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While working on emails to send out in regards to the currently proposes gun bills, I found this little beauty. Boy scouts of america 10/22. This really points out the absurdity of labeling all semi autos as "assault rifles". In Wasshington, where "we" pride ourselves on our diversity and cultural acceptance. It seems certain people are having their culture and tradition trampled and outlawed.


Considering the rifle says "boys scouts of america." Liberals will call it an assault rifle on that alone. Try running a cub scout group in a portland school. The amount of hatred you will get will surprise you. It really surprised me.
I was a Cub Scout in elementary. We mainly had Den Mothers running the weekly meetings and the dads would be there on the weekends.

For all the hate, women largely kept the Scouts going day to day. After school events blended in with their families. Hardly a fobic surrounding.

While we never had guns, even in California, there were camps I saw that did take Scouts shooting. I don't recall if it was age or location related. I also don't recall mass shooters being connected to boy scouts.
It's even more absurd when you consider that the Boy Scouts are no longer the Boy Scouts. They are the

Boy/Girl/And "Whatever You Feel Like Identifying Today As" Scouts :rolleyes:

Signed: A Retired Eagle Scout

- a firearm
- affiliated with a non-woke group called the BSA
- with an honor statement and pledge to country

This is a veritable trifecta of reasons for the left to be against it. Add the additional charge of child abuse/endangerment under zero tolerance and it's time to order more meds to calm the ruffled sensibilities of the screaming memees
In the pictures of my rifles below...
There really ain't no difference in the general sense....both are just rifles , both were designed to accurately place a projectile on a target.
One is a is a Semi-Auto rifle...again both just rifles.
Neither one should be subjected to special rules , terms / names or restrictions.

Even with all the specific differences , both are still just rifles.
And both should able to be owned by those American citizens who wish to do so...all without undo fuss and government interference.

To place restrictions on one...paves the way to place restrictions on them all.
To place restrictions or dare I say Infringements on law abiding Americans , who have done no wrong is an insult to all law abiding Americans.
I say insult because a law , restriction , regulation , ban , etc....that is forced upon me , due to the actions of others , when I have done no wrong or committed no crime...
Means that I and other law abiding Americans are not trusted with our Rights , by those who suggest and make such a ruling...
Therefore those who suggest and pass such rulings , are insulting saying that they don't trust me and others like me.

We are often told to not judge a whole group by the actions of a few....
Yet gun owners as a whole , are often held accountable for the misdeeds , mistakes , or crimes of others.
These misdeeds , mistakes and crimes are not our fault...the vast majority of gun owners had nothing to do with them.
the vast majority of gun owners are made to "pay the price" and judged for actions others ,others who are beyond their control.

One last thought on this long ramble...
If one Right is mucked about with , so much , so as to be made useless....What will keep that from happening to the others...?

Look no difference...just two rifles :

First, 1639 only deemed semi automatic rifles "assault rifles" not handguns. Second, that designation presently only means a 10 business day waiting period, age restrictions on possession, and a minimal training requirement to purchase. Yes it applies to rim fire.
Write your elected representatives and oppose all of this nonsense, they are presently trying to expand their gun control agenda.

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