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Just looking at the first three and obviously leaving the gun prohibitions out, those are all things I hear the right talking about, not the left.
DEI - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion? Which one of those is extreme?
CRT - Only taught in upper level college courses. What is the issue with that or the actual theory when taught at that level? Who on the left talks about this? We all know Fox news talked about it hundreds of times over the past few years.
Anti free speech - The left does not have a monopoly on this. Look at the laws being passed in Florida by the right for examples. Are there laws that the left passed banning books or changing the legal status of companies because they took a political position?

These are issues that political interests use to divide us. (gun prohibitions being an exception) Just watch the reactions this post gets for just pointing out some facts and questions that don't fit that narrative for examples of how well it's working.
The anti-DEI and anti-CRT stuff is truly hilarious. Most of seems to come from those who have no exposure to either, but who have read stories on the internet and/or listened to trash AM radio, which has somehow convinced them they are getting screwed over by… something…

CRT is a theory. Oooh, scary.
One of the first videos on MTV. Video Killed The Radio Star was the first.
I know it's not canon, but I always thought the song was about Christopher Cross

From Sun Tzu, the art of war:
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
"Unhappy is the fate of one who tries to win his battles and succeed in his attacks without cultivating the spirit of enterprise; for the results is a waste of time and general stagnation". Sun Tzu
Following this; we must also endeavor to increase the enthusiasm or desire to be proactive to those gun owners that now are complacent / withdrawn to "get involved" encouraging them to help spread the word.
Without constant, positive, enlightenment of purpose and constitutional rights to the informed, uninformed, or resistant masses, our desires will become stagnated and a waste of time.
Speaking only for myself....I don't consider folks who...Think differently than me or vote differently than me...
As enemies.

I am damn sick and tired of being thought of as dangerous , some sort of threat or a potential criminal , just because I own and enjoy firearms.

I am also tired of trying to keep up with the 20,000 plus firearm laws we have here in the US.
If laws , bans , restrictions and regulations were the answer...then we wouldn't have a problem.
Yet...more laws , bans , restrictions and regulations keep on being proposed and passed..
Makes no damn sense to keep on doing the same as always...but expecting a different result.

Maybe it ain't a different result that is the end game here...maybe it is all about in control of people....
Yes it never has been about safety and security . The end game for gun grabbers is confiscation . If gun control was the answer many of the big cities with dracarion gun bans/laws would be heaped with the blessing of low crime and good will towards mankind ....... ain't happening .
Its quite the conundrum isn't it... we all have family or know people who are actively voting to take away our freedoms.

If gun control has its way it will become clear who the enemy is. Harris literally campaigned on prosecuting free speech, they are not even waiting to finish taking away the guns first.
I was perusing one of the articles and it seems that his argument, which I've seen from other historians, is that the 2nd amendment was written to ensure a regulated militia was in place instead of a permanent standing army, with the amendment protecting this specific arrangement.

One of my western civ professors taught that a student of history can never take an event or document out of context, and that it needs to be framed around political, economic, cultural, and oftentimes religious climates of the time. I've really been meaning to research this as it pertains to the 2A for my own benefit and understanding. Maybe when I retire... I'm also interested in English common law and how it influenced the thinking around private firearm ownership at the time.
Here is a link to information you may be interested in, especially English Common Law:
DEI is a policy that promotes minority or people of color over whites based on their race instead of merit. Its literally racism.
CRT is the idea America is systemically rascist, yet its illegal to discriminate.
Anti Free Speech, Harris/waltz literally campagned on prosecuting "misinformation". And nobody's banned any books, thats a liberal lie. Age appropriate school cirriculum has been a part of the education system since it went public. Deciding what cirriculum is age appropriate is NOT banning books. Anyone can buy those books and let their chdren read them as much as they want. The subject is about age appropriate school cirriculum.

Most moderate liberals continue to vote these politicians into office, but these are extremist policies from the progressive liberal movement.
Your definitions of DEI and CRT are not accurate. People with agendas twist and alter the definitions to make them sound more extreme and many accept those twisted definitions. Remember that neither of us are fond of echo chambers and I expect you to point out when you think I am pulling my information from one. For example, the "banned books" is in the grey area. Good point. However, there were laws passed that targeted a specific company for expressing a position that was political.
CRT is about HOW racism is imbedded in our society and institutions. Yes, you are correct that it is illegal to discriminate... it's also illegal to drive over the speed limit.
The purpose of DEI is to level the playing field and the goal is to hire and promote people based on their experience, NOT race or other traits. In practice, this is done by trying to NOT target job postings at specific demographics so you get a diverse group to choose from, leaving OUT any demographic information that identifies a persons race or other information, utilizing diverse interview panels, having structured interviews... In other words, the entire purpose is to try and make the hiring process blind to racial or other discrimination.
Your definitions of DEI and CRT are not accurate. People with agendas twist and alter the definitions to make them sound more extreme and many accept those twisted definitions. Remember that neither of us are fond of echo chambers and I expect you to point out when you think I am pulling my information from one. For example, the "banned books" is in the grey area. Good point. However, there were laws passed that targeted a specific company for expressing a position that was political.
CRT is about HOW racism is imbedded in our society and institutions. Yes, you are correct that it is illegal to discriminate... it's also illegal to drive over the speed limit.
The purpose of DEI is to level the playing field and the goal is to hire and promote people based on their experience, NOT race or other traits. In practice, this is done by trying to NOT target job postings at specific demographics so you get a diverse group to choose from, leaving OUT any demographic information that identifies a persons race or other information, utilizing diverse interview panels, having structured interviews... In other words, the entire purpose is to try and make the hiring process blind to racial or other discrimination.
Well put,

Its a shame the majority response will include fingers in their ears singing "la la la not listening"
From Sun Tzu, the art of war:
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Wife had tv news on this morning and this guy (Dominic Erdozain)starts yakking about guns & our "rights" so I listened up.
I really perked up when he started telling the interviewer reporter how the 2nd amendment "should be" interpreted. Even at that, stating how the founders of the 2nd amendment would be horrified at the current interpretation of our rights in whole.

To understand this individual, one merely needs to visit here. You'll get a good idea of the mentality of the very type of person that seeks to remove your 2nd amendment rights. Although I'm quite certain most of us already know the mentality of the anti 2A crowd.
Note: This person migrated here from England to Atlanta so you already have a head start on his mental state.

I do know I won't be buying any of his books because I've already read enough about him to know what his 2A position is. Now if he'd be so kind to go back to England and worry about his own countries issues.
IE: Their idea to support legalize assisted dying for starters. 6.66 million crimes in 2023/2024.
In the UK, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right. Ending 2023, 41% of all homicides in England/Wales were knife related.

Just another person (immigrant) that wants to change the values we live by and not deal with the problems from where they came from! o_O

This is it in a nutshell, a lot of immigrants come here wanting a "better life" and many of them do just that, they acclimate, assimilate and become Americans but a lot of of them decide that something is missing and that something is the culture that they were raised in so they fight fervently trying to make this country closer to the very country they left without realizing by doing that they're going to cause the same conditions and hardships that caused them to leave their original country in the first place. And the sad part is that even they themselves are too ignorant to realize this is what they're doing. All this culminates in the destruction of the American culture and ideals and thus brings us closer to that of which many of our forefathers died to abolish from this country long ago.
Plenty of folks migrate here because they appreciate the freedoms we have, not to change it. So, his being an immigrant is irrelevant. His arguments on guns are foolish, but he's entitled to his own wrong opinions. He's no different than millions of Americans who share his perspective. That just makes him an idiot, not an enemy.
I agree

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