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There is "family" and then there is money."Blood is thicker than water, but money is thicker than blood!" - Boss Hogg
I've seen and heard of this time and time again: one greedy sibling that maneuvers and schemes to take it all. I remember it happened to my parents when my grandfather passed away decades ago; one uncle figured out how to take the lion's share.
My dad swore and swore that it was never going to happen to his family. I never would have thought it would, either, but he passed several years ago, and it's even worse- a selfish sibling figured out how to take it all.
What this has taught me is that people are always more important than stuff. Rather than building property and wealth for the future, focus on building strong relationships. Everything my dad worked his lifetime to build up will eventually be frittered away and lost. What a waste.
Wife has 6 siblings. When her Mom got real ill her and ONE other sibling were the only ones who seemed to have any time to help. Her Father was 90 and was a full time care giver. Soon after her Mom went her Dad went down hill fast. Again her and one sibling were the only ones who seemed to have time to spend with him while he was in Hospice. After he was gone they all sure as hell wanted to know how much they were going to get though. They let them all go through the home and take whatever they wanted, sold the rest and then the home to divide up. His little dog? NONE of them wanted that. Few of them wanted to sell the damn thing.

Wife told them to pound sand, that we paid for the dog for him. So we ended up taking it. The best part is now that its all over no longer have to spend any time around the ones who had no time to help out.