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I dunno, my RDB beats out most other bullpups hands down. Jury is still out on the RFB, but if it comes even close to the RDB those bears don't stand a chance.
Yeah, it's kind of like the Hi-Point haters, but must be doing something right as they function and are still in business :) (Not saying I'd own one though)
Yeah, it's kind of like the Hi-Point haters, but must be doing something right as they function and are still in business :) (Not saying I'd own one though)
Might be an ergonomic thing. I don't like Glocks, not because I don't think they are decent guns, but rather because the don't fit me well. Kel Tec has their own style and ergonomics, so it you don't like that I can see never wanting to pick one up. But past that different people need different things. No shade on what you like.
I knew there was a hidden camera in my bathroom!


My Boy had one of those toys. At the time I saw it I gave him crap for buying KelTec. Never shot one, but would like to actually. I can see them useful as a back pack/survival gun.
Mike, right up until you said kel tec, I was convinced your boy had a not so hidden camera in your bathroom. That was a rollercoaster of a post.
Kinda surprised KT hasn't come out with a pistol version of the sub2k. With a 8" barrel and a picatinny rear for mounting a folding brace, that would get downright tiny. Sure they'd need to redesign the charging mechanism, but that would be pretty simple. It'd be the foldiest of foldy guns.
Kinda surprised KT hasn't come out with a pistol version of the sub2k. With a 8" barrel and a picatinny rear for mounting a folding brace, that would get downright tiny. Sure they'd need to redesign the charging mechanism, but that would be pretty simple. It'd be the foldiest of foldy guns.
I'd probably buy it, I think I have room in the safes.
I get that and know these aren't for everyone. I want to make it clear, this is not a defense gun but, something to plink and have fun with. I have other firearms that serve the defense purpose. :D
Isn't it funny how we gun owners tend to see guns as only useful for purposes that we would use them for?

A hunter looks at a vintage military rifle, and thinks "Why would anyone want that heavy, clunky old piece of junk? It's not much good for hunting."

The self-defense guy looks at a classic revolver and think "Why would anyone want that? It's heavy, low capacity, and hard to conceal."

Not every gun is a hunting gun or a self-defense gun. Some of us like to shoot just for fun. There's nothing wrong with that. :)

I picked up one of the KelTec's in 40 a while back. Makes a great backpack gun, it's a multi mag version.
I have one of those. I bought it because it folds into such a tiny space, fits in a backpack nicely. I had to tinker with it when it was new, to get it to shoot straight and reliably. A very slight chamfer on the chamber mouth completely fixed the reliability issue, and rotating the front sight assembly slightly got it on target. Since then it's been great. It's still not something I would rely on for life and death, but it is fun to shoot.

I let a friend shoot it once, and he absolutely hated it. The ergonomics are terrible, the sights are awful, and the trigger pull is atrocious - all true, but I still like it for what it is.
Isn't it funny how we gun owners tend to see guns as only useful for purposes that we would use them for?

A hunter looks at a vintage military rifle, and thinks "Why would anyone want that heavy, clunky old piece of junk? It's not much good for hunting."

The self-defense guy looks at a classic revolver and think "Why would anyone want that? It's heavy, low capacity, and hard to conceal."

Not every gun is a hunting gun or a self-defense gun. Some of us like to shoot just for fun. There's nothing wrong with that. :)

I have one of those. I bought it because it folds into such a tiny space, fits in a backpack nicely. I had to tinker with it when it was new, to get it to shoot straight and reliably. A very slight chamfer on the chamber mouth completely fixed the reliability issue, and rotating the front sight assembly slightly got it on target. Since then it's been great. It's still not something I would rely on for life and death, but it is fun to shoot.

I let a friend shoot it once, and he absolutely hated it. The ergonomics are terrible, the sights are awful, and the trigger pull is atrocious - all true, but I still like it for what it is.
I look at them and think "why would I want that, it's held together with screws"
You do have a point. It is the only KelTec I'm likely to ever own. The plastic held together with screws part is a turn off for me too, kind of screams "cheap junk". What I really like about it is the compact design; I just wish it was better executed. If it was though, it would be twice the price, and I would never have bought it, so there is that.

I still like it, regardless. It's a fun gun. Not everything has to be practical.
I see no problem using a KT for defense. Decent caliber, reasonably accurate, ability to mount optics... So long as it cycles reliably, should be fine. Not like you're taking into combat.
I look at them and think "why would I want that, it's held together with screws"
Agreed. But for a plinker I'd try one. I'm by no means a KT fan either but for the intended purpose it might be fun.
I have a Gen 2 SUB2000 in 40 S&W.

Right Side-Extended.jpeg

Truly, the greatest battle rifle in the greatest defensive caliber of all time!!! (Discuss...)

Kermit popcorn.jpeg

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