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Bottom line here, if you show up at a gun range being under 21 with out an adult they may or may not allow you to shoot. If you bring ammo from outside they may not allow you to use it and you can't buy their ammo because you are under 21 and they have an FFL. Their game, their rules. Best bet is to ask where you want to shoot what their rules are and adjust accordingly.
Its best to bring it to the range in a pistol case, don't open it until your at the shooting bench
Thank you @Koda for saying this - especially that the firearm case is NOT opened until it is on the shooting bench.

And I would add (just to be crystal clear) that the "shooting bench" is at the FIRING LINE, and that the firearm is ONLY uncased at that location with the muzzle pointing only down range (or up in the air for manipulation, adjustments, mag swaps, etc.).

You would be AMAZED at the number of folks who do NOT practice that basic principle of range safety - even old timers who've been shooting for decades.

I can't tell you how many times I've been flagged by some yahoo messing around with his firearm at the bench in the rear of the range, who then turns around to walk to the firing line and whose muzzle flags everyone as he turns around. Just moronic, in my opinion.

Sorry for the rant. I know it was somewhat off topic.

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You would be AMAZED at the number of folks who do NOT practice that basic principle of range safety - even old timers who've been shooting for decades.
I just had an old timer point his rifle at the hillside I was standing on waving at him at a distance of 100 yards.
I just had an old timer point his rifle at the hillside I was standing on waving at him at a distance of 100 yards.
What's with that "old timer" crack? Anyone over 41 is an old timer to you.

Maybe you shouldn't have been waving at him. He probably perceived you as a threat. Given your history of ageism, justifiably so.

What's with that "old timer" crack? Anyone over 41 is an old timer to you.

Maybe you shouldn't have been waving at him. He probably perceived you as a threat. Given your history of ageism, justifiably so.

He was definitely a silverback. That's at least +10 years.
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I just had an old timer point his rifle at the hillside I was standing on waving at him at a distance of 100 yards.
He had to use his scope to see what was wiggling because of the glaucoma and/ or macular degeneration
What's with that "old timer" crack? Anyone over 41 is an old timer to you.

Maybe you shouldn't have been waving at him. He probably perceived you as a threat. Given your history of ageism, justifiably so.

Ageism goes both ways 🤷‍♂️. You can't mock millennials/Gen z/young people in general and cry foul when they say "ok Boomer"
Ageism goes both ways 🤷‍♂️. You can't mock millennials/Gen z/young people in general and cry foul when they say "ok Boomer"
Sure I can. :s0092: Do it all the time. Every chance I get. And then some. :p (Especially when @solv3nt is involved.)

You can only imagine the suffering my poor son endures. He probably complains about it a lot, but my hearing is shot. :s0140:
What's with that "old timer" crack? Anyone over 41 is an old timer to you.

Maybe you shouldn't have been waving at him. He probably perceived you as a threat. Given your history of ageism, justifiably so.

I must be a boomer then. 😆 Silver back???? I've been going silver since high school slowly, then it blew up in my 30's. 😆 I look at boomer as flattering in recognition of superior experience and wisdom. 😆
The way I read it specifically states providing the gun for target shooting/training must happen in person at the range or club. Its the very first exception to the unlicensed transfer law, Section 1A
Provision means supplying something for use. The definition 1a gives specific cases of temporarily supplying a firearm to someone that is not considered a transfer, 1aA-1aF. So you can temporarily give a firearm to someone if they are going to take it to a range for target shooting or training. It does not say you have to be present. Anything not covered in A, B, D, E and F has to be done per C, the owner has to be present.

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