Join the #1 community for gun owners of the Northwest
We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.
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Swaging () is a forging process in which the dimensions of an item are altered using dies into which the item is forced. Swaging is usually a cold working process, but also may be hot worked.
The term swage may apply to the process (verb) or a die or tool used in it (noun).
I would like some help identifying and finding parts for some swaging items that I've acquired.
Any info would be great.
I have tried calling the phone number but it went to voicemail. I left a message and have not yet received a reply.
Need to clear out some stuff, the bench is getting crowded. Most of these were purchased as packages with other things and I have decided to let go of these. I am located in Coeur d Alene Idaho. Willing to ship any of the items on buyers dime. I am trying to get my paypal account back up but...