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But the government (small g) already insists these were all reflections from Star Link. :confused:
Yea and the gov says the over 3000 sightings of car sized drones over New Jersey aren't real. The starlink Oregon excuse was for the 2022 sightings not these newest ones as I understand it.

I think both OR and NJ are US military drones under development. Ukraine war has pushed drone technology and US must develop and test new ones to get ahead of it is my guess.
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Most early sightings were near the military base. Have grown outward which would be consistent with military testing imo.
Newest map
For the NJ ones, naval base reports flyovers. But army base, which is responsible for developing advanced weapons, and where they have been seen the most, says nothing.

Lots of calls from Gov officials and residents now to start shooting them down.

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People are reporting that they are 6' in diameter and flying in formation in uniform grid patterns. One of the BBC reporters from NJ was talking live with relatives as they were watching them. That's a hell of a lot bigger than regular drones. Must be military.


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