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I would only add to cover your bubblegum, that the owner of that handgun is also present. That covers your bubblegum. Otherwise, any aged kid can use a handgun for training and practice at the range.
Technically, yes. It's based on the age. The 21 year old, or assuming the owner, don't need to be within 5 feet of the under 21 year old shooter. For example, the 20 under age "kid" can be targeting on something while owner is BBQing at least within sight to some degree.

My dad started me at 8 years old, although my dad was attentive to what I was doing, that is, there was no BBQing... (my dad cooking anything is a bad idea). Largely, the owner only needs to be there to watch over.

That is the best I know legally and what I have been told even back in the 1990's. I would strongly suggest to cover bubblegum, the owner be there only because if the 20 and younger has a handgun at the range, and owner not around BBQing at home, that is trouble even with permission.
I'm not aware of any law that says you can't own and possess a handgun under 21. You can't buy one from an FFL but Dad can gift it to you for your 18th just fine as far as I know. Don't worry so dang much.
If the underage person isn't the owner of the gun then yes, the owner of the gun needs to be present at the range during the time the underage person is using the gun.
ORS 166.435
Under that revised statute, you can loan a firearm to someone for lawful purpose like hunting or target shooting and it would not be considered a transfer. There is nothing in it that requires the owner be present.

Minors can transport and use a pistol with certain requirements under the federal youth handgun safety act. Under that, my daughter can transport and shoot my handgun at a range if she has with her written permission by me.
Under that revised statute, you can loan a firearm to someone for lawful purpose like hunting or target shooting and it would not be considered a transfer. There is nothing in it that requires the owner be present.
The way I read it specifically states providing the gun for target shooting/training must happen in person at the range or club. Its the very first exception to the unlicensed transfer law, Section 1A
the pistol was a hand down , is there a way i become legal owner?
If it was given to you by an immediate family member per 166.435, its yours. If not.... have the giver transfer the gun to you at an FFL, you will have to go thru a background check.
If it was given to you by an immediate family member per 166.435, its yours. If not.... have the giver transfer the gun to you at an FFL, you will have to go thru a background check.
was given by my father, with the gun being gifted to me , how do i go about it? just when transporting it keep it locked up and out of site? and im free to use it at ranges? sorry for the question just want to be safer then sorry i appreciate your help.
was given by my father, with the gun being gifted to me , how do i go about it? just when transporting it keep it locked up and out of site? and im free to use it at ranges? sorry for the question just want to be safer then sorry i appreciate your help.
If your under 21 and your father gave you the gun its legally yours and you don't need to do anything more per 166.435. To transport it to a range or gun club it must be in the trunk or in a locked container per ORS 166.250 and your free to use it at ranges.

Its best to bring it to the range in a pistol case, don't open it until your at the shooting bench. Ask a range officer for any specific range rules. See if the range has any training classes you might be interested in it will really build some fundamentals that will get you going on the right track with safety and proficiency. Enjoy the gun and its good your asking questions.
If your under 21 and your father gave you the gun its legally yours and you don't need to do anything more per 166.435. To transport it to a range or gun club it must be in the trunk or in a locked container per ORS 166.250 and your free to use it at ranges.

Its best to bring it to the range in a pistol case, don't open it until your at the shooting bench. Ask a range officer for any specific range rules. See if the range has any training classes you might be interested in it will really build some fundamentals that will get you going on the right track with safety and proficiency. Enjoy the gun and its good your asking questions.
i saw another point brought up under this thread regarding ammo, legally im not allowed to purchase it, but am i able to purchase through private sales and am i able to carry it with me?
i saw another point brought up under this thread regarding ammo, legally im not allowed to purchase it, but am i able to purchase through private sales and am i able to carry it with me?
Im not aware of any law preventing the private sale of ammo to minors and once you acquire ammo yes your able to carry it with you.
You cant conceal the gun on you though, and must transport the gun in the trunk per the law I cited above.
Note, in Multnomah county you cant transport the gun with the guns magazines or cylinders loaded.
When you turn 21, apply for a concealed handgun license it will make transporting it easier.
i saw another point brought up under this thread regarding ammo, legally im not allowed to purchase it, but am i able to purchase through private sales and am i able to carry it with me?
What you do in private falls under don't ask, don't tell IMHO. I own an ammo company and can't legally sell you ammo.
What you do in private falls under don't ask, don't tell IMHO. I own an ammo company and can't legally sell you ammo.
unlicensed people for example people selling ammo on this forum would be considered a private sale?

Under federal law, unlicensed persons may not sell, deliver or otherwise transfer a handgun or handgun ammunition to any person the transferor knows or has reasonable cause to believe is under the age of 18, except under certain exceptions

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