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So, I just wrapped up the three novel series, dubbed "The Hot War", by Harry Turtledove. The books in the series are Bombs Away, Fallout, and Armistice. Not a bad summer read. Deathless prose? No, but a real treat for the history nerd, and just a delightfully stimulating set of books in the alternative history genre. For those that grew up during the Cold War, you'll likely enjoy this series.

Now I'm trying to decide on where to go next. I've settled on and started on two tonight:

  • The Postman, by David Brin. Everything I've read about the movie based upon said was it was one of the worst pieces of crap ever shat out by Hollyweird ... but the book is super good. And it is set in Oregon. I've gotten through 15-20% of said and have to say, indeed, it is, so far, a damn fine SHTF novel. (I read everything, nonfiction or fiction in the genre, so why not.)
  • Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality, by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá, a research psychologist and practicing psychiatrist, respectively, both based in Barcelona. I'm only about 5-10% into said text, but so far most interesting.
How about you? What summer reads have you enjoyed? Any recommendations moving forward into Fall? :)
Just finished reading "Caught in the Crosshairs" by Rick Steber,
It's a true story about an Eastern Oregon cowboy that was murdered out in the hills while riding a horse on the ranch he worked on.
The main suspects were never brought to justice and the probable motive involved illegal trophy elk hunting on private land.
Very well written with an in depth look at the lucrative profits made from guiding rich trophy hunters.
A 400 page service manual on 300-ton McQuay, air-cooled chillers.

Another 200 page operations manual on Daikin VRF systems.

Another manual on laser-alignment of motor shafts to pump shafts.

A book called, "Awesome Sheite My Drill Sergeant Said"

....and the NWFA forums, here and there.

I don't get out much, it seems. :rolleyes:
Because it seems we're going to go a full 360 with this experiment, decided to brush up on how the experiment started...

"Out of the Ashes" William W Johnstone pub 1983. Book 1 of 36 in a post apocalypse / dystopian series.

Not too invested in it as of yet, been pretty busy lately. Not sure I'll get into the series or not yet.

Interesting perspective though, given the story line contemporary to publication date.
I just finished the first two "Sharpe's" novels by Bernard Cornwall. Pretty good British military fiction set around the Napoleanic War era.
Third book in the Apocalypse series by Harley Tate. Sun emitted EMP wipes the worlds power system. Pretty good series thus far.
Just finished Rough Riders by Mark Lee Gardner last night. Before that, Road to Disaster [about Vietnam] by Brian VanDeMark. Part way through Ratification [about the Constitution] by Pauline Maier and The Body & The Blood [middle east] by Charles M. Sennott. I tend to be reading several books in parallel, and what I pick up each night depends on my mood.

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