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5am News JUST came across tv (March 9th)
saying SB 6620 stalled and FAILED to make the voting deadline, requiring background checks to be the same as handgun to purchase assault rifles etc, and raising the age to 21 from 18 to buy long guns such as semi auto rifles and shotguns.
So that's it on that bill at least for this year's session it seems.:D:cool:

Here's a link to the news: this link was posted online on the 6th of March but you can see what they said about the bill. The news this morning at 5am and 6am news both said it never made the vote deadline of Thursday March 8th.
It will interesting to see if any if the stores that sell guns and or ammo, will now back off from their policies of requiring people to be of the age 21 to buy guns and ammo since this measure failed for now. :cool:

Washington gun control, school safety bill in jeopardy

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I have no idea if it's been my insistent emails to my legislators that has held this up.
In reality, I have to think that something major like the Constitution was brought into the conversation and held fast.;)
Mark my words people you will probably see at least one or two of these failed gun bills on initiatives this year & we had better start getting busy getting the word out!!!
As much as they publically try to downplay the issue, I suspect most non-2A legislators are very cognizant of gun-owners' activism and responses to further gun-control laws. I suspect they play all sorts of 'games' where things just, oh, you know, la de da...stall and then ooops, 'fail to meet' deadlines or other such things, all the while going 'Whew, had that passed, I'd probably be out of a job soon!' So they get to 'grandstand' a position that 'we tried/we supported this, but darn it, it didn't make it. Not our fault!'

You can bet politicians have a very good handle on which way the wind is blowing where it really matters...the actual VOTERS...not those trying to get attention and 'make a statement'...but rather those who will actually get involved and fill out ballots. They know this is something gun owners will do more than many others. Many single issue voters out there.

If/when they think they can actually get such legislation passed AND keep their elected positions/jobs (the real priority for them), the results may not be so favorable for gun owners.

IMHO, as I stated elsewhere, we really need to try and be better ambassadors and set up positive interaction for people that might be interested. If they don't already, it would be nice if the NRA or others were to set up 'Ambassador' positions, preferably for financial compensation (so they can actually do it full time), in every state where they could coordinate/provide 'out-reach' programs like 'free public range days' where folks who might be interested could come down, and under the watchful guise of NRA RSO's/instructors/volunteers, get a chance to do some target shooting or similar. I think these would be great opportunities for the semi retired/retired folks.

Yeah they got the money from the billionaires but do not let that be a deterrent to not do anything. We must get out and we must get people to see the light instead of the false news of talking points and Talking Heads on the MSM.

It's up to the rural citizens to rally against the crooked anti-gun & anti-constitutionalism in our state.

We must not be complacent & we must not think that someone else will do this for us because the truth is that they won't.

I plan to stage next to the signature gatherers at the entrances of stores with a sign or two quoting the truth about these feel good measures that will not do a damn thing to stop crime.
Yeah they got the money from the billionaires but do not let that be a deterrent to not do anything. We must get out and we must get people to see the light instead of the false news of talking points and Talking Heads on the MSM.

It's up to the rural citizens to rally against the crooked anti-gun & anti-constitutionalism in our state.

We must not be complacent & we must not think that someone else will do this for us because the truth is that they won't.

I plan to stage next to the signature gatherers at the entrances of stores with a sign or two quoting the truth about these feel good measures that will not do a damn thing to stop crime.

Make sure you contact the cops and inquire if you need some kind of a permit, just because YOU want to be legal and make sure the signature gatherers can't call in the media then call the cops and get you tossed out while the cameras are rolling.

It might be nice to setup a thread to announce when and where these signature gatherers are going to be so members here or any one else can go and do the same thing you mentioned.

I wonder if they will have a organization website or maybe a social media page we can monitor so we would know well ahead of time when and where they will be?

I will be up for confronting them as you said, should they show up in wenatchee.

Well for one I do know that they frequent Walmart a lot to get the uninformed and ignorant to sign not knowing what they are signing.

I see this as a problem though as I doubt Walmart will want protestors or demonstrators or what ever they care to call us, being there with our signs protesting the initiative. Maybe the only good thing about it would be, if we got kicked out so would the signature gatherers.

If they are allowed to stay and we where made to leave, I would stay and thus probably get arrested.

I see this as a problem though as I doubt Walmart will want protestors or demonstrators or what ever they care to call us, being there with our signs protesting the initiative. Maybe the only good thing about it would be, if we got kicked out so would the signature gatherers.

If they are allowed to stay and we where made to leave, I would stay and thus probably get arrested.


I would tend to agree...such efforts tend to get confrontational and you really want that much drama in front of Wallyworld? Always ask yourself "What do you think the headline would read?" 'Smart, informed, peaceful citizens assaulted by anti-gunners?' Probably quite the opposite with a good dose of sensationalism and smear thrown in for good measure. I read somewhere a good line: "Don't argue with stupid people, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" or something to that effect.

IMHO community outreach, something like 'Free Range Days and Safety Training,' particularly with someone good on social media providing good coverage/exposure, would be far more beneficial. If such activities were 'no sell' and actually got people some decent trigger time without hours of classroom lecture..(intro/admin, basic safety rules, head out to the range with a 1-on-1 RSO/instructor) starting out with .22's, and moving up, would have a lot more benefit. A well-run, welcoming, hands-on experience will have a much longer lasting impression than ideological debates in some parking lot.

Just my $.02 worth.
I would tend to agree...such efforts tend to get confrontational and you really want that much drama in front of Wallyworld? Always ask yourself "What do you think the headline would read?" 'Smart, informed, peaceful citizens assaulted by anti-gunners?' Probably quite the opposite with a good dose of sensationalism and smear thrown in for good measure. I read somewhere a good line: "Don't argue with stupid people, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" or something to that effect.

IMHO community outreach, something like 'Free Range Days and Safety Training,' particularly with someone good on social media providing good coverage/exposure, would be far more beneficial. If such activities were 'no sell' and actually got people some decent trigger time without hours of classroom lecture..(intro/admin, basic safety rules, head out to the range with a 1-on-1 RSO/instructor) starting out with .22's, and moving up, would have a lot more benefit. A well-run, welcoming, hands-on experience will have a much longer lasting impression than ideological debates in some parking lot.

Just my $.02 worth.

What you are suggesting will not stop these anti-gun initives, 60 days to gather signatures & then a few months till the mid term elections.
Good on ya for doing what your doing but the truth needs to be told to those that are uninformed and that could very well strip away our rights.
I would tend to agree...such efforts tend to get confrontational and you really want that much drama in front of Wallyworld? Always ask yourself "What do you think the headline would read?" 'Smart, informed, peaceful citizens assaulted by anti-gunners?' Probably quite the opposite with a good dose of sensationalism and smear thrown in for good measure. I read somewhere a good line: "Don't argue with stupid people, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" or something to that effect.

IMHO community outreach, something like 'Free Range Days and Safety Training,' particularly with someone good on social media providing good coverage/exposure, would be far more beneficial. If such activities were 'no sell' and actually got people some decent trigger time without hours of classroom lecture..(intro/admin, basic safety rules, head out to the range with a 1-on-1 RSO/instructor) starting out with .22's, and moving up, would have a lot more benefit. A well-run, welcoming, hands-on experience will have a much longer lasting impression than ideological debates in some parking lot.

Just my $.02 worth.

I think there should be some kind of organized opposition to these initiatives, at least to the point we have a website and a reasonable and simple opposition to the lies that are going to be told.

We should attend these initiative signature gatherings and have handouts at the ready with simple clear message and a website address for people to go to and read at first a simple message and then a more in depth explanation.

We can have simple "one liner" opposing remarks, then see this website for the facts message. The handouts should have catchy remarks based on truth.

We can have PDF print outs on the website so any of us could easily print these out and show up with signs and handouts ready so we can appear to be organized and semi intelligent, haha.

Will there be uninformed idiots chanting opposition to us showing up, probably. This is why we should never be without video cameras at the ready.

Everything should be filmed and it should be let known that all such encounters are going to be put up online on our YouTube channel and featured on our website so any libtards making fools of themselves and coming off violently and stupidly can be shown to be exactly what they are, lame and uninformed left wing robots chanting idioms giving to them by gun control magnets such as bloomberg/soros.

We can append each video with an answer to their chants in a clear concise opposing viewpoint and why we oppose the initiative.

Remember these people rely upon "lies lies and more lies" chanted by libtard tools with ZERO thought.

We can quite easily portray ourselves in our own videos as calm and honest opposition using simple logic. Once we actually do that, trust me, the news channels will pick it up and even broadcast opposing video snip-its showcasing our organized opposition and our reasoning.

Will all media coverage be "fair and unbiased"? of course not, but some will and our message will get out.

if you give the media a chance to easily miss quote and miss represent your views they will take that and run with it. If we have a simple reasonable and logical "opposing message" and it is on a website and it is easily accessed for all to see, this fact will not be lost on these media retards and they will pull back a bit on their biased portrayals of our opposition.

This is something we can ether "chose to control" or we can ignore and hope our views are portrayed fairly, and you all know the answer to that. Our opposition will be miss represented unless we control the message and we control and promote easy access to it so miss-characterizations of the facts can be easily pointed out. In other words, media lies can be easily opposed.

Local News media does not like to be made out as "left wing" biased "fools and tools" though we all know they are exactly that when ever they can easily get away with it.

I have been in the business of publishing websites in one form or another since 1998. I can have a website up and online in less time then it took you to read this entire post to this point and that "ain't no BS".

I would like to be part of a loosely organized group so.... we should try to form this up and be ready.

We should know the opposition's organization, their motto's and every lie they are tooling up to promote. We should have a simple name such as the initiative 5321457 opposition group etc.

Their may be some legal issues involved, not sure. One person with a sign is one thing, but with the laws as they are for political organizations and trust me, if we organize that is what we would become, this can get sticky. I'll do some research, and so should any of you who might want to take this seriously.

If we don't try to organize our opposition then we will get steam rolled and lose even more 2A rights soon.

These anti gun initiative people are going to be well organized and they are going to take this seriously and they are going to be well funded and they are going to have a lot of stupid idiot tools [people] who will exhibit "passion" for their cause. So what are we going to do? how should we oppose these lies?

If this forum does not want to be "the place" for us to become organized, I'll put up a place to do that. I effin hate farcebook (facebook) so it won't be there I promise you.

I am ready to "do what I can" so this stuff I talked about "websites etc" is what I am good at and can offer.

if we are just ready when this happens and we have an easy way to help any single person with info and PDF print outs to use who wishes to express "intelligent" opposition to anti 2A initiatives, many such persons might step up, go and "show opposition" to these anti gun people and their lies.

One of my printed signs might say:


Lets come up with more good short messages that will fit on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper printed in bold we can easily print out and hold up at these signature gathering "lie-fest".


I'm in as a sign holder & to handout literature but my hearing is so bad i cannot debate effectively.;)

Actually, if you are older I think it might be an advantage in a way. Less likely to have idiot libs getting in your face in a very confrontational way.

None of them are going to debate, that is not what they do. They know the facts are not on their side so they just yell and chant bloomberg/soros slogans loudly.

If some one wanted to know more you could just hand them a flyer with info and a website address. You can also know the facts and answer questions if any one ask, such as regular people who would simply say something like "please explain to me" why I should not sign this or why is this bad.

You would need to be able to handle that type of stuff.

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