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3,160 12-28-2018


"A new law in Quebec requiring most guns in the Canadian province to be logged with the government has seen underwhelming results.

Adopted earlier this year, the Firearms Registration Act requires about 95 percent of the guns in the province of 8 million residents to be registered. However, The Canadian Press is reporting that less than 20 percent of the shotguns and rifles believed to fall under the new rules have been recorded by their owners.

Of the estimated 1.6 million guns affected by the guidelines, just 284,125 have been declared to authorities, who expect the process to cost as much as $15 million USD.

Guy Morin, a pro-gun activist who leads a group opposed to the registration, said he hopes the noncompliance will translate into the law becoming unenforceable. "We are Canadian gun owners, and this is insulting to us," he said:

Mandatory gun registration in Quebec has few takers (VIDEO)

This is what I hope Americans would do but sadly I feel most will not and would comply and register. You know because you can trust the government to do the right thing for safety.
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The authorities will handle this very simply. They will make some cases, will not have to be many at all. They will hang some poor slobs out to dry, then make sure the press makes a big deal of it. Then a lot more will comply.
The great 911 outage here had me chuckling at this. All the people I have run into over the years claiming they don't need a gun, they have 911. Bad enough when it works, now dial a prayer was off line for many for over a day.
What is really sad is that folks don't remember the few good , honest Indian Agents...
Men like :
John Dougherty and Thomas Fitzpatrick..both former "Mountain Men" who tried their best to help those in their care and stop the corruption surrounding the whole reservation scheme.

As for gun registration...I would hope for non-compliance...I guess that would make me an outlaw...
But we all know that the real criminals will be first in line to register their firearms...:rolleyes:
The authorities will handle this very simply. They will make some cases, will not have to be many at all. They will hang some poor slobs out to dry, then make sure the press makes a big deal of it. Then a lot more will comply.

I agree - all but the last sentence. Some number more may comply, but maybe most still won't because they think they won't get caught - they may just be more careful. Or maybe not. We'll see.

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