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No that isn't a typo. It looks like they are making new Webley-type revolvers. Except they are 7-shooters and chambered in .357 Magnum. Be still, my beating heart ...



Alas, the going rate starts at $10K. :eek:

At $10,000.00 a piece I don't think many of us will be buying one. Of course if I won the lottery then that's a different story. Looks to a finely crafted gun that anyone would be proud to own. I probably couldn't resist the temptation to shoot it if I owned one.
Damn, Wet Dream Revolver, in one of my all time fav. chambering's too! For that price, sadly I don't see many being sold, but Boy if I hit the ticket, I would order a pair and matching leather holsters to carry them and I would shoot the hell out of them too!:D
One can dream!
It's an ''Iver Johnson's Arms & Cycle works''. In 38 S&W.
Made not last century. But the one before that. ;)

I have something similar. It is an H&R in .38 S&W and it sports real pearl grips. Alas, it does not (reliably) function in single-action mode and I'm concerned about shooting smokeless powder in it these days, so it is a sits stuffed at the back of the gun cabinet. Due to its limited value, vintage, and the mechanical issue, I haven't sold it off. It has crossed my mind to include it in a box of parts to Numrich (I've done that several times over the years), but so far I have not. It is pretty to look at, I guess, but little else.


Sure looks an awful lot like the one I got from Grand Dad, but yours is way prettier then mine! the barrel is rusted out, and the finish is chipped and flaking! Mine has the black "Bake-A-Light" grips on it, and Gramps had cut a set of walnut grips for it and wire tied some parts to the trigger bow, presumably to try to get it in working order. Don't even remember what cal. it is. Was thinking it's .32 but am probably wrong!:(
Boy, that's a beautiful revolver!

I swear that when I get one, each and every one of you can shoot it! guys are in with me arntcha? :)
I have 3 top breaks in .32 S&W and one in .38 S&W. The .32's are a blued Iver Johnson smokeless powder version that has a bolt and stops, a nickel plated Iver Johnson black powder version and a Forehand model 1901 nickel plated black powder version that looks like it's never shot. The .38 is an H&R nickel plated concealed hammer black powder version. They all lock up tight except for the Forehand which is a little loose but is still shootable. On the 3 that don't have stops the hand is the stop.
I have 3 top breaks in .32 S&W and one in .38 S&W. The .32's are a blued Iver Johnson smokeless powder version that has a bolt and stops, a nickel plated Iver Johnson black powder version and a Forehand model 1901 nickel plated black powder version that looks like it's never shot. The .38 is an H&R nickel plated concealed hammer black powder version. They all lock up tight except for the Forehand which is a little loose but is still shootable. On the 3 that don't have stops the hand is the stop.

Very nice. Do you have pics? :)
It is no way as pretty as the Webley VII. In fact, it could be charitably called utilitarian, I suppose. But since some other top-breaks have made an appearance in this thread, why not this one. Looks aside, I recently put 50 rounds through this old warhorse (Enfield No. 2 Mk 1*) and, well, it still works.



(I thought about standing it up against my briefcase and then I remember we had another British article in the house — a jar of Bovril. Couldn't resist some silliness.)

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