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I have never built a gun without using serialized parts, but I have a blank aluminum piece to make an AR receiver. It is solid and has no cavity for a magazine or trigger group so it is just a paperweight for now. I'll just leave it that way.

This individual must have been indiscrete with his neighbors.
Oregon man convicted for building ghost guns
Was he though? I can only find confirmation of federal charges for drugs, the silencers, and firearm manufacturing without an FFL. I assume that the quantity was high enough to make the case that he was selling them, but there are no citations of the exact laws he was charged with violating.

Is there any confirmation that he was charged under Oregon's unserialized receicer law?
"located 62 complete semi-automatic firearms, 45 silencers, several incomplete firearms, several hundred rounds of ammunition, and hundreds of firearm components, including magazines, triggers, and optic systems."

"According to the sheriff's office, only five of the seized firearms had serial numbers, and two of those were reported as stolen. Firearms that are assembled without serial numbered components are often referred to as "ghost guns."

"38-year-old Andrew William Rogers, a convicted felon, was taken into custody."

It sounds like he was manufacturing firearms with the intention of selling them without a license. Just the 45 illegal silencers alone should net him the 6 years prison + 3 years probation.

Good riddance! Too bad he didn't get more time!
Was he though? I can only find confirmation of federal charges for drugs, the silencers, and firearm manufacturing without an FFL. I assume that the quantity was high enough to make the case that he was selling them, but there are no citations of the exact laws he was charged with violating.

Is there any confirmation that he was charged under Oregon's unserialized receicer law?
I didn't see anything saying he was convicted of manufacturing firearms. In 2022 when he was arrested building firearms for personal use wasn't illegal in Oregon. Typical media BS reporting!
Was he though? I can only find confirmation of federal charges for drugs, the silencers, and firearm manufacturing without an FFL. I assume that the quantity was high enough to make the case that he was selling them, but there are no citations of the exact laws he was charged with violating.

Is there any confirmation that he was charged under Oregon's unserialized receicer law?
Good observation.
This happened in 2022 when unserialized guns were legal in oregon so he cant be charged with that crime.
But he was making silencers without a license.

Its not clear if he was selling or distributing the guns he made.
Fentanyl, meth, cocaine, psilocybin, tons of illegal suppressors, 2 stolen guns, felon in possession. None of that compares to what he did to that poor car though. That bright orange running board is nothing less than criminal!
There is nothing he had or made that should be illegal to own or manufacture or sell to an adult (with informed consent on the drugs). The laws against any of those items is all about the government "protecting us from ourselves", and about controlling us.
1734079094288.png this is my newest ghost gun
Except for the fact that he was a felon in possession, I don't think he did anything wrong.
Not exactly an upstanding citizen though.
As far as the drugs, his quantities were chump amounts, like he was just a user.
But, it does beg the question, did he buy all this stuff from money he earned, or from illegal sales?
Its not clear if he was selling or distributing the guns he made.
I'll bet he was. Making guns for people that shouldn't have guns, himself included. What I should have said was "Druggie making guns..."

I'll bet he flapped his gums and wasn't as discreet as he might have thought. I've got no use for tweakers, so I really don't care that he'll get put away.

What I do care about is what repercussions we all may/will have to deal with because of this loser.:mad:
I'll bet he was. Making guns for people that shouldn't have guns, himself included. What I should have said was "Druggie making guns..."

I'll bet he flapped his gums and wasn't as discreet as he might have thought. I've got no use for tweakers, so I really don't care that he'll get put away.

What I do care about is what repercussions we all may/will have to deal with because of this loser.:mad:
All of the repercussions we have to deal with are from losers.
I'll bet he was. Making guns for people that shouldn't have guns, himself included. What I should have said was "Druggie making guns..."

I'll bet he flapped his gums and wasn't as discreet as he might have thought. I've got no use for tweakers, so I really don't care that he'll get put away.

What I do care about is what repercussions we all may/will have to deal with because of this loser.:mad:
He also had 2 stolen guns along with all the different kinds of drugs and illegal suppressors.
Not to be the voice of one in the echo chamber, but, if they are too dangerous to have a gun, they are too dangerous to be running around in public driving a car and access to cookware and kitchen utensils. That being said, this psychonaut was surely yapping without filter to too many people, a definite side effect of the list of narcotics he was in possession of and no doubt under the influence of. The authoritarians love these folks so they can point their lofty finger at us pee-ons and take away more freedoms with the stroke of a pen for the pearl clutching Karen's and Tina's.

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