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Intellectuall honesty is what has failed in this thread. You can not look at what the progressives are doing to this country and proclaim to be a patriot as you back them. Also it isn't up to the left to pick who the right should listen to. Anyone with honor in what they belive would put forward what they believe and why then leave others to make up their minds as to who is correct.

Palin is popular because she stands for an America alot of us know and love, that's why progressives hate Palin and the people who still believe in America. They hate America, that's what they were taught in school and have no common sense to see they are being led to slavery.

Next years tax bill ought to be a real eye opener, if our dollar is still any good.

Not all inclusive, but people that I, as a pro-labor pseudo-lefty, feel are (were) at least intellectually honest:
-Barry Goldwater
-William F. Buckley (Sr. and Jr.)
-Ron Paul (a little wacky, but there is a logic to a lot of what he says)
-Michael Medved
-Alex Castellanos
-John Stossel
-James Baker
-Dinesh D'Souza
-George Will

Even Lars Larson is more intellectually honest and willing to support his arguments with facts than Palin, Limbaugh or Beck.

That's pretty good. I'm a solid leftist in general but I appreciate quite a few modern right wing intellectual figures. Some of my favorites are:
George Jonas
Barbara Amiel
Barry Goldwater also
Mark Steyn
Jim Goad
Ezra Levant
Richard Nixon
and arguably Christopher Hitchens
And I feel sorry for you, because you don't seem to have a clue about the ideals that the founders of this once great country reflected when they did so. Hint hint, they would almost certainly have agreed with the three who you call moronic
Really? And just what would they agree on?

The founders were educated men who were the great thinkers of their time. They would have found these three to be insufferable clowns out just to better themselves and line their own pockets.
Intellectuall honesty is what has failed in this thread. You can not look at what the progressives are doing to this country and proclaim to be a patriot as you back them. Also it isn't up to the left to pick who the right should listen to. Anyone with honor in what they belive would put forward what they believe and why then leave others to make up their minds as to who is correct.

Palin is popular because she stands for an America alot of us know and love, that's why progressives hate Palin and the people who still believe in America. They hate America, that's what they were taught in school and have no common sense to see they are being led to slavery.

Next years tax bill ought to be a real eye opener, if our dollar is still any good.


Intellecutual honest requires the use of actual facts to back arguments,while the rights attacks are emotional, factless, and slogan based. Saying this current admin is fascist, communist, and bozoist is not an argument based on supported facts! seeing your side as being the one blessed by idealistic terms such as patriot, intellectually honest, America and freedom loving, or god fearing, and then calling your opposition America Hateing, conditioned in education, and leading us to tyranny, is just an open statement of the extent of your brainwashing. In addition, this argument has no intellectual honesty. I understand your fearful of change, but without it we are as dead as the dinos.

So I suppose you don't think anyone could oppose Palin on the basis of her lack of experience and education? Taking 6 years to get a BA in Journalism from a 2nd rate university is hardly a comforting level of i'ntellectual honesty' for someone that could be president. As a matter of fact it isn't even the type of education that could assure her of a mid level management position in a major corporation. President is a hard job, you need to put smart people into that job, or you end up with wars for nothing, and an unregulated wall street that nearly nuked the world financial environmnet a year ago while costing us 2 trillion just to shore it up.

Next years tax bill for the middle and below is going to be just about the same. I know your righties like to think the universe was created 10 months ago and want to wash you hands of the problems created by your team, but you have to ask yourselves, how 'intellectually honest' is this?
It's obviouse you have someone else shop for you because the taxes you pay are in the high prices because the progressives have tanked us worse. Obama paid millions to get elected and bought this house called America. He has been running it for months and every week we have had 500,000 unemployed (hard fact). We now have 10.2% unemployment that they will admit to.(fact) The destruction of the American economy is a fact.

Your attempt at itellectual honesty is failing you. Palin was a govenor of a state, Obama had done nothing even close to that. You deride what she has done yet back someone far less qualified for the job. Obama has never met a payroll. The progessives took off the regulations and have even bailed out those that failed the country. Geez I can't believe you are even attempting to justifie what your side is doing.

And the last point is, my team hasn't been in power for a long time. The conservative side has been taken over by progressives who are rinos. A true conservative would never have let this economy happen. Yet your party takes what is bad and makes it far worse.

I going to ask you a simple question. If your wife (or significant other) dies and leaves you with debt are you going to pay those debts or leave them for your kids? What is Obama doing?

I going to ask you a simple question. If your wife (or significant other) dies and leaves you with debt are you going to pay those debts or leave them for your kids? What is Obama doing?


Did you ever ask this question when Bush, Bush, and Reagan ran up their historic deficits?

Obama's - and Congress's - hands were forced by the economic crisis.
Did you ever ask this question when Bush, Bush, and Reagan ran up their historic deficits?

Obama's - and Congress's - hands were forced by the economic crisis.

Yes I did and I dropped out of the Repulican party because the rinos are ruining America too.. Some years ago. Why?

Obams hands were never forced to spend, they just never let a crisis go to waste. Ask Rahm about it.

Yes I did and I dropped out of the Repulican party because the rinos are ruining America too.. Some years ago. Why?

Obams hands were never forced to spend, they just never let a crisis go to waste. Ask Rahm about it.

I can respect that statement as long as the term "rino" is being used to describe neo-cons like Bush. I dropped out of the republican party because of "rinos" too. Not the moderate republicans the far right likes to call rinos, but the radical right wing fringe that pass themselves off as republicans these days. There is a reason less than 20% of Americans are willing to call themselves republican any more.
Did you ever ask this question when Bush, Bush, and Reagan ran up their historic deficits?

Obama's - and Congress's - hands were forced by the economic crisis.

Honestly - yes I did...

... and let's not forget that Congress contributes to the budget as well... so there's plenty of blame to go around for the current economic mess.

For me, the current health care issue really comes down to one thing - is it an appropriate role for government. My answer is no. I do believe that government to contribute to fixing the problem, but none of the plans actually try to address the root causes of the issue. No one has really honestly asked the question "why is the price of health care rising so much faster than inflation?" and "what can we do about it?" The left sees an opportunity for a grab of more of the economy. The right sees an opportunity to go after the trial lawyers. The approach on the left will "cover" everyone, but lead to much higher taxes and/or debts in the long run (see Massachusetts). The approach on the right will make a small dent, but only a small dent in a much larger problem.

At this point the government should be looking for ways to do LESS, not more. We have looming multi-trillion dollar medicare and social security issues which will bankrupt this nation in 10 years. We need to focus on how we’re going to deal with THOSE issues correctly rather than taking on more obligations.
It's obviouse you have someone else shop for you because the taxes you pay are in the high prices because the progressives have tanked us worse. Obama paid millions to get elected and bought this house called America. He has been running it for months and every week we have had 500,000 unemployed (hard fact). We now have 10.2% unemployment that they will admit to.(fact) The destruction of the American economy is a fact.

Your attempt at itellectual honesty is failing you. Palin was a govenor of a state, Obama had done nothing even close to that. You deride what she has done yet back someone far less qualified for the job. Obama has never met a payroll. The progessives took off the regulations and have even bailed out those that failed the country. Geez I can't believe you are even attempting to justifie what your side is doing.

And the last point is, my team hasn't been in power for a long time. The conservative side has been taken over by progressives who are rinos. A true conservative would never have let this economy happen. Yet your party takes what is bad and makes it far worse.


There you go again, I could refute every generality you toss with who is to blame and when the harm was done. Again you show that rightie disposition to make the universe only 9 months old.

Obama made it through being an honor law student even though he had none of the monetary and social advantages Palin had. To compare these two intelectually would reqire an exponential scale, with Palins dot solidly at the bottom left! Palin was gov of a state with 600K people that is so rich it gives them each a check every year just for being. Some payroll?

Then we have this slippery issue of your side, it seems to change with every paragraph. It seems your team could have never been in power for any longer than 25 words?

But, getting back to the thread, I get it jj you're angry (and you have justification though I question your targets), but you're not actually dripping acid venom, as our worst case example would be. We have a right to have these arms, and you have a right to your opinions, but we also have a duty to not scare the 'bejesus' out of people, least we be seen in the position of 'yelling fire in a crowded theatre'. If we come on like a pack of angry cases who want an armed revolution so we can make Glen Beck Da Furher (does that shirt he is wearing on the cover of his book give anyone else the creeps?) then they are going to feel more than fully justified in attempting to disarm us. I think the worst case is someone who acts out like Yosemite Sam. I know a few of them, don't you?
There you go again, I could refute every generality you toss with who is to blame and when the harm was done. Go ahead. I'm all ears. Again you show that rightie disposition to make the universe only 9 months old.

Obama made it through being an honor law student How do you know that? He has had all of his school records sealed from grade school on. even though he had none of the monetary and social advantages Palin had. How do you know that? How did he pay for Occidental College and Columbia college and then how did he get into and pay for law school at Harvard? There is no indication that he did himself. Did he have a backer? To compare these two intelectually Please learn to spell "intellectually" before you accuse someone of lacking the trait would reqire (sp) an exponential scale, with Palins dot solidly at the bottom left! Palin was gov of a state with 600K people that is so rich it gives them each a check every year just for being. Some payroll? You forget that she and her husband ran a business and that she was a mayor...

Then we have this slippery issue of your side, it seems to change with every paragraph. It seems your team could have never been in power for any longer than 25 words?

But, getting back to the thread, I get it jj you're angry (and you have justification though I question your targets), but you're not actually dripping acid venom, as our worst case example would be. We have a right to have these arms, and you have a right to your opinions, but we also have a duty to not scare the 'bejesus' I resent you using the Lord's name in vain out of people, least we be seen in the position of 'yelling fire in a crowded theatre'. If we come on like a pack of angry cases who want an armed revolution so we can make Glen Beck Da Furher (does that shirt he is wearing on the cover of his book give anyone else the creeps?) Ah! Shoot the messenger! then they are going to feel more than fully justified in attempting to disarm us. I think the worst case is someone who acts out like Yosemite Sam. I know a few of them, don't you? They don't need a push to try to disarm us.

Try again. :)
I can respect that statement as long as the term "rino" is being used to describe neo-cons like Bush. I dropped out of the republican party because of "rinos" too. Not the moderate republicans the far right likes to call rinos, but the radical right wing fringe that pass themselves off as republicans these days. There is a reason less than 20% of Americans are willing to call themselves republican any more.

40% of Americans call themselves conservative. Onloy 20% identify themselves as liberal. - Rasmussen Reports.
I see nothing nutty about Sarah but she probably is tougher and smarter than most of us.

You just told us as much about yourself as we need to know. I have squirrels in my back yard who are smarter than that kook. And I don't think of quitters who spend tens of thousands on clothes and hair in New York City as tough.

God save us if she ever becomes a presidential nominee.
You just told us as much about yourself as we need to know. I have squirrels in my back yard who are smarter than that kook. And I don't think of quitters who spend tens of thousands on clothes and hair in New York City as tough.

God save us if she ever becomes a presidential nominee.

it always amazes me how anyone can watch anything she has ever done and think she is not as dumb as a box of turnips.
You just told us as much about yourself as we need to know. I have squirrels in my back yard who are smarter than that kook. And I don't think of quitters who spend tens of thousands on clothes and hair in New York City as tough.

God save us if she ever becomes a presidential nominee.

Can you come up with something better than a personal attack? That's not particularly intellectual. If you followed the news you'd know that those clothes were bought by her handlers without her knowledge and she refused to wear most of them. They were later donated to charity.

Didn't you see and hear of how the Obama administration did a complete makeover on Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Nominee? It's pretty standard practice in politics, you know. It's not news.

She's smart enough to have become a mayor, and governor, a vice presidential nominee and a best selling author. She smart enough to have become very wealthy.

How are you doing in advancing your career, by comparison? :)
Obama made it through being an honor law student even though he had none of the monetary and social advantages Palin had. To compare these two intelectually would reqire an exponential scale, with Palins dot solidly at the bottom left! Palin was gov of a state with 600K people that is so rich it gives them each a check every year just for being. Some payroll?

Just because you're an honors law student (or even just an honors student) doesn't mean you can balance a budget, doesn't mean you can manage a project, doesn't mean you can manage people, and doesn't mean you have a lick of common sense. I've got a Ph.D. in chemistry... doesn't necessarily mean I know boo about geology. I went to school with a bunch of very brilliant individuals... some of which I wouldn't trust to tie my shoes in the real world.
There you go again, I could refute every generality you toss with who is to blame and when the harm was done. Again you show that rightie disposition to make the universe only 9 months old.

Obama made it through being an honor law student even though he had none of the monetary and social advantages Palin had. To compare these two intelectually would reqire an exponential scale, with Palins dot solidly at the bottom left! Palin was gov of a state with 600K people that is so rich it gives them each a check every year just for being. Some payroll?

Then we have this slippery issue of your side, it seems to change with every paragraph. It seems your team could have never been in power for any longer than 25 words?

But, getting back to the thread, I get it jj you're angry (and you have justification though I question your targets), but you're not actually dripping acid venom, as our worst case example would be. We have a right to have these arms, and you have a right to your opinions, but we also have a duty to not scare the 'bejesus' out of people, least we be seen in the position of 'yelling fire in a crowded theatre'. If we come on like a pack of angry cases who want an armed revolution so we can make Glen Beck Da Furher (does that shirt he is wearing on the cover of his book give anyone else the creeps?) then they are going to feel more than fully justified in attempting to disarm us. I think the worst case is someone who acts out like Yosemite Sam. I know a few of them, don't you?

YYYYAAAWWWWNNNN you love to read your own post:s0114::s0114: even when you know it's just drivil:s0112::s0112: If your guy was good you could post a history of the things "HE" has done rather than try to cut down Palin. Palin has run more than Obama and is much more qualified to be POTUS than he is.

Obama is a product racial diversity programs that promotes by color rather than quality and like I have said, you can't show anything he has done to show he knows how to run the country. 10.2% unemployment proves my point.

There are alot of black people far more qualified to be president than Obama, you will see them comming along very soon. Conservatives who believe in this country. I will be happy to vote for them as they have earned it. Look to Florida and you will know the guy I am talking about.


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