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Nova - it won't matter. Simply put, people believe what the corporate/gov media says, and more importantly what brings them comfort. The slight possibility that the people/gov that have been tasked with protecting us are actually perpetrators is far too much for the avg person to even begin to handle.

Maybe there is a false flag angle, maybe not. But one thing is for sure. TPTB are extremely patient, cunning, and cruel at getting what they want. No morals, no boundaries.

In contrast, the masses are fearful and extremely gullible, ignorant and compliant. Due to years of programming and manipulation, simply put, we are no match for their resources and tactics. What they want, they will get. You could post a video of the shooter meeting with his handlers pre-attack or the guy in the camo could come forward and say 'we did it, we programmed this kid' and it wouldn't make one single bit of difference. The gov media would ignore it, the people would shun it, and you'd be right back at where you were.

Truth is interesting for the curious, but to the American sheeple it is has absolutely no place in their day to day life. You will never get an 'atta boy' for looking into any truth that is contrary to the status quo. Sorry for being such a drag, but what I am telling you is also also truth.

Don't wear yourself out. The machine will go forward with or without you. That game has already been lost. Just live your life, be as happy as you can be, and die. “Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”

They have been patient and cunning even before Yashua-Messiah told them in John 8:44 that they were the children of Satan, himself. Then they proved it by murdering Him. They intend to do it to us, as well
If the tragic murder of little innocent boys and girls doesn't get draconian gun laws passed this spring, there will be more conveniently timed incidents coming. More and worse. So enjoy your 'rights' while they are still around. The banker media will be instructed to hammer through the proper message that 'enough is enough' (all in unison) and it is time for all of this to come to an end, and they know how that can be accomplished.

"Public Opinion" is everything (ask Edward Bernais). A campaign is in full swing to demonize law abiding, responsible gun owners as possible future nutjobs. You are a great person right now, but you just might lose it and go nuts tomorrow. Therefore, you must be monitored and disarmed eventually.

Any person that owns a semi-auto rifle or pistol will be portrayed as a possible (future) lunatic and a danger to society. Mentally stable people own bolt action rifles apparently. It is all pretty transparent. What works, works. Once the semis are gone, then all the rest (except for the real nutjobs and criminals of course, they could care a less about laws).
Nova -

Give up yet LOL?

An easy description. DELUSION: Believe in something, or a myth, even though indisputable facts and science can prove the 'something' or myth is not true. NO argument can sway the deluded.

Because the 98% are authority worshiping drones interested in supporting the status quo and their own COMFORT. Threaten that comfort and anything you say will be rejected out of hand. Our handlers know that so they are never too worried about their endeavors being perfectly executed. The 98% will ALWAYS believe and cling to the BS as long as it means that the family still gets to sit around the dinner table and be left alone. They go about their useless lives 'voting', believing they have a say in things. Sad to watch.

I do respect your ability to think for yourself though. Something 49 out of 50 people just cannot do. Kudos for that. My advice to you would be to associate/share with your other 2%-ers and just bail on the idea that you can 'convert' the deluded until they make a conscience decision at some point in their life to become enlightened. It happens, rarely, but it happens LOL. Until then, enjoy the rabbit hole.
If the tragic murder of little innocent boys and girls doesn't get draconian gun laws passed this spring, there will be more conveniently timed incidents coming. More and worse. So enjoy your 'rights' while they are still around. The banker media will be instructed to hammer through the proper message that 'enough is enough' (all in unison) and it is time for all of this to come to an end, and they know how that can be accomplished.

"Public Opinion" is everything (ask Edward Bernais). A campaign is in full swing to demonize law abiding, responsible gun owners as possible future nutjobs. You are a great person right now, but you just might lose it and go nuts tomorrow. Therefore, you must be monitored and disarmed eventually.

Any person that owns a semi-auto rifle or pistol will be portrayed as a possible (future) lunatic and a danger to society. Mentally stable people own bolt action rifles apparently. It is all pretty transparent. What works, works. Once the semis are gone, then all the rest (except for the real nutjobs and criminals of course, they could care a less about laws).

Next will be the evil bolt action, scoped "sniper rifles" and so on until we are left with single shot 22s and shotguns. The plan is total disarmament, one piece of the pie at a time. Wake up, lemmings
Nova -

Give up yet LOL?

An easy description. DELUSION: Believe in something, or a myth, even though indisputable facts and science can prove the 'something' or myth is not true. NO argument can sway the deluded.

Because the 98% are authority worshiping drones interested in supporting the status quo and their own COMFORT. Threaten that comfort and anything you say will be rejected out of hand. Our handlers know that so they are never too worried about their endeavors being perfectly executed. The 98% will ALWAYS believe and cling to the BS as long as it means that the family still gets to sit around the dinner table and be left alone. They go about their useless lives 'voting', believing they have a say in things. Sad to watch.

I do respect your ability to think for yourself though. Something 49 out of 50 people just cannot do. Kudos for that. My advice to you would be to associate/share with your other 2%-ers and just bail on the idea that you can 'convert' the deluded until they make a conscience decision at some point in their life to become enlightened. It happens, rarely, but it happens LOL. Until then, enjoy the rabbit hole.

Burt- Nothing to give up on. Just putting some info. out there as food for thought. I enjoy your posts, and find your left-brain thinking refreshing in a world of sheeple people. I'm not trying to convert anyone just presenting a little information for the thought process. For others who can and do think for themselfs. I do realize that I'am trying to shimmy up a greased pole here...Maybe trying to raise that 2% up a little I suppose. I can"t help it I was born this way. When I roost at night with my other birds of feather there is always room in the tree for more. Thanks for the kudos. Good Day Sir.
Anyone that cannot see that the movie theater redhead joker guy (James Holmes) was a total patsy and frame job just doesn't see things for the way they really are - posted on another thread, by another member here. Go look at the guy sitting at his arraignment, how he walks, how he carries himself. Like a brainwashed zombie and before he went on his spree he was an articulate, intelligent young man. Not saying this revelation will mean much to the vast majority of people. Just think a bit, for once. What if. What if the people that you believe are there to safeguard your liberties and so-called freedoms are actually the perps. That would make them extremely devious and cunning, and you, not so much.

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Nova -

Give up yet LOL?

An easy description. DELUSION: Believe in something, or a myth, even though indisputable facts and science can prove the 'something' or myth is not true. NO argument can sway the deluded.

Because the 98% are authority worshiping drones interested in supporting the status quo and their own COMFORT. Threaten that comfort and anything you say will be rejected out of hand. Our handlers know that so they are never too worried about their endeavors being perfectly executed. The 98% will ALWAYS believe and cling to the BS as long as it means that the family still gets to sit around the dinner table and be left alone. They go about their useless lives 'voting', believing they have a say in things. Sad to watch.

I do respect your ability to think for yourself though. Something 49 out of 50 people just cannot do. Kudos for that. My advice to you would be to associate/share with your other 2%-ers and just bail on the idea that you can 'convert' the deluded until they make a conscience decision at some point in their life to become enlightened. It happens, rarely, but it happens LOL. Until then, enjoy the rabbit hole.

Burt- Nothing to give up on. Just putting some info. out there as food for thought. I enjoy your posts, and find your left-brain thinking refreshing in a world of sheeple people. I'm not trying to convert anyone just presenting a little information for the thought process. For others who can and do think for themselfs. I do realize that I'am trying to shimmy up a greased pole here...Maybe trying to raise that 2% up a little I suppose. I can"t help it I was born this way. When I roost at night with my other birds of feather there is always room in the tree for more. Thanks for the kudos. Good Day Sir.
Burt- Nothing to give up on. Just putting some info. out there as food for thought. I enjoy your posts, and find your left-brain thinking refreshing in a world of sheeple people. I'm not trying to convert anyone just presenting a little information for the thought process. For others who can and do think for themselfs. I do realize that I'am trying to shimmy up a greased pole here...Maybe trying to raise that 2% up a little I suppose. I can"t help it I was born this way. When I roost at night with my other birds of feather there is always room in the tree for more. Thanks for the kudos. Good Day Sir.

3% won the American revolution. Maybe 2% will have to do, this time
I say its very unlikely that one 20 year old geek pulled this off by himself, come on people really? First it was done by one using two handguns a glock and a sig sauer and the rifle was found in the car. Then that changed to the rifle was the primary weapon along with the hand guns. Always pertrayed as compleated by a single snot nosed still wet behind the ears shooter with mental problems...Ya sure it was B.S.

It's funny we never here the truth , but what we do here is it's guns it's the guns we have to take away the guns , it's the scumbags that used the guns .
3% won the American revolution. Maybe 2% will have to do, this time

With respect, that was then and this is now. Back then, people still had intelligence and reason; they thought for themselves. The 2% cannot do much anymore because the 98% will actively sabotage their every effort to 'rebel' or whatever it should be called. The slaves will defend their servitude to their dying breath. Not to mention we live in a total surveillance state. As George Carlin so aptly put it, "They own you. You have owners. The game is rigged." There is no hope, ever, for a return to a free America.

Those words are hard to type but they are reality my friend - and you know I am more into reality than comfort. So my advice to anyone who has 'rebelling' on their mind is to take care of yourself only. Live your life the best you can, be a happy as you can as a free thinking individual. The greater picture is already a lost cause, so focus on Numero Uno. In other words, soapbox firmly planted, accept that you are not free and just live with it. It can be done. (LOL - I know I am I typing that to a brute!! hahaha, so I am laughing as I am typing that!) Damn! Please Blitz - don't stab the messenger!

The best line ever regarding the 98% -

Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Americans are INURED to their conditions now so they simply do not care.

Accustomed to something, esp. something unpleasant.
With respect, that was then and this is now. Back then, people still had intelligence and reason; they thought for themselves. The 2% cannot do much anymore because the 98% will actively sabotage their every effort to 'rebel' or whatever it should be called. The slaves will defend their servitude to their dying breath. Not to mention we live in a total surveillance state. As George Carlin so aptly put it, "They own you. You have owners. The game is rigged." There is no hope, ever, for a return to a free America.

Those words are hard to type but they are reality my friend - and you know I am more into reality than comfort. So my advice to anyone who has 'rebelling' on their mind is to take care of yourself only. Live your life the best you can, be a happy as you can as a free thinking individual. The greater picture is already a lost cause, so focus on Numero Uno. In other words, soapbox firmly planted, accept that you are not free and just live with it. It can be done. (LOL - I know I am I typing that to a brute!! hahaha, so I am laughing as I am typing that!) Damn! Please Blitz - don't stab the messenger!

The best line ever regarding the 98% -

Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Americans are INURED to their conditions now so they simply do not care.

Accustomed to something, esp. something unpleasant.

I respectfully disagree, my friend. In those days people were more hard core, more fanatical.. not too far in the past of that era were the "Salem Witch" burnings.. (probably herbalists and other innocent people) and at the time of the Revolution you were either a Brit loyalist or a whig (colonist patriot), and they hated each other even more then we do today. if you broke a law or were captured by the other side then rape, beatings, caging, stocks, tar and feathering (that often meant death or hideous disfigurement) were common

If these fools want to see this sort of carnage return, let them come for our weapons, which are a natural right and I would say a God given liberty. Yes, I cling to guns, guts, God Almighty and the bible and I appeal to no man to accept this
Someone is finally getting it. However, you left out the Kenyan Hutterites - the masterminds of this entire maelstrom of events.

The Kenyan Hutterites? NO! For some reason, I thought they were on the good guy side!

I don't know what scares me more, the fact that a nut job would do this, or the fact that some people find a conspiracy behind every bad thing that ever happens. No one is ever willing to accept that bad stuff happens sometimes, and that's just the way it is. Of course, these are probably the same people who would have blamed the Black Death on people of a different religion, instead of on rats....

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