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30-06 Springfield
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World war 2 Remington 1903. will sell as c&r license as it's legal. Really only looking for cash but may trade with cash added. Price is firm if it doesn't sell soon it's going on gunbroker.
Main trades east German makarov +$ or ij70ah +$, possibly German military mp5 magazines +$, mak 90, really not interested in a straight trade or adding cash unless it's really in my favor like a usgi 1911a1.

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What type of rear sight is that? Can you display photo's of it and how it's mounted to the receiver? And, could you also display a photo of the heel of the butt? Thanks.
What type of rear sight is that? Can you display photo's of it and how it's mounted to the receiver? And, could you also display a photo of the heel of the butt? Thanks.
Hopefully these pictures are what you wanted. The rear sight I assume was drilled through the side but I didnt see a hole from it, but luckily it was put somewhere without markings as the Remington marking is undrilled. I was not the one who bubbaed her so judge on pictures. Any other pictures you would like to see?
Thank you.

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Looks like a Redfield sight with missing parts or a knock off. Real shame it's been D&T'ed, looks fairly original other than that.
Yea I just am glad the markings on the reciever and stock seems fine. Someone glued a rubber pad to the stock. Just going to find a box to ship it in and penny it on GB next week assuming a store is open to buy a box in.
Some of these were fitted with the Lyman 48 sight. As it appears the sight is the same color I am guessing it is factory equipment? Buttpad not so much- is the peep threaded?
None that I am aware of were fitted by the military with Lyman 48 sights. The Springfield M1 22 and M2 22 were equipped as such as was the NRA sporter, however 03 rifles issued to troops were not.
Per The Model 1903 Springfield Rifle And It's Variations- Joe Poyer, North Cape Publications

Pages 289-291 state that indeed the Lyman sight was used and installed on the m1922 .22 and 30 calibers. It does appear that while yours may be correct, it is missing a number of pieces to make it true.
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