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So I was reading this article over at The Week. It's about Obama's blunders and how they're going to lead us into another conflict in the middle east.

What catches me... is the argument for staying out of the conflict.

The first error is hardly unique to Obama; in fact, it's made constantly in the nation's capital. When atrocities are committed, when innocents suffer, when cities are shelled, when citizens are turned into refugees and children into orphans, the instinctual response among Washington politicians, journalists, and policy wonks is to assume we need to "do something" to stop it. While the instinct is admirable, it is based on the unexamined assumption that the United States has the same moral duties as an individual human being. It does not.

If a strong and well-armed individual refuses to come to the aid of someone being assaulted, we judge that person harshly — because his obligations are clear: He should defend the victim, even at the risk of injury to himself. If he displays a willingness to sacrifice his own well being in the act of fulfilling his moral duty, we call him selflessly courageous; it he doesn't, we denounce him for cowardice and selfishness. That's how moral judgment works.

These are the same arguments that WE make about 1.) Refraining from knee jerk reactions to pass gun control, and 2.) Armed citizens with concealed carry permits.

It floors me how it can be so OBVIOUS to them when it serves their argument, but is so oblivious to them when it comes to a position that they oppose.

Full article:

Why Syria may be Obama's gravest foreign policy blunder ever - The Week
I've been in the Washington DC area all week for work, and finally realized why so many of them turn so stupid here.

No coffee.

It is a serious pain in the *** trying to find a decent coffee shop around here. I suspect it's contributing to their insane crime rate too. Everyone that shows up here goes either stupid or crazy from lack of good coffee.

Thank God I get to escape in two more days.

Yes. Its time tested and effective. Sounds like he finally went to Bill Clinton for some advice.

Taking sides in Syria is a foreign policy blunder of epic proportions. It will be the latest in a series of increasingly bad judgement in foreign policy.

I'm trying to figure out now how best to survive in a third world economy. Probably have to start a go go bar to live off of the sex tourists that will come in from other more affluent countries like Mexico.
If you saw it on the websites it is already a done deal & there is nothing but the formalities that can be adjusted. It has already got Owebammas scribbling on it!!!

WAR is HELL and Owebamma is jumping on the bandwagon, how else can he take his mind off his crumbling administration???
He plans to bring thousands of those terrorists to the US calling them refugees.
IMPEACH THE ----------- NOW.
He is going everything possible to undermine the US.
I've been in the Washington DC area all week for work, and finally realized why so many of them turn so stupid here.

No coffee.

It is a serious pain in the *** trying to find a decent coffee shop around here. I suspect it's contributing to their insane crime rate too. Everyone that shows up here goes either stupid or crazy from lack of good coffee.

Thank God I get to escape in two more days.

Whu?? You don't like Dunkin Donuts water-tasting coffee, brewed with the best natural spring-fed toilet water?

I totally agree with you.. Trying to find a decent cup of coffee on the east coast is a joke, and everyone worships that awful Dunkin Donuts swill. Their donuts aren't even good!!!
Turkish Police find Chemical Weapons in the Possession of Al Nusra Terrorists heading for Syria | Global Research

Turkish Police find Chemical Weapons in the Possession of Al Nusra Terrorists heading for Syria

By Gearóid Ó Colmáin

Global Research, May 30, 2013 ^1

"According to a report in Turkey's state media agency Zaman, agents from the Turkish General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü) ceased 2 kg of sarin gas in the city of Adana in the early hours of yesterday morning. The chemical weapons were in the possession of Al Nusra terrorists believed to have been heading for Syria.

Sarin gas is a colourless, odorless substance which is extremely difficult to detect. The gas is banned under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.

The EGM identified 12 members of the AL Nusra terrorist cell and also ceased fire arms and digital equipment. This is the second major official confirmation of the use of chemical weapons by

Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria after UN inspector Carla Del Ponte's recent statement confirming the use of chemical weapons by the Western-backed terrorists in Syria.

The Turkish police are currently conducting further investigations into the operations of Al-Qaeda linked groups in Turkey.[1]

This further confirmation that the Syrian ‘rebels' are using chemical weapons while also using Turkey as a base of terrorist operations against Syria, could cause further domestic problems for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whom Turkish opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu has called the ‘chief of the terrorists'.[2]

The Syrian National Coalition abroad has persisted in accusing the Syrian government of using chemical weapons. The Syrian National Coalition Head of Media Khaled Saleh told Al Jazeera on May 26th that Turkish authorities were certain about the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government.

Saleh also claimed that he was in contact with several ‘brigades' fighting in Syria. Perhaps, Mr. Saleh should be advised to consult the Turkish police now that one of his ‘brigades' has been arrested in possession of chemical weapons.[3]

Unsurprisingly, this Turkish report failed to make international headlines. From the beginning of the Syrian war, the international press agencies have attempted to portray the Al-Qaeda invasion of Syria as a ‘popular revolution', which started out as a ‘peaceful protest' against a ‘brutal regime'. The fact that there was never a modicum of evidence to support such claims has not hindered the avalanche of vituperation and demonization of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad and the Syrian Arab Republic.

France's daily Le Monde published an ‘exclusive' report on the 27th of May 2013 which claimed to have ‘proof' that the Syrian government was using chemical weapons ‘against its own people'. However, the report simply relied on statements by ‘activists' and ‘rebels', who most serious commentators have described as unreliable sources of information.

Le Monde's report came just in time as the French government was pushing the European Union to lift the embargo on arms to the terrorists in Syria. The confirmation by previous articles in Le Monde that the opposition in Syria is in fact Al Qaeda [4],

together with the reluctance of EU partners Germany, Austria, and other countries to openly back the terrorists, has isolated Paris and London, exposing the British and French governments as state sponsors of terrorism.

In January 2013, Russian television station RT published leaked documents from British corporation Britam Defense, which revealed a plan by Qatar to deliver chemical weapons to Homs in Syria, with the aid of Britam Defense. The British company was to provide Ukrainian personnel to act as Russian military advisors in order to implicate the Russian government in the crime. The email suggested that the Qataris were providing ‘enormous' amounts of money for the plan and that it was approved by Washington. [5]

The Japhat Al-Nosra terrorist organization has not hidden its desire to gas the Alawite minority in Syria. A video was posted on U Tube on December 4th 2012 showing terrorists testing chemical weapons on rabbits, while vowing to exterminate Alawite Syrians in a similar fashion.[6]

Iran's Press TV also published a report which showed terrorists using chemical weapons.[7]

As the Western-backed terrorists lose ground to government forces in Syria, the likelihood of further massacres committed by the terrorists and blamed on the Syrian government grows. However, as more and more reports contradict the official media narrative on the Syrian war, the voices of truth are acquiring critical mass, threatening to bring down once and for all NATO's oppressive media empire." ^1
It appears the Obama administration is violating the NDAA.

Section 1021(b)(2) of the NDAA law allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens on "suspicion of providing substantial support" to groups engaged in hostilities against the U.S. such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

The indefinite detention provision also applies to Americans who have given "substantial support" to terrorists or other "associated groups".

Although the administration has attempted to differentiate between FSA militants and Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria, the two groups have become one and the same. Even if you make a distinction between the FSA and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Syria, the FSA is still clearly an "associated group" under the terms of the NDAA.

By announcing that his administration will arm the Syrian rebels in anticipation of a no fly zone being imposed over areas of the country, President Barack Obama is giving direct support, aid and comfort to terrorists. Obama and his top administration officials clearly represent a national security threat to the interests of the United States and should immediately be arrested and detained under the NDAA.

The evidence that FSA militants in Syria are being led by Al-Qaeda terrorists and are carrying out terrorist atrocities is overwhelming.

- Jabhat al-Nusra is now the leading front line fighting force in Syria and is commanding the other rebel groups.

- In April, the head of Jabhat al-Nusra pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri.

- FSA militants are defecting to Jabhat al-Nusra in droves.

- Jabhat al-Nusra killed U.S. troops in Iraq.

- Immediately after the State Department declared Jabhat al-Nusra a terrorist organization, 29 different FSA militant outfits pledged allegiance to the Al-Qaeda group.

- FSA militants have vowed to "fight the U.S." once they finish with Bashar Al-Assad.

-FSA militants have been filmed burning US and Israeli flags on more than one occasion.

- FSA militants have been filmed singing songs that glorify Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks.

- One FSA group even calls its fighting unit the "Osama Bin Laden" brigade.

- Another video shows FSA militants chanting, "We are all with Osama bin Laden!"

- FSA militants have voiced their desire to see the Al-Qaeda flag fly over the White House once the rebels are victorious across the region.

- FSA militants have been filmed cutting out people's hearts on camera and eating them while chanting "Allahu Akbar".

- FSA militants have been responsible for innumerable beheadings over the course of the conflict, chanting "Allahu Akbar" as they decapitate their victims.

- FSA militants have committed innumerable sectarian murders, including beheading a man for being a Christian and feeding him to the dogs.

- FSA militants have also forced children to behead people and carry out other atrocities.

- FSA militants have ransacked Christian churches.

-FSA militants have massacred entire villages of Christians.

- Earlier this week,FSA militants slaughtered a 14-year-old boy for supposedly insulting Mohammed.

-FSA militants have murdered numerous journalists in targeted killings, including Maya Nasser and most recently Yara Abbas.

- FSA militants have been pictured numerous times flying the black flag of Al-Qaeda and wearing uniforms with Al-Qaeda insignia.

- FSA militants have been caught on camera preparing chemical weapons attacks.

- In March, UN human rights investigator Carla del Ponte said FSA rebels had used chemical weapons.

- FSA militants have forced prisoners to become suicide bombers.

- According to eyewitnesses on the ground, at least half of the so-called "Syrian rebels" aren't even Syrian and are foreign jihadists sent by the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

In announcing that his administration will provide arms to Al-Qaeda terrorists and associated groups like the FSA, Obama has violated his oath to protect and defend America against its enemies and should at the very least be subject to immediate impeachment proceedings, if not detained under the NDAA which clearly outlines the illegality of providing support to terrorist organizations.
The biggest terrorist in America occupies our Whitehouse.
And he wants to disarm us....
Cold day in hell !
7 Reasons War with Syria is a Really Bad Idea | The Daily Sheeple

Given the long-range planning for what we see transpiring now in front of us, it is unlikely that a new war in Syria will be thwarted, which is why we must share this information with as many people as possible. Western imperialism will not stop with its current target — there are many more in its crosshairs, and it intends to march on toward the finish line with Iran and beyond. Perhaps if more people can see for themselves the documented, irrefutable evidence of an orchestrated plan playing out before their eyes, a final awakening can occur.
Hey?! You don't expect those illiterate, savage, primaitive, jag-offs to build their caliphate on their own do you? They're going to need some good ol' yankee machinery, tactics, and technology to scoot that along... and we have JUST THE GUY IN OFFICE to help 'em out!

C'mon pull yer heads out!

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