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YET! Again short memories. During the great hoax a TON of citizens went out of their way to try to snitch of people who were not drinking that koolaid.
Oh. OK.

Off to the "gulags" in America with the millions of folks who were snitched on.

My bad. You are correct.

America is a Communist/Fascist/Socialist country.

-I'll write about such openly on a firearms board, while drinking my coffee on my back deck.
TPTB will be dosing the area of totality during the eclipse with a cocktail of biological pathogens. YOU are the experiment!
I'd like to report the city of Portland. Mostly since 2019, we rarely go to downtown. About a month or so ago, the wife and I wanted to celebrate something, so we went to a seafood restaurant. Don't recall the name, but it was a little spendy. It was on a corner and across was a Japanese restaurant next to a parking lot where we parked.

Everywhere, were these zombied out druggies, hunched over at the waist, like they were trying to touch their toes, but locked into that position. I would say at least 7 in the two doorways we had to pass. A few were trying to help the worst amongst them. In 2019, this level of drugs hadn't hit, as far as I know.

I've seen it in videos but had managed to avoid it first hand. I would call the authorities, but this is what Oregonians voted for. The surprising part was, some were old. At least looked old. 40-45+ is too old for new drugs. Crack addicts can live forever but these synthetic drugs are killing people from the off.
I work in healthcare. A LOT of people at "middle age" get started on drugs and fall off a cliff fast. Also a LOT of people who "look" like they are my age are not. I regularly see people who could easily pass for being in their 60's who are under 30. It no longer even shocks me like it used too. A lot of these drugs rot people from the inside out at an amazing fast pace. The heavy blue localities will just ignore this and ever support it. The sad part is a LOT of the people who keep voting for it then scream when these zombies take over their neighborhoods. :s0092:
Common practice in failed Communist, Socialist & Fascist countries. Usually enticed via incentives.

Normally there would be no reward, and the "snitcher" would be hooked into snitching more. Then perhaps jailed, or executed themselves.

We are not a Communist/Socialist nor Fascist country.

Not. Even. Close.
While taking off this morning the radio came n (local country/western station) and a PSA was playing I started to listen to more intently.

The narrator was taking about 'witnessing odd behavior' and initially I expected it to be something about maybe substance with people however, then other people started to mention 'seeing odd, unusual or disturbing behavior' and how this is affecting society and as it went on it BEGAN to sound like people should look for ANYTHING abnormal, or out of place and then it ended with the narrator saying, ' If you see anything out of place or uncommon notify the authorities immediately'.

It was somewhat 'vague' but sounded like a 'left handed', 'red flag' suggestion.
"Odd" and "Abnormal" has become normal for potland.
Admittedly, I DO have both Absent-Minded Professor Complex and failing memory, to the point that some mornings it's a miracle I go out the door with my head in place on my shoulders...

No offense taken, amigo. :)
Me too! I think there is a loose connection in my brain. I can be talking and suddenly my mind goes blank. It's embarrassing when it happens speaking to a stranger. Getting old ain't for sissy's.

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