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I've got a couple of those right there in view. :oops:
Same here, some are pretty comical…

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That ^ reminds me...Some years ago I was charging some handgun rounds and noticed powder kernels on the bench (??).
WTH?....Somehow I'd missed priming a case. o_O That was back when I still grabbed a primed case out of the container, charged it, and set it in the loading block. I now charge cases sitting IN the block.
the other day i loaded two hundred rounds of 38spl for my grandsons cowboy shoot.
seating the bullets i had one that didnt feel right,
Cracked case.

After i seat then crip the cartridges i put them in a old plastic ammo tray with the primer up in the air,
I had one case with a primer put in sideways.

It pays to be observant.

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