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I need to go on record as saying Thank You to everyone involved in this discussion for keeping things almost civil. People have pushed the limits of being rude, but no personal attacks. I like the fact that we do not agree, but we can be almost nice about it.

Thanks to all.
I hate to break it to you, but you are losing your rights. Just not all at once like you will "die" before happens. It is a slow gradual progression that is happening as we speak. We are not even free to drive down the road in our own country without fear.

The people you say are keeping us safe. I can not believe that. I do not feel safe, I doubt many people in this country feel comfortable walking down the street in their own neighborhoods.

As far as getting off my butt and starting a movement. I feel that I can be the most beneficial right here on these types of forums trying to wake up as much of America as I can.

I appreciate the well wishes in my fight. I hope that you wake up before it is to late.

What will it take to wake you? Are you waiting for them to build a Border Patrol check point on I-5 between Cottage Grove and Eugene?

First off, I don't care about Eugene, and I don't even know where cottage grove is. So I'm not too concerned with the border there.
I have a lot of friends and family in law enforcement and I can tell you they would be the first people to raise up against a govt taking away rights. They will tell you, they swore to protect the rights of the constitution for the citizens of America.
I know my rights are constantly being taken away, but your missing my arguement.
Maybe I should hold your hand like a little boy,
I am saying we should be fighting the govt for protection of our rights, not the LEOs.....I'm going to tell you a secret, now don't tell anyone else.......

The Police are the same as you and me. And if your on the wrong end of them it's probably because your an idiot or your doing something illegal.

Come on people. This is exactly what the people trying to make us slaves want. They want us to start fighting each other so we stop paying attention to the real cause of us losing the our god given rights.

Let point our aggression in the right direction.
I'm not getting angry because you want to fight for your rights, but because your fighting the wrong people.
And I don't care what they try to do. If I see tanks rolling down my street the war is on. I'm not saying it won't happen, cause I've always said it will. It's just a matter of time.
I need to go on record as saying Thank You to everyone involved in this discussion for keeping things almost civil. People have pushed the limits of being rude, but no personal attacks. I like the fact that we do not agree, but we can be almost nice about it.

Thanks to all.

I would like to apologize to everyone that responded here because I was probably to most "difficult" I will say. I would prefer passionate?
Either way I pushed the line and it wasn't right. I think we should all respect each others opinion no matter how right I know I am...JK
So Thanks to everyone for being patient with me, even though I may not have been with you.
I get cranky sometimes.
Low ammo stock does that to me.
I would like to apologize to everyone that responded here because I was probably to most "difficult" I will say. I would prefer passionate?
Either way I pushed the line and it wasn't right. I think we should all respect each others opinion no matter how right I know I am...JK
So Thanks to everyone for being patient with me, even though I may not have been with you.
I get cranky sometimes.
Low ammo stock does that to me.

Understandable amigo.
Oh and save your comments cause I don't care.
If you don't care and don't want comments why would you make the post?

F'it I'll comment anyway, since this is a "discussion" forum not Nazi Germany I still have that right. My first observation is this is a legitimate bust, that happened where? AT THE BORDER, exactly where it should have. What is this thread about? it's about inland check points doing searches of ordinary citizens that are not coming or going to/from the border. Why is this a problem? because we are born with the right (not privilege) of 4th amendment protections.

4th amendment
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The reason this 100 miles inland ruling is a problem is 2/3 of the entire US population (197.4 million people) live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders. This allows the rights of the majority of the US population to have their rights taken away, HUGE PROBLEM! Abusing or even enforcing this is Tyranny plain and simple, and how should Tyranny be dealt with?
If you don't care and don't want comments why would you make the post?

F'it I'll comment anyway, since this is a "discussion" forum not Nazi Germany I still have that right. My first observation is this is a legitimate bust, that happened where? AT THE BORDER, exactly where it should have. What is this thread about? it's about inland check points doing searches of ordinary citizens that are not coming or going to/from the border. Why is this a problem? because we are born with the right (not privilege) of 4th amendment protections.

4th amendment
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The reason this 100 miles inland ruling is a problem is 2/3 of the entire US population (197.4 million people) live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders. This allows the rights of the majority of the US population to have their rights taken away, HUGE PROBLEM! Abusing or even enforcing this is Tyranny plain and simple, and how should Tyranny be dealt with?

Beautifully said!
Thank you
If you don't care and don't want comments why would you make the post?

F'it I'll comment anyway, since this is a "discussion" forum not Nazi Germany I still have that right. My first observation is this is a legitimate bust, that happened where? AT THE BORDER, exactly where it should have. What is this thread about? it's about inland check points doing searches of ordinary citizens that are not coming or going to/from the border. Why is this a problem? because we are born with the right (not privilege) of 4th amendment protections.

4th amendment
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The reason this 100 miles inland ruling is a problem is 2/3 of the entire US population (197.4 million people) live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders. This allows the rights of the majority of the US population to have their rights taken away, HUGE PROBLEM! Abusing or even enforcing this is Tyranny plain and simple, and how should Tyranny be dealt with?

If you don't care and don't want comments why would you make the post?

F'it I'll comment anyway, since this is a "discussion" forum not Nazi Germany I still have that right. My first observation is this is a legitimate bust, that happened where? AT THE BORDER, exactly where it should have. What is this thread about? it's about inland check points doing searches of ordinary citizens that are not coming or going to/from the border. Why is this a problem? because we are born with the right (not privilege) of 4th amendment protections.

4th amendment
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The reason this 100 miles inland ruling is a problem is 2/3 of the entire US population (197.4 million people) live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders. This allows the rights of the majority of the US population to have their rights taken away, HUGE PROBLEM! Abusing or even enforcing this is Tyranny plain and simple, and how should Tyranny be dealt with?

Ok guys lets be real. Your guys are just looking for a reason to push your militias against anybody not in point with your views. And that's your right.

I didn't post that comment to not hear our views. I posted it because I posted that article as a joke and did want to hear you crying about how that's totally different situation, blah, blah, blah.

If you don't like the 100 mile inland border law move to Nebraska. I hear it's nice there.
Oh and maybe get a sense of humor, it helps.

From the "nazi"
Why is this a problem? because we are born with the right (not privilege) of 4th amendment protections.

You were born with this right. As were the rest of us, but provisions have been made to the laws. So does that mean people who were born after this law are the only people it applies to?
As I stated before, these are rules OUR govt made for our safety. If you don't like it then find a way to change the law, or move somewhere else. This is a country you can sit here and cry and moan about how your rights are violated, but it's also a country you are free to get away from your computer and go change this. You have that right. So if you want it changed, start pushing the change instead of complaining about it. If all you want to do is complain then your just wasting your time.
The 4th Amendment was written 200 years ago. As time passes and our world changes and new laws have to be set in place to protect our nation.
People vote on these laws that's how our nation works as I'm sure you know. If you don't like that then I guess it's time to find a new place to live.
Try the west coast of Africa, I hear you can do whatever you want there. No laws! So no one violates your rights. What a great place for you.
If you don't like that option. Then get out and vote. You don't like the peole who are running? Then run yourself!
That's how America works.
So all your complaining and crying about your rights means nothing to me. It's not what you say but how you act that matters.
I like knowing I can sleep at night because there are people out their protecting me. I do hate knowing that those people aren't in Washington DC.
I have no doubt our govt wants to control us, I have no doubt were working our way towards another civil war, I have no doubt people like you and people like me will be fighting the same fight.
But you have to pick you battles, and I don't mean talking about fighting against them, I mean fighting against them.
No matter what country you live in our what rights you have, the world works in circles. If you have rights now...Just wait someone will try to take them away. Then you fight, then you get them back, then someone tries to take them, then you fight, then you get them back, then.......Well you get the idea.
Why is this a problem? because we are born with the right (not privilege) of 4th amendment protections.

You were born with this right. As were the rest of us, but provisions have been made to the laws. So does that mean people who were born after this law are the only people it applies to?
As I stated before, these are rules OUR govt made for our safety. If you don't like it then find a way to change the law, or move somewhere else. This is a country you can sit here and cry and moan about how your rights are violated, but it's also a country you are free to get away from your computer and go change this. You have that right. So if you want it changed, start pushing the change instead of complaining about it. If all you want to do is complain then your just wasting your time.
The 4th Amendment was written 200 years ago. As time passes and our world changes and new laws have to be set in place to protect our nation.
People vote on these laws that's how our nation works as I'm sure you know. If you don't like that then I guess it's time to find a new place to live.
Try the west coast of Africa, I hear you can do whatever you want there. No laws! So no one violates your rights. What a great place for you.
If you don't like that option. Then get out and vote. You don't like the peole who are running? Then run yourself!
That's how America works.
So all your complaining and crying about your rights means nothing to me. It's not what you say but how you act that matters.
I like knowing I can sleep at night because there are people out their protecting me. I do hate knowing that those people aren't in Washington DC.
I have no doubt our govt wants to control us, I have no doubt were working our way towards another civil war, I have no doubt people like you and people like me will be fighting the same fight.
But you have to pick you battles, and I don't mean talking about fighting against them, I mean fighting against them.
No matter what country you live in our what rights you have, the world works in circles. If you have rights now...Just wait someone will try to take them away. Then you fight, then you get them back, then someone tries to take them, then you fight, then you get them back, then.......Well you get the idea.

I am very close to agreeing with you.

I think that where we deviate is that you call it crying and moaning, I call it raising awareness.
Why is this a problem? because we are born with the right (not privilege) of 4th amendment protections.

You were born with this right. As were the rest of us, but provisions have been made to the laws. So does that mean people who were born after this law are the only people it applies to?
As I stated before, these are rules OUR govt made for our safety. If you don't like it then find a way to change the law, or move somewhere else. This is a country you can sit here and cry and moan about how your rights are violated, but it's also a country you are free to get away from your computer and go change this. You have that right. So if you want it changed, start pushing the change instead of complaining about it. If all you want to do is complain then your just wasting your time.
The 4th Amendment was written 200 years ago. As time passes and our world changes and new laws have to be set in place to protect our nation.
People vote on these laws that's how our nation works as I'm sure you know. If you don't like that then I guess it's time to find a new place to live.
Try the west coast of Africa, I hear you can do whatever you want there. No laws! So no one violates your rights. What a great place for you.
If you don't like that option. Then get out and vote. You don't like the peole who are running? Then run yourself!
That's how America works.
So all your complaining and crying about your rights means nothing to me. It's not what you say but how you act that matters.
I like knowing I can sleep at night because there are people out their protecting me. I do hate knowing that those people aren't in Washington DC.
I have no doubt our govt wants to control us, I have no doubt were working our way towards another civil war, I have no doubt people like you and people like me will be fighting the same fight.
But you have to pick you battles, and I don't mean talking about fighting against them, I mean fighting against them.
No matter what country you live in our what rights you have, the world works in circles. If you have rights now...Just wait someone will try to take them away. Then you fight, then you get them back, then someone tries to take them, then you fight, then you get them back, then.......Well you get the idea.

I agree with some of your post and disagree with some. I would like to point out the the subject of this thread is doing something about a situation that he doesn't agree with and I'm glad to see people pushing against unconstitutional policy's.

As for talking about discussing the problem and actually doing battle against oppression I must quote Tsun Tsu

"For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."

Or quote Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon:

"The art of fighting without fighting"

The best weapon we have against oppression is education not bullets, a discussion forum is the place to discuss the problem and the problem is ignorance, you can't fix ignorance with bullets, (yes I know what your thinking) ;).

I leave you with this:

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me."

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