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Yesterday I picked up my new full size 1911 carry gun: a Kimber Custom CDP chambered in .45acp. This is my 3rd 1911.I've been carrying a 9mm Ruger SR9 for Winter carry(I carry something smaller in Summer), but I'm a 1911 guy and while the Ruger did the job the Glock like safety trigger is a bit of a dog compared to a good 1911, even after I did a trigger job on it. Now my carry gun matches the model gun I compete with in Bullseye Pistol. It will also serve as my IDPA gun for Custom Defensive Pistol (CDP) division.

It has a full length guide rod and ambidextrous safety and beveled mag well yet weighs only 31 ounces! It's unusually light for a 1911 —you notice it as soon as you pick it up— and well under the 43oz (with empty mag inserted) IDPA weight limit. You do get more felt recoil with the lighter gun, as you'd expect, but it's not bad at all. I don't think I'd run +P loads through it, though, or the barrel might leave a mark on my forehead, or maybe not...I should try it! I ran a box of 230gr ball through it with no malfunctions. I'll be playing around with different loads and likely go down to 200gr as I look for the right mix of charge and bullet weight it likes best that will also make Major Power Factor for matches.

4B411FAB-4090-4329-B140-5FBE1D66EEEF.jpeg 021D5B4A-55EB-4188-8ABE-FCCE5C58168A.jpeg
Yesterday I picked up my new full size 1911 carry gun: a Kimber Custom CDP chambered in .45acp. This is my 3rd 1911.I've been carrying a 9mm Ruger SR9 for Winter carry(I carry something smaller in Summer), but I'm a 1911 guy and while the Ruger did the job the Glock like safety trigger is a bit of a dog compared to a good 1911, even after I did a trigger job on it. Now my carry gun matches the model gun I compete with in Bullseye Pistol. It will also serve as my IDPA gun for Custom Defensive Pistol (CDP) division.

It has a full length guide rod and ambidextrous safety and beveled mag well yet weighs only 31 ounces! It's unusually light for a 1911 —you notice it as soon as you pick it up— and well under the 43oz (with empty mag inserted) IDPA weight limit. You do get more felt recoil with the lighter gun, as you'd expect, but it's not bad at all. I don't think I'd run +P loads through it, though, or the barrel might leave a mark on my forehead, or maybe not...I should try it! I ran a box of 230gr ball through it with no malfunctions. I'll be playing around with different loads and likely go down to 200gr as I look for the right mix of charge and bullet weight it likes best that will also make Major Power Factor for matches.

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I like mine but didn't care for the pro version in the second pic.

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