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Here you go @CamoDeafie .....

Bear attacks aren't that rare anymore, just more reported if in places "bears aren't supposed to be in" or "humans being jerks to bears/acclimating bears to human presence" or "humans being stupid. This is why we should close ""natural"" places to keep humans out" :rolleyes:
Ive read about more bear attacks this year than other years added up. The mainstream media isn't going to widely report anything solved with a gun though I was very surprised to read about the 72yr old who killed a charging grizzly this year in Montana, with a gun, on ...CNN. They didnt exactly elaborate on the gun though.

When reported, the 10mm has been the common caliber this year.
Ive read about more bear attacks this year than other years added up. The mainstream media isn't going to widely report anything solved with a gun though I was very surprised to read about the 72yr old who killed a charging grizzly this year in Montana, with a gun, on ...CNN. They didnt exactly elaborate on the gun though.

When reported, the 10mm has been the common caliber this year.
Thats why i said "anymore" ;)

Theres more bears out there, and probably more humans out in the woods.
Alot my friends says 10mm is the perfect bear round for self defense..couple years ago a bear was fighting with one of our dogs I took out my contender pistol in 45 70 and it took 1 shot to the head and was lights out instantly.
I suspect the jam occurred after the bear chomped down on him contacting the pistol operation. The fact he was able to clear the jam and finish the bear is badazz.
At least this hunter was smart enough to have something. How many hunt/ hike, where they know these critters live and carry nothing. Saying the attacks are so rare and such. A lot of them get away with it so more follow. Now and then one finds out their luck ran out.
He was an idiot. And a poor shot.
wait, wut?

A guy who hunts in Montana with run ins with bears is an idiot because he frequents bear country? Finishes a grizz with a 10mm in 10 shots a bad shot... while the bear is literally chomping down on him.. a bad shot?

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