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The P-64 is a Polish semi-automatic pistol designed to fire the 9×18mm Makarov cartridge. The pistol was developed in the late 1950s at the Institute for Artillery Research (Polish: Zakład Broni Strzeleckiej Centralnego Badawczego Poligonu Artyleryjskiego, which later became the Military Institute of Armament Technology, Polish: Wojskowy Instytut Techniczny Uzbrojenia w Zielonce—WITU) by a team consisting of: W. Czepukajtis, R. Zimny, H. Adamczyk, M. Adamczyk, S. Kaczmarski and J. Pyzel. The P-64 is also known as the CZAK (an acronym of the designers' last names with the exception of J. Pyzel, who joined the team after the name had been established).
Nothing special, run of the mill P-64 in 9x18. Import marked on the side. Has some aftermarket rubber grips that I had to modify to remove the mag. Also a little holster wear on the front near the muzzle. Includes 2 mags, holster, and cleaning rod. Asking $300 shipped OBO.I just need to sell...
Looking to sell a Polish Radom P-64 in 9mm Mak
Picked this one up a while ago, and never had a chance to use it. Functions fine, and has a bit of wear on the slide, from what appears to be holster use.
Don't use 9mm Mak as much anymore, and looking to fund other projects with this.
Nothing special, run of the mill P-64 in 9x18. Import marked on the side. Has some aftermarket rubber grips that I had to modify to remove the mag. Also a little holster wear on the front near the muzzle. Includes 2 mags, holster, and cleaning rod. Asking $350 shipped. I can ship, or meet FTF at...
Nothing special, run of the mill P-64 in 9x18. Import marked on the side. Has some aftermarket rubber grips that I had to modify to remove the mag. Includes 2 mags, holster, and cleaning rod. Not looking to sell. Only want to trade for a Beretta 84 cheetah in .380 or .32 auto. Thanks!!
Picked up a 1974 Polish P-64 today.
Shot fine (actually it was too snappy) but function was 100% with some old Rooski 9x18 copperwashed.
Was playing with the safety/decocker and have understood that the slide will cycle with it engaged. The slide does cycle with the safety engaged, but the...
1970 Polish Factory 11 P64 Makarov with early round hammer and mirror bore. Includes one (1) magazine. Function tested and cycles 100%. I cannot be certain but I believe the Wolf spring work has already been done as the DA trigger is manageable and the SA trigger is a dream. This little pistol...
Does anyone know of a source for *reasonable* $$$ P64 (Polish) magazines? Does Mec-Gar or anybody support an aftermarket?
I recently bought a P64 pistol as a stablemate for my Makarov PM. The pistol was cheap, so I figured what's the harm. Then I come to find out the mags are $45-$65 delivered...
Polish P-64
9x18 Makrov
2 mags, holster, and cleaning rod.
Runs fine and looks great. Little holster wear around the front which is typical of these. These are great little carry pieces. Can easily fit into a pocket. Pair with hornady critical defense rounds and youve got a sweet deal. If...