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I wonder if people are giving up altogether on hand loading, given the scarcity and sky high prices of primers (and powder)?
If I were running the companies that make hand loading equipment (RCBS, Dillon, Hornady etc.) I'd be trying like hell to get primers to consumers at reasonable prices.
Maybe starting new production lines or importing primers from overseas makers.
I'm guessing they've thought of this.

Anyway, I've been at it for more than 40 years, no plans to quit, but I am not encouraged by the current supply trends.
I hear you. All this started due to Obama putting environmental regulations on lead specifically tyo hurt shooters by making bullets overly expensive. I don't know what to say about buying powder but trying to get the IMR powders is like trying to find gold and about just as expensive. I used to pay about $8.95 for 1 LB of IMR-4350 now it's going for $45 or more.
Bullets now cost more than loaded rounds used to and primers cost what the bullets used to cost.
Typical democrat tactics, make everything they don't 'approve' of out of reach from the middle class but still available to their very well off donor class as well as the corrupt politicians which, of course, includes them.
I have just about had all I can stand with these people. Every time I turn around, there they are ruining some perfectly legitimate activity and getting away with it. Meanwhile, to accomplish their ends they violate the Constitution at will and break every law on the books if they must and no one is ever held to account because of a seditious and partisan media lying and covering and an utterly corrupt DOJ under still seething, anti-American AG Merrick Garland. It looks as though he will never recover from not being confirmed by the senate, thank God, for the Supreme Court. I cannot imagine a lawless, vindictive individual the like of him having a lifetime appointment to high court. He deserves a lifetime appointment to a federal supermax prison where he can do no further damage and where a few of his victims might be able to have the opportunity to discuss their cases with him in the hope of finally reaching a just settlement.
Even with todays absurd ammo prices I don't know if it pays to reload to save money. With luck, hopefully President Trump could be prevailed upon to undo, via executive orders, much of the damage done to the industry by democrats and get them back on an honest and normal path. There is no reasons for the prices to stay as high as they are other than they are getting away with it and becoming rich.
I don't believe there is a shortage as it would have had to have popped up out of nowhere with no other reason outside of the politics already mentioned. Demand did not suddenly triple, nothing else changed, just the democrat meddling. The prices should come back down once the restrictions on the extraction of lead are removed. Primers and powder can only be due to greed. The could have easily built additional manufacturing capabilities in all this time if there was a legitimate shortage so it can only be greed. Thanks for listening and sorry for injecting politics but one cannot discuss this issue without bringing up the politics behind the whole mess.
Just ordered two bags of 338WM brass I need to build wildcat ammunition on
192$ and change. Shooting is getting to be a rich man's sport.
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I've had to give up handloading ... Because I've run out of storage space. :confused:

I've got to do more shooting. :(
Same for me. I have found that converting components into loaded ammo does not create additional space. I am starting to get claustrophobic in my small reloading room!
You should all give it up and I will help repatriate your primers and powder. I would do this out of the goodness of my heart and for the kids you know! :cool:
Is this another form of "income distribution" fostered by a certain set of folly-ticians? 🥴

I'm a pro-choice shooter, myself. I like to choose the next gun that I NEED, or trade some of my green stuff for boolits, prr-imers, pooder, and be-rass without having to trade in my truck to pay for it.

I recall someone on this forum suggested a few years ago that it wasn't cost effective to continue reloading.

I'd like to talk to that person now. 😳
I just updated my reload cost sheet and the savings is definitely not where it was, but that is not why I reload anyway. The new pricing is based off the first companies I would deal with on Ammo Seek, but BiMart can beat these.

9mm/ RoundNewSave
$ 80.00$ 0.0800
$ 43.00$ 0.0270
$ 49.00$ 0.0980
/rnd$ 0.2050$ 0.298$ 0.0934
/50$ 10.25$ 14.92
45 acp
$ 80.00$ 0.0800
$ 43.00$ 0.0332
$ 75.00$ 0.1500
/rnd$ 0.2632$ 0.30$ 0.0417
/50$ 13.16$ 15.25
Man all I gotta say is I'm glad I bought in bulk and stacked deep several years back after the obummer debacle.
I hear you. All this started due to Obama putting environmental regulations on lead specifically tyo hurt shooters by making bullets overly expensive. I don't know what to say about buying powder but trying to get the IMR powders is like trying to find gold and about just as expensive. I used to pay about $8.95 for 1 LB of IMR-4350 now it's going for $45 or more.
Bullets now cost more than loaded rounds used to and primers cost what the bullets used to cost.
Typical democrat tactics, make everything they don't 'approve' of out of reach from the middle class but still available to their very well off donor class as well as the corrupt politicians which, of course, includes them.
I have just about had all I can stand with these people. Every time I turn around, there they are ruining some perfectly legitimate activity and getting away with it. Meanwhile, to accomplish their ends they violate the Constitution at will and break every law on the books if they must and no one is ever held to account because of a seditious and partisan media lying and covering and an utterly corrupt DOJ under still seething, anti-American AG Merrick Garland. It looks as though he will never recover from not being confirmed by the senate, thank God, for the Supreme Court. I cannot imagine a lawless, vindictive individual the like of him having a lifetime appointment to high court. He deserves a lifetime appointment to a federal supermax prison where he can do no further damage and where a few of his victims might be able to have the opportunity to discuss their cases with him in the hope of finally reaching a just settlement.
Even with todays absurd ammo prices I don't know if it pays to reload to save money. With luck, hopefully President Trump could be prevailed upon to undo, via executive orders, much of the damage done to the industry by democrats and get them back on an honest and normal path. There is no reasons for the prices to stay as high as they are other than they are getting away with it and becoming rich.
I don't believe there is a shortage as it would have had to have popped up out of nowhere with no other reason outside of the politics already mentioned. Demand did not suddenly triple, nothing else changed, just the democrat meddling. The prices should come back down once the restrictions on the extraction of lead are removed. Primers and powder can only be due to greed. The could have easily built additional manufacturing capabilities in all this time if there was a legitimate shortage so it can only be greed. Thanks for listening and sorry for injecting politics but one cannot discuss this issue without bringing up the politics behind the whole mess.
I don't think you have to worry too much about interjecting politics into threads on this platform. Just an observation but I think 90% or better of the members on this sight are either red or conservative at the least

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