Special JHP loads. It is, of course, worthless for things like metallic silhouette shooting.
I'd be looking at a S&W 686-6. There's always several FS on gunjoker and at the s-w forum. Certainly, not an oddball manufacturer and they have solid factory support and aftermarket products available.
I'm with Andy as to first choice being a Ruger Security Six. Fulfills all your criteria and a gun that will out-shoot the so-called "Cadillac-grade" offerings.
Fair warning: Word got out on these guns in the past few years and prices are climbing when you can find one (especially in good shape).
Sometime in early 1974, a Shooting Times article compared a Ruger Security Six to a Colt Python and a Smith (all 6" .357's). The Ruger took the accuracy award.

Six years ago I took in on trade a Smith M60 3" 38spl and a Smith 686 .357 6". The M60 reminded me just how accurate a good .38 can be. I shot the 686 against my Security Six with the full knowledge and certain intention that the Ruger would go "down the road" against the full-lug barrel Smith.

The Model 60 is still here. So is my Security Six.
At one time I owed a 1955 Highway Patrolman...sweetest shooting revolver I ever owned.
.38 Special was almost like shooting .22 and the .357 loads were a breeze as well due to the N frame.
Tough times forced a sale...but damn a Model 28 or 27 is a excellent gun for sure.

They are the ultimate .357 IMO, as much as I love the 19/66 i think it is a little light for .357 (I really love the 4" inch HB 13, though) and never really warmed up to the heavy under lugged barrel of the 686 and Python despite that fact they are great guns, but those N frames, a M22 is one of my dream guns.
At one time I owed a 1955 Highway Patrolman...sweetest shooting revolver I ever owned.
.38 Special was almost like shooting .22 and the .357 loads were a breeze as well due to the N frame.
Tough times forced a sale...but damn a Model 28 or 27 is a excellent gun for sure.

In my sojourn in California, I had the chance to buy a Highway Patrolman for a song. Funds were tight in that era, so I passed. Still kick myself.

The Ruger GP100 checks all the boxes and is built like a tank:

Interesting. It does indeed check all the boxes. And Ruger, at least in my experience, has always been very good about support with parts, etc.
Been snooping around various vendors. This version of the GP100 caught my eye because it is a seven-shooter.

I hadn't seen the seven rounder until now.

S&W makes a good pistol, but I don't care for or own any with the lawyer lock.
Just a personal preference.

I never had a 686, but I have had 19's, 66's, a 28, a 6" Trooper, assorted GP100's and a few Security Sixes in various configurations.

I think one of the handsomest revolvers I've seen is a blued, half lug GP100. I think it will do what you want it for quite well and they're not a dime a dozen. They're findable.

I recently picked up a stainless 6" Security Six from a member here and they're gonna' have to bury me with it.

Enjoy the hunt.

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