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I have a question for the community .
Why in the world do gun friendly folks, like most on here are, insist on using PayPal as as a form of payment?
This company will refuse any transaction if anything firearms is mentioned ( guns, gun parts, ammunition, etc) when there are at least two, if not more, alternatives (Zelle, Venmo) that do not charge any transaction fees what so ever. PayPal (unless you lie) will charge you a 3% transaction fee.
And the kicker is Paypal is as anti-gun as you can get. I'm sorry I don't have the numbers but PayPal and its evil twin Ebay donate beaucoup $$ to the DNC.
So any takers on an explanation?
I use them, they don't use me.
So you don't have a problem with the way they conduct business? "Use friends and family"..... "don't mention anything firearm related " bunch a B.S.? Not to mention someone is paying them. If it's not the buyer it's the seller. And a portion of that $ goes to their agenda?
The ultimate needle in their big Paypal all seeing eye is using their service to purchase firearms and firearm accessories.
It's poetic justice.
I can only control what I can control. They can pound their hamster fists on the keyboard and make all the rules they want, but in the end I send someone a few $$ and that's that. Is it gun related?'s 'parts'
I can only control what I can control. They can pound their hamster fists on the keyboard and make all the rules they want, but in the end I send someone a few $$ and that's that. Is it gun related?'s 'parts'
So why not use another payment option?
One that isn't so obviously anti 2nd ?
Why give weapons to the enemy?
So why not use another payment option?
One that isn't so obviously anti 2nd ?
Why give weapons to the enemy?

what is the difference between using an Overt vs Covert anti 2A company? at the end of the day it is still anti 2A.
it comes down to options and unfortunately we don't have a financial institution or means that is Pro 2A.
Control...I can only control what I can control, and to be honest, it aint much anymore and it feels pretty good.
Unfortunately, I don't know for sure weather all or any banking systems are pro or anti 2nd amendment. The one thing I do know is that PayPal is anti. And they take pride in showing it.
My point is, why give $ to PayPal, whom we know is anti 2nd amendment, when there are other options?
It baffles me that almost every ad in the classifieds takes PayPal or USPS money order (which is a major pain) but no other option?
No idea who / what Zelle, Venmo are. Don't presently care to spend the time learning if they provide services I would trust, I don't know their business models. If they aren't charging for their service what's in it for them. Most of us have learned that one way or another we end up having to pay for our lunch. So... some of us just use what we know.
They in their rules that you can't use PayPal for anything Gun Related and me I just like to get their services for the things I want! :)
I actually had to delete my PayPal account recently due to repeatedly being hacked. Some scumbag figured out a way to use the mobile app to hack it, and I kept getting emails about pending withdrawls. I contacted PayPal, went through all the steps to alert them of the fraud, reset my password to a new one that was VERY strong, and what do you know, the next day it was hacked again, same way. Called them again, let them know that if they can't keep their service secure im not able to be a customer anymore. Glad to not be supporting another anti-gun business. I'll stick with money orders if i' going to be purchasing a firearm online.
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No idea who / what Zelle, Venmo are. Don't presently care to spend the time learning if they provide services I would trust, I don't know their business models. If they aren't charging for their service what's in it for them. Most of us have learned that one way or another we end up having to pay for our lunch. So... some of us just use what we know.
Zelle is a payment option that most banks recognize (check your banks online payment options) and Venmo is a no cost, no ask, no tell option that believe it or not is offered by PayPal.....LMFAO!
I actually had to delete my PayPal account recently due to repeatedly being hacked. Some scumbag figured out a way to use the mobile app to hack it, and I kept getting emails about pending withdrawls. I contacted PayPal, went through all the steps to alert them of the fraud, reset my password to a new one that was VERY strong, and what do you know, the next day it was hacked again, same way. Called them again, let them know that if they can't keep their service secure im not able to be a customer anymore. Glad to not be supporting another anti-gun business. I'll stick with money orders if i' going to be purchasing a firearm online.
And then there's THAT! Sorry to hear that bro. Hope things work out.

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