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From time to time I look for an original XP-100 on the used market. They seem neato to my eyes for silhouette shooting and similar. Part of the reason I never pulled the trigger, metaphorically, is they (or at least the originals I'm looking at) are in .221 Fireball. Neat cartridge, but I cannot justify adding another caliber and am, in fact, slowly downsizing just that.

Then I came across a specimen that was converted by a gunsmith from .221 Fireball to .223 Remington / 5.56㎜. Was this a common conversion? Any safety issues? Thanks much!
From time to time I look for an original XP-100 on the used market. They seem neato to my eyes for silhouette shooting and similar. Part of the reason I never pulled the trigger, metaphorically, is they (or at least the originals I'm looking at) are in .221 Fireball. Neat cartridge, but I cannot justify adding another caliber and am, in fact, slowly downsizing just that.

Then I came across a specimen that was converted by a gunsmith from .221 Fireball to .223 Remington / 5.56㎜. Was this a common conversion? Any safety issues? Thanks much!
Yes, this was a common conversion. I've shot one quite a bit, and it never blew up.:cool:
The XP-100 idea originally called for a .222 Rem. chambering, but that was found to have too much blast in the pistol. So the .221 Fireball was invented. Those were pretty hot stuff in the 1960's, I remember being shown one with the usual expressions of awe all around. After all these years, I still kinda like the plastic stock which was very like the Nylon 66 .22 semi autos. The Remington 700 Classic (2002 issue) was made in .221 Fireball. As a .222 Rem fan, I've liked that idea. But the .221 really has no advantage in the Model 700, it's a novelty. Putting the .221 Fireball in a rifle length barrel is counter to the original design concept.

Were I to have an XP-100, I'd want it in the original chambering. Just my personal preference. As a reloader, it wouldn't be that much extra trouble. The .221 will give around 2,600 fps. w/ 50 gr. bullet.
FWIW, I had one in ~ '88, was the original style stock with what I recall was a 15" barrel chambered in .223 Remington.
According to Wikipedia (yea, yea, not reliable. Blah, blah), The XP-100R model (4 round internal mag version) was actually offered in .223 so it seems like it's safe enough for the factory to offer it.

An excerpt:
"All but the XP-100R model were single-shot designs, while the XP-100R had a small internal magazine (holding four rounds), similar to most bolt-action rifles. The R model - for "repeater" - was made 1991-1997 in .223 Rem., .250 Savage, 7mm-08 Rem., .308 Win., .35 Rem., and 350 Rem. Mag. It was reintroduced in 1998, this time without sights, in .223 Rem., .22-250 Rem., .260 Rem., and .35 Rem."
The 1st XP I shot was an original 221 rechambered to 223 back in 1975. I have been hooked ever since. Currently still have an original early XP100 in 221 fireball.

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