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Drones have revolutionized modern warfare in the sky. Now defense companies and navies are betting they can do the same underwater.

The new underwater drones, with names such as Ghost Shark, Herne and Manta Ray, can typically dive thousands of feet below the surface and operate largely without human interaction for days on end. That ability makes them ideally suited to gather intelligence, protect undersea infrastructure and counter potential threats in the Pacific, advocates say.

"This is an opportune moment for these vehicles," said Cynthia Cook, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank. "Submarines are fantastic, but they are expensive."

Perfecting the technology isn't an easy swim. Maintaining communications deep underwater is more difficult than in the sky, and conditions below the sea's surface can be harsh.

I want a school of fuken Mako Ghost Sharks built off 80% carcasses with frikin laser beams coming off their foreheads.

Cheap subs are the future, yes. Think quickly of history and how powerful small countries with strong navies could be across the Earth.

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