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Have you ever had a firearm stolen?

  • I have never had a firearm stolen from me.

    Votes: 28 54.9%
  • I have had firearms stolen and I never saw them again.

    Votes: 17 33.3%
  • I have had firearms stolen and eventually had some of them returned to me.

    Votes: 6 11.8%

  • Total voters
If you have had a firearm stolen was the thief an acquaintance/person you know?

Did you have the serial number of the firearm stolen?

Do you keep a list of your firearm serial numbers? If so where/how do you keep the list?

Just curious, Thanks.
I've never had a gun stolen from me.
I used to have a list of the guns I owned and their serial numbers. That list is now outdated and I should make a new one.
Thanks for the reminder.
My uncle lost not only his guns, but also his house when the thieves burned it down to cover their tracks. At first the "investigators" thought it was an accident until my uncle asked them, "Then how come there aren't ANY burnt guns in the mess?"
He never saw any of his guns again. Real shame, too. It was nice little log home. :-(
I have never had a firearm stolen from me.

At times , I have sold firearms at a price that was a "steal"...or gave them away...but that is a different story...:D

As for keeping a list and where...I ain't going to put that information out on the internet.
Yes. All guns stolen from my house while in the Service.

Suspect(s)? Probably neighbors (stole taxidermy too!).

Had some ser #'s. None recovered.

I'm with Andy regarding a well-founded cautious mentality when it comes to a computer or software cataloguing.

We Luddites gotta stick together. ;)
I'm with Andy regarding a well-founded cautious mentality when it comes to a computer or software cataloguing.

We Luddites gotta stick together. ;)
I am all for cataloging names and numbers via a computer system....look how well that has recently worked for Washington ...:rolleyes: :D

Sorry to read that your firearms and other times were stolen...and more than likely by neighbors....ugh.

Luddites of the world if only this carrier pigeon would fly faster....
Wait...what if your carrier pigeon has ADD...? :D
I had a new to me limited edition S&W PC revolver in 40 S&W stolen the same day I just laid $1700 down to buy it. It was an impulse buy and when I got home, my wife liked the rosewood grips and titanium cylinder so much she stole it from me. I didn't know which way the conversation would got with such an expensive impulse buy but she simply said, "what did you buy for you?" I wasn't sure whether to call the police or what to do.
I also keep an accurate inventory count of all my ammo except 22LR... that's like counting cats at night.
After the "ant fiasco" I inventoried all of my ammo. Then I found some in the trunk of the Mustang, behind the seat of my truck, in the motorhome.... :)
While I was called off to the Army, my young wife was home alone in a rental house. Just a few days before I came home from AIT to PCS, somebody broke in and stole the two handguns that my Brother in Law loaned us to keep her safe while I was gone.

Ironically, my wife had her childhood and very protective Dalmation, but for reasons I don't remember, was not at home during the break-in. I'm thinking my Wife and dog were sleeping at the in-laws, as our house was completely packed up for her move to meet me at my first duty station.

Last Edited:
If you have had a firearm stolen was the thief an acquaintance/person you know?

Did you have the serial number of the firearm stolen?

Do you keep a list of your firearm serial numbers? If so where/how do you keep the list?

Just curious, Thanks.
I once had a .22 and some tools stolen from my car. I reported it to the police.
Back around 2014/2015, I bought three poverty pony lowers on sale, one went missing. There were a few people who visited me in my garage that week - I suspected the neighbor's son, but his father never found it. Hadn't recorded the S/N yet.
Only a select few people have visited since.

Since then, I'm more diligent on recording the S/N of every firearm and optic, as there are quite a few $$$ in those too.
I also keep lists of my reloading dies, casting molds, sizers and top punches.
I used to keep inventory on my reloading components, but that's tedious on a constantly shifting pile.
If you have had a firearm stolen was the thief an acquaintance/person you know?

Did you have the serial number of the firearm stolen?

Do you keep a list of your firearm serial numbers? If so where/how do you keep the list?

Just curious, Thanks.
1. Yes, my brother, or so I think.
2. Yes, didn't help tho
3. Yes.
Nope, none ever stolen. List of all are kept on a computer file on our home NAS, as well as hard copies in family trust paperwork and locked box. Update and print takes a couple minutes.
If you have had a firearm stolen was the thief an acquaintance/person you know?

Did you have the serial number of the firearm stolen?

Do you keep a list of your firearm serial numbers? If so where/how do you keep the list?

Just curious, Thanks.
Yes, I had a 760 Remington stolen from my home. I was pretty sure who the thief was.
I confronted him, we had a "Come to Jesus" meeting, and I believe, based on his body actions, he had a religious experience..
None stolen, have lists and have insurance to cover all of them.

There is a thread maybe you might be interested in to read but please do not comment in it.

My sister in law lost a sig 938 last winter while snowmobiling. She didn't even realize it was missing until much later when my brother asked where it was. Sad thing is they didn't have a serial number for it so somebody more than likely got a freebie if it wasn't rusted too bad. I've kept a record book of all purchases and dispositions for several years now. My memory isn't so good on the finer details so it's nice to have a reference of when, where and how much. It's super easy to keep updated since it's in the safe and I just fill it out when a new one comes home or one leaves. I have one colt that's been in and out four times! A friend and I couldn't decide who needed it the most, I hope the records will help my wife or another family member once I'm gone to figure out what not to sell them for. I know there's risk having everything written down but there are many rewards as well.
List yes where or how never mind.
Firearm stolen never.
Car stolen once got it back trashed
Tools stolen out of pickup looked like they tore the door open with a hammer. Been looking for the box ever since 45 years ago.
Car stereo when car over night at daughters dead end road sure it was neighbors.

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