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I am looking at 2, both 50 caliber, both in the same condition, hunted with but not abused. The Hawken is 250.00 the Renegade is 300.00 not figuring in the price difference do you prefer one over the other and why and I wish but I can't get both thanks
I am looking at 2, both 50 caliber, both in the same condition, hunted with but not abused. The Hawken is 250.00 the Renegade is 300.00 not figuring in the price difference do you prefer one over the other and why and I wish but I can't get both thanks
I owned a TC Hawken in the Early 1970's. It never let me down and shot well right out of the box (so to speak, it was a kit and I did all the finishing on it) Killed it's share of hogs in Florida as well as deer.
That being said, I would go with the Renegade if I had that choice today, but the caveat is, are they older rifles? Pre 1975? that would make my choice easier, but if they are more recent, then from what I have heard and discussed with others, Id say either was equal to the task, just don't expect to go to Rendezvous and get rave reviews.
I am no expert, heck I just got back into BP recently myself, but the real choices come from getting one of the older better barrels and locks. If you want to hunt with it, then both will work. If you are planning on reenacting, then neither are accurate in depicting weapons of the type. I have tried getting info and parts replacement with T/C in the last year and got no answer to my queries. There are a lot of them around and I would suspect someone somewhere makes replacement locks and such for them.
So like most things in this life, you pays your money, takes your chance, and with a little luck, you can come up a winner. Worse that happens is, you get a wall hanger that cost you a little more than you'd want to pay for one.
Speaking only for myself here....

Both are fine rifles...if not at all historically correct.
That does not matter to many folks...but it does matter to me.
I would go with the Renegade Model...since it ain't trying to fool anyone in this regard.

Both make for dandy hunting and shooting rifles.
Hey Andy I would really like to get a more historical correct representation flintlock kit but sadly my wallet ain't that fat lol and really I only want a muzzy to just have fun and maybe hunt with I can only get out for an afternoon or 1 day, my wife's health is very poor. I did find a TC Greyhawk 54 cal last night at a pawn one store here locally with a TC peep sight I know they are ugly but they are funky ugly so I talked him down to 300 and then he said oh by the way its store policy we do background checks on all muzzleloaders I didnt like that so I said no thanks and walked out do you guys think I should just get it anyways and wait my 14 days?
I talked him down to 300 and then he said oh by the way its store policy we do background checks on all muzzleloaders
Screw that guy. Hope his business dies and he needs to work and McDonald's for the rest of his life.
Hey Andy I would really like to get a more historical correct representation flintlock kit but sadly my wallet ain't that fat lol and really I only want a muzzy to just have fun and maybe hunt with I can only get out for an afternoon or 1 day, my wife's health is very poor. I did find a TC Greyhawk 54 cal last night at a pawn one store here locally with a TC peep sight I know they are ugly but they are funky ugly so I talked him down to 300 and then he said oh by the way its store policy we do background checks on all muzzleloaders I didnt like that so I said no thanks and walked out do you guys think I should just get it anyways and wait my 14 days?
If it was me....
I'd wait and save my pennies ifin' you want something that is more historically correct.
While the T/C rifles are fine shooting and hunting rifles...if you are itching for historical ....they just won't scratch that itch.

The Hawken Shop / Greene's Gun Shop in Oak Harbor gets some good rifles in ..might be worth a drive , if you are anywhere close.

As for that shop wanting to do the BS waiting period like a modern gun for a muzzle loader...
I wouldn't shop there...but that is just me.
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If you were able to get a T/C "Hawken"....*
There are things that you can do to make it more historic like...
Replacing the lock , sights and furniture...or even the stock...
Track of the Wolf...offers these , and you can do this one piece at a time
* edit to add....
cheap in the $300 range or less if you are lucky.
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Well I found a like new in the box TC Greyhawk 54 withe powder and a bunch of supplies, conicals and round balls from a private party for 350.00 so I couldn't pass that up and I still plan on getting one of the others

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