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As some of you know, I have several guns for sale/trade on the Classifieds. Looks like I picked the wrong time to move what I'm trying to move, ads have been up for several weeks and I've had little to no interest. That changed last week when a forum member offered me an EAA Tanfoglio Witness 9mm in trade for my old Marlin 336. For those unfamiliar with the breed, it's another of the plethora of CZ 75 clones, this one made in Italy. This happens to be a '99 vintage, small frame, all steel pistol, and if you're familiar with the CZ, there's nothing here you wouldn't recognize.

I was expecting something pretty much the same size and weight as my 1911, but when I picked it up the first time, it seemed smaller and quite a bit lighter. It has the Hogue wrap around finger groove grips on it, and it instantly made itself right at home in my hand. Turns out it's pretty much exactly the same size as the 1911, but 4 oz. lighter, which doesn't seem like much when you're talking about a 2 1/2# pistol, but it's a really noticeable difference, in a good way. Much as I like my 1911, this just feels quicker and more nimble to handle. I haven't tested it yet, but the trigger is surprisingly good, there's some creep and a fair amount of overtravel, but despite that, the SA break still manages to be crisp and light, I'm guessing under 4#, and the DA is stagey but still quite acceptable, and lighter than I expected. Both are lighter than my Taurus PT 92, and it's 5.5 & 10.4 IIRC. Finish looks Parkerized, although it's got more sheen to it than that, but it's nice and even, and shows very little wear, especially considering its age. Fit and finish is also very good, with very few minor machining marks in non-visible areas, none of which will affect function. The frame feels light, so light, in fact, that at first I was thinking it was aluminum, but a magnet quickly dispelled that notion.

Now for the bad. The sights are a typical 3 dot configuration, with the front sight dot being larger than the rear, which is good. But the front sight itself is part of the slide, so changing it would be a PITA. That said, I don't think it's an issue, I rather like them just as they are. Oh, another bonus, it fits the same holster as my 1911, and since they're both range toys, that means I don't need to buy another one.

Unfortunately, I don't know when I'll be able to actually shoot it, and no, I don't have any pics yet, either. Will post again when I get the chance to rectify both situations. All in all, I'm very happy with my latest acquisition, and if this is typical of Tanfoglio guns, they may just be one of the best bang for the buck guns I've ever laid my hands on. I think my Taurus could start feeling neglected, and even my 1911 might want to consider suing for alienation of affections ;). More later, guys.

Update on what's been going on with the "new" pistol. Decided to tear it down and do a deep cleaning and some judicious internal polishing, pretty much eliminated the trigger creep, but then the safety quit working right, original was showing some serious wear. Installed a new safety, but then it only sort of worked, some of the time :rolleyes:. Turns out the firing pin block safety spring was a bit too strong, it was causing problems by putting too much pressure on the sear. Trimmed a few coils, and voila! Test fired it this afternoon, only a few rounds, but what a soft shooting sweetheart of a pistol, I think I'm in love :s0116:. Looking forward to a real range session, will post more then. Later.


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