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All Oregonians, take notice, Ballot Measure 114 (spawned from the successful initiative petition 17) will be on the ballot this November.

If it passes (YES on 114), Oregon will become one of the most restrictive States in the Union when it comes to our 2nd Amendment rights.

Most notably, expect:

-A ban on the purchasing, selling, and use of "high capacity magazines" (those holding more than 10 rounds). Typical "grandfather" clauses apply.

-Myriad restrictions on where you can use your grandfathered magazines (basically nowhere other than private property or gun clubs/shooting ranges).

-The need to acquire a permit to purchase firearms, with a live-fire demonstration/training being a part of the permitting process.

Visit this link to get the exact ballot measure language and explanation of what a YES and NO vote means:

For all members of this forum, it should go without saying that we need to vote NO on this measure! Spread the word to friends, family, coworkers, etc…With word of mouth, I think we can be successful in enlightening the ignorant and potentially winning over fence-sitters.

If you are not currently registered to vote in Oregon, please take time to do so online
by following this link:

Please be aware that the deadline to register to vote is October 18 by 11:59pm, and the last day to turn in your ballot is November 8th!

Remember when filling out your ballot to completely fill in the circle of your selection, NOT just a check mark or line through the circle. Also be sure to sign the back of your envelope before mailing in your ballot!

Check or confirm your voter registration status here:

Fellow Members, we cannot assume that even the most staunch 2A supporters are aware of this measure; I personally know many die-hard gun owners who were completely unaware of this until I told them about it!

Hopefully we can use this thread to share resources, ideas, and any other pertinent information that will help defeat Measure 114 in November.

Further links and resources to help spread the word:
Post shared on Oct 1, 2022_qr.png




Information for tracking your ballot or requesting a ballot if you have not yet received one!


Wondering when this law would go into effect if passed?


Effective date

Ballot measures take effect 30 days after the election at which they are approved.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law:Oregon Constitution, Article IV, Section 1 (4d)

In some circumstances:

"Oregon law states that measures take effect 30 days after being approved by voters unless state agencies have to write regulations governing them as Oregon State Police would have to do if Measure 114 passed. In that case, it would take effect about three months after the vote."

*Thanks to @E4mafia for compiling the voter registration information!
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This will show you what's on the ballot. You can also download the PDF to see more.

All of Oregon should not be voting to give up a right simply because Portland has too much violent crime from terrible leadership and bad policy.

SB554 will be a real problem for trying to acquire a permit for those without a gun because of transfer laws. There is no funding for this program in the measure and police have said they don't have the time money or resources for this to take off.

If this is passed it would be months or longer before you can buy a new gun without a permit or do buy/sell/trades here on the classifieds. But I already have guns, is the wrong train of thought. What about your kids or other family/friends? You plan on never buying another gun again EVER?.

Do not put a RIGHT behind a PERMIT that only the STATE can clear you to exercise. Your CHL and Veteran DD214 will NOT help you acquire a permit as only the POLICE can grant you this.

You will be required to take a safe handling course and a live fire course and a deep background check BEFORE being issued a permit. How does the permit background check prevent crime when a 4473 background check is already required before you buy a gun, 2 factor authentication? The fee for the permit is $65 and it can take up to a MONTH before they mail it to you. You must renew it every 5 years. It also creates a searchable data base of EVERYONE who applies for this permit, a defacto registry.
So what's the cost the police will require to take their mandated course?, Nobody knows but don't expect it to be free or cheap or to help you in any capacity if you do not already own a gun.

The training program is only valid if the police provide it, there currently is no police training safety program open to the PUBLIC in Washington county or Multnomah county. Private courses do not count. Imagine if this passes, imagine a backlog que of people trying to get in on a training program with 0 funding and no current means of doing so. This could take months maybe even a year+. Imagine you are a first time buyer with no knowledge of this existing and riot season starts again or we decide to DEFUND the police.....well how do we get guns now?

Cool story bro but your FFL will be, speaking of no FFLs will be selling guns right away if this passes so you may not even have a FFL anymore after this because nobody can buy a gun for who knows how long.

This also restricts magazine capacity to 10rnds and limits where you can use those high cap mags you already own to just your house and the range. Pretty limited huh. Remember the recent supreme court Bruen ruling determined we do have a RIGHT to self defense both in HOME and in PUBLIC.

The Oregon constitution says:
Section 27. Right to bear arms; military subordinate to civil power. The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence [sic] of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power[.]

Funny, only police and military and security in the scope of their duties are EXEMPT from this, but you and me must comply or it's a pretty nasty felony.

Tell everyone you know to vote NO on measure 114 this November.

The two Oregon candidates who oppose Measure 114 are:

Republican Christine Drazan
Non Afilliated Betsy Johnson

The candidate who supports infringing on your rights is:

Democrat Tina Kotek

If you need to register to vote or want to help others simply have them go here it takes all of 5 minutes to get signed up. Don't be fooled into thinking this is a tame measure because in 2023 Oregon legislation WILL be trying to enable an assault weapons ban (IP18).


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A lot of people don't bother to vote because Oregon politics are lopsided with Portland, Salem and Eugene. But the "why bother" voters my care when you explain that they might need to buy a gun urgently and will wait a month to find out whether they will get permission.
Until these states (Oregon, Washington, etc.) get rid of cheat-by-mail voting, our rights will continue to get railroaded (to put it lightly). The state of affairs right now is grotesque, but I have optimism that the tyrannical regimes propped up by "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" are, ultimately, all going down.

A lot of people don't bother to vote because Oregon politics are lopsided with Portland, Salem and Eugene. But the "why bother" voters my care when you explain that they might need to buy a gun urgently and will wait a month to find out whether they will get permission. This blows chunks brah!!!

As I read this, there is no funding for anything. As noted in the article, it is hard to miss.
A typical socialist democrat way to govern.
Similar to "global warming" funding as eliminating combustion engines & coal, natural gas.
You know, fuel that has been fairly local & available. No need to ship 1/2 way around the frickin' globe.
They are available now but eliminated by 2030
No plans, just more overreach mandates.
Tax & spend Dumbasses. We need to eliminate that course beginning 20 years ago.
Certainly now, before November. I'm doing some by talking to people in my sphere.
Get the "why bother" light & push, push, push for cleansing the voter registration roles,
eliminate "mail-in" ballots, have more "watchers & inspectors. "Pole cops! No cheating.

So, what y'all say?

This will show you what's on the ballot. You can also download the PDF to see more.

All of Oregon should not be voting to give up a right simply because Portland has too much violent crime from terrible leadership and bad policy.

SB554 will be a real problem for trying to acquire a permit for those without a gun because of transfer laws. There is no funding for this program in the measure and police have said they don't have the time money or resources for this to take off.

If this is passed it would be months or longer before you can buy a new gun without a permit or do buy/sell/trades here on the classifieds. But I already have guns, is the wrong train of thought. What about your kids or other family/friends? You plan on never buying another gun again EVER?.

Do not put a RIGHT behind a PERMIT that only the STATE can clear you to exercise. Your CHL and Veteran DD214 will NOT help you acquire a permit as only the POLICE can grant you this.

You will be required to take a safe handling course and a live fire course and a deep background check BEFORE being issued a permit. How does the permit background check prevent crime when a 4473 background check is already required before you buy a gun, 2 factor authentication? The fee for the permit is $65 and it can take up to a MONTH before they mail it to you. You must renew it every 5 years. It also creates a searchable data base of EVERYONE who applies for this permit, a defacto registry.
So what's the cost the police will require to take their mandated course?, Nobody knows but don't expect it to be free or cheap or to help you in any capacity if you do not already own a gun.

The training program is only valid if the police provide it, there currently is no police training safety program open to the PUBLIC in Washington county or Multnomah county. Private courses do not count. Imagine if this passes, imagine a backlog que of people trying to get in on a training program with 0 funding and no current means of doing so. This could take months maybe even a year+. Imagine you are a first time buyer with no knowledge of this existing and riot season starts again or we decide to DEFUND the police.....well how do we get guns now?

Cool story bro but your FFL will be, speaking of no FFLs will be selling guns right away if this passes so you may not even have a FFL anymore after this because nobody can buy a gun for who knows how long.

This also restricts magazine capacity to 10rnds and limits where you can use those high cap mags you already own to just your house and the range. Pretty limited huh. Remember the recent supreme court Bruen ruling determined we do have a RIGHT to self defense both in HOME and in PUBLIC.

The Oregon constitution says:
Section 27. Right to bear arms; military subordinate to civil power. The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence [sic] of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power[.]

Funny, only police and military and security in the scope of their duties are EXEMPT from this, but you and me must comply or it's a pretty nasty felony.

Tell everyone you know to vote NO on measure 114 this November.

The two Oregon candidates who oppose Measure 114 are:

Republican Christine Drazan
Non Afilliated Betsy Johnson

The candidate who supports infringing on your rights is:

Democrat Tina Kotek

If you need to register to vote or want to help others simply have them go here it takes all of 5 minutes to get signed up. Don't be fooled into thinking this is a tame measure because in 2023 Oregon legislation WILL be trying to enable an assault weapons ban (IP18).


Go with the line that this law "disproportionately affects BIPOC people due to costs and requirements, so it's racist! Only wealthy, white people will have guns if this passes!"
Use THEIR tactics
Go with the line that this law "disproportionately affects BIPOC people due to costs and requirements, so it's racist! Only wealthy, white people will have guns if this passes!"
Use THEIR tactics
Oh, I like this.

But, since I'm brand new to this forum, how do I Like this, using reactions. I still can't figure that out on this forum yet. 🤔

(Perhaps it's a function of the fact that my account is still new, and thus restricted 🤷‍♂️. I figure if it was possible, it'd be obvious.)
Oh, I like this.

But, since I'm brand new to this forum, how do I Like this, using reactions. I still can't figure that out on this forum yet. 🤔

(Perhaps it's a function of the fact that my account is still new, and thus restricted 🤷‍♂️. I figure if it was possible, it'd be obvious.)
What you should be asking is why do they want so badly to force FFLs to close from lack of sales this includes local gun stores. Big chains like sportsman's warehouse and bi-mart and Cabela's will for sure feel a sting from a lack of gun sales.

Why are we mirroring what NY does with a concealed carry permit scheme that's locked behind police being the ones that determine if you are able to exercise a constitutional right, and the police are not able to operate day 1 with this if it passes.

Your training you have now will NOT qualify you for instant approval to get a permit no matter how awesome you are. What are people supposed to do who are doing transfers the day this takes effect? Do you get a free pass? Doubtful...

Be very careful before you sign the ballot that you've fully read and understand what's being asked as they may phrase it to decieve you. Do not forget to sign on the back of the ballot envelope before you drop it off at a return box.

Do you want a other panic run on guns/accessories again? Because that is exactly what this measure will do.

Inform your peers no matter how gun savvy they may seem, people on this forum have enountered others who were completely unaware, circulate and raise as much awareness as you possibly can. Ignore all opposition as they are likely useful idiots hoping to disuade people from protecting their rights. This is a full on assault to lock your right behind a tedious spendy process hoping you will just give up on guns forever. Or they are ignorant to what is fully included in the measure since they mostly approach it with the magazine restrictions. This is a catch 22 waiting to be enabled.

(You the reader)
Register to vote and actually VOTE NO, don't be put off from trying as that only gaurantees it passing. Don't assume this is so extreme everyone will vote no anyways and then you don't vote thinking others will save you this is a all hands on deck required participation whether you own one gun or several or have been thinking about buying one when you can afford it. We all know there's plenty of people here and out there of various different backgrounds that will vote against this measure uniting us.

All you good folk who ran out and bought your first time gun during the COVID closures and peak riot season of 2020, welcome to the party it's now your obligation to defend the 2A locally/state and federally.
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There has got to be a way to push back with some serious legal offense when it comes to 2A Violation attempts...

We know where this is going, they are going the route of New Jersey, where the paperwork will practically bar anyone from ever obtaining a firearm ever again.

All while they release criminals on the street to steal YOUR guns, use it against YOU, and throw YOU in jail for not being a responsible gun owner.

These people are evil and malicious, no denying it at this point, we know they don't care about gun violence, they either care about their own self gratifying emotions, or real nefarious intent.

Thank you for baring with my rant.
What does the yard sign say? I don't see it on their website.
The sign is the first one nd not on the main web site but here's a direct link:

Keep in mind there is no war chest or funding for this. We don't have a Soros checkbook so this is a grass roots effort. Everything is about getting the word out and raising money for ads, brochures, radio time, other materials to get the word out. For the next few days, I think the best thing we can do is get an in depth understand of what's in the measure and how to present it logically to the uneducated. There is more planning in the works and volunteers will be needed to do some wordsmithing. print brochures, and work on getting the word out.

I'm not an organizer, just a guy that made some calls to as a few organizations asking what they're doing besides yelling at clouds, There ae plans coming together and I'll keep posting as I learn more.
The sign is the first one nd not on the main web site but here's a direct link:

Keep in mind there is no war chest or funding for this. We don't have a Soros checkbook so this is a grass roots effort. Everything is about getting the word out and raising money for ads, brochures, radio time, other materials to get the word out. For the next few days, I think the best thing we can do is get an in depth understand of what's in the measure and how to present it logically to the uneducated. There is more planning in the works and volunteers will be needed to do some wordsmithing. print brochures, and work on getting the word out.

I'm not an organizer, just a guy that made some calls to as a few organizations asking what they're doing besides yelling at clouds, There ae plans coming together and I'll keep posting as I learn more.
I am good with donating to the orgs helping get the word out. They are doing something that needs doing, so long as most the money goes to the project.

I posted an email for the local NRA-ILA rep and got a reply there too. Did you or anyone else also reach out to them? Two orgs helping are better than one.
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I am good with donating to the orgs helping get the word out. They are doing something that needs doing, so long as most the money goes to the project.

I posted an email for the local NRA-ILA rep and got a reply there too. Did you or anyone else also reach out to them? Two orgs helping are better than one.
Can you post the letter and contact information as well? I believe it benefits everyone to know what the reps are saying and what we can do to help with the fight.

ETA: I found this link to the NRA-ILA website where they break down Measure 114. There's no indication yet as to what action they will take. I'm inclined to put pressure on them, or at least ask about what action they intend to take.
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Can you post the letter and contact information as well? I believe it benefits everyone to know what the reps are saying and what we can do to help with the fight.

ETA: I found this link to the NRA-ILA website where they break down Measure 114. There's no indication yet as to what action they will take. I'm inclined to put pressure on them, or at least ask about what action they intend to take.
At work now. Their contact info is on the IP17 thread from before. They referred to some interviews and ads. I replied that interviews and ads need to also hit the people who aren't already focused on 2A rights. We should donate and volunteer to both groups once we see and agree with their action plans. We can't just make demands and hope for help
I believe Oregon Measure 114 violates the Single-subject rule of the initiative process in Oregon as there are several different items on this ballot measure.
Oregon Measure 114 violates the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments of the Constitution as well as 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights and 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law.
Oregon Measure 114 violates Section 1, Section 27 of the Oregon State Constitution that says 'Right to bear arms; military subordinate to civil power. The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence [sic] of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power'
Oregon Measure 114 requires a 'permit to buy' a firearm, which is akin to a Firearm Owners Identification Card which was ruled as being unconstitutional under the second amendment of the United States Constitution in one state. This 'permit to buy' scheme, a kind of poll tax (which is both illegal and unconstitutional), reduces an unalienable right, which in this case, is the exercising of the 2nd Amendment to that of a government granted privilege. This 'permit to buy' scheme will put an undue burden on some people who wish to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights due to the impossibility of being able to meet many of the requirements put forth in this ballot measure.
I feel that Oregon Measure 114 violates some aspects of the recent United States Supreme Court ruling regarding the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen case.
The explanatory statement for Oregon Measure 114 is seriously flawed and is designed to confuse, mislead, and hide the facts from the voters.

Finally, when seconds count, the police are minutes, sometimes even hours away which means that I am obligated to be my own first responder.

I kind of doubt the Secretary of State, Ms. Fagan, even read Measure 114. For if she did, she would have realized that almost every aspect of this measure is misleading and unconstitutional and would have denied it from ever being on the ballot.

Needless to say, I will vote 'NO' on this measure, and I will recommend to my family and all my friends in Oregon to vote 'NO' on Measure 114 as well.

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