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At least they were smart enough to get out.

I can't imagine that happening. Having to deal with it, pick up the pieces, and try to take care of my family when you can't work.

I feel for all those involved and pray this dies down before causing too much damage and destruction
At least they were smart enough to get out.

I can't imagine that happening. Having to deal with it, pick up the pieces, and try to take care of my family when you can't work.

I feel for all those involved and pray this dies down before causing too much damage and destruction

I can't believe the people who stay. :rolleyes: It's like if a poltergeist told you to "GET OUT!" You would get the hell outta of the house. Period. End of story. Cause you know if you stayed you get pulled into the t.v. set.

Well when they tell you that a CAT 3 hurricane is coming, that's the meteorological equivalent of poltergeist telling you to GET OUT! You grab the wife, the kids, the dog...maybe even the cat if he's conveniently located...and you LEAVE!! Because it's a CAT 3 hurricane...and oh by the way, what if they're WRONG!! Turns out Harvey came on shore as a CAT 4!! :s0001: Guess Harvey didn't get the memo that he was only supposed to be CAT 3.
It's the flooding that is going to be the problem. Great fun in 90% humidity and hot temps. Why anyone would live there is beyond me.
Oh I work with a guy from Texas and thinks it's the best place this side of heaven - but he lives in Oregon...
My dad lives NW of Houston in Tomball. Got a txt this am from him. Says Houston is flooding - in places houses have water to their roof tops. They are far enough inland to be spared the worst of the wind but their weather forecasts say they face upto a week of rain - his area is expecting possibly 12-20 inches :eek: - he says its coming in waves - enough to fill the ditches but then stops for a while. Ditches drain then rain starts. Tx NG is ready to move in and provide assistance once the storm lets up. Says the estimated dmg hes heard on local news thus far is $ 2BN :( its really done a number on coastal communities.

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