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After moving to Florida almost 5 years ago, will be 5 years in August 2018, I thought I was in pretty good shape for a power shutdown, etc. Had a small generator, propane heater, kerosene heater, batteries, lighting, etc.
But then the HURRICANE came late last year. Scared the be-Jesus out of us and a reassessment for preparedness was in order. Low level panic set in when I learned the hurricane was coming right up the state through our area. Was going to hit the lower keys area and southwest Florida as a CAT 4 or 5. That can level a wood frame home and pile up mobile homes in a stack, and did in some areas.
Did I need to get the heck out of dodge? Nope the roads were all blocked and gas was in short supply due to the evacuation of the Florida Keys. Freeways dead stop almost to the GA border. So we were going to stick it out for the duration. What to do with the guns and ammo, which ones to keep for protection and how to wrap up the others to save them from flooding. Bagged them up in plastic garbage bags and taped the tops, in the gun safe. Took some tools, guns, ammo, lights, etc up into the attic in case of flooding. Tools to cut through the roof if need be. Then tried to decide if I needed to board up the windows. All the plywood was sold out at Home Depot and Lowes, as was gas cans, batteries, generators, etc. Should I tape the windows and doors in the home, did that. I have a cement block house so it was not going to blow down, but the windows were at risk. None of my neighbors boarded up so we did not either. You can see, it is obvious, I did not have a plan and was running around like a hunter lost in the woods.
I found I was prepared for the power to be off for a few days, like what I experienced in Oregon back during the big storm. Not so for Florida hurricanes. So now I have box called Hurricane Kit and I hope to be in better shape for the next storm. We all hunkered down in our block house and the hurricane came and went, was down to a Cat 1 or so when it got up to the Tampa area so it took out a few trees and damaged some Mobile Homes but we did not even lose power and had no wind damage for the 80 mph winds that hit us.
I am now stocked with plywood, concrete anchor screws, duck tape, batteries, gasoline cans, tarps and most of the other goodies that are sold out of the box stores almost immediately when a storm is in the near future. Still have a lot to learn and need a check list of what to do because when the pressure is on and that panic sets into your gut, you don't always think straight.
Very similar to how liberals react following a school shooting.
But then the HURRICANE came late last year. Scared the be-Jesus out of us and a reassessment for preparedness was in order. Low level panic set in when I learned the hurricane was coming right up the state through our area. Was going to hit the lower keys area and southwest Florida as a CAT 4 or 5. That can level a wood frame home and pile up mobile homes in a stack, and did in some areas.
Did I need to get the heck out of dodge? Nope the roads were all blocked and gas was in short supply due to the evacuation of the Florida Keys. Freeways dead stop almost to the GA border. So we were going to stick it out for the duration. What to do with the guns and ammo, which ones to keep for protection and how to wrap up the others to save them from flooding. Bagged them up in plastic garbage bags and taped the tops, in the gun safe. Took some tools, guns, ammo, lights, etc up into the attic in case of flooding. Tools to cut through the roof if need be. Then tried to decide if I needed to board up the windows. All the plywood was sold out at Home Depot and Lowes, as was gas cans, batteries, generators, etc. Should I tape the windows and doors in the home, did that. I have a cement block house so it was not going to blow down, but the windows were at risk. None of my neighbors boarded up so we did not either. You can see, it is obvious, I did not have a plan and was running around like a hunter lost in the woods.
I found I was prepared for the power to be off for a few days, like what I experienced in Oregon back during the big storm. Not so for Florida hurricanes. So now I have box called Hurricane Kit and I hope to be in better shape for the next storm. We all hunkered down in our block house and the hurricane came and went, was down to a Cat 1 or so when it got up to the Tampa area so it took out a few trees and damaged some Mobile Homes but we did not even lose power and had no wind damage for the 80 mph winds that hit us.
I am now stocked with plywood, concrete anchor screws, duck tape, batteries, gasoline cans, tarps and most of the other goodies that are sold out of the box stores almost immediately when a storm is in the near future. Still have a lot to learn and need a check list of what to do because when the pressure is on and that panic sets into your gut, you don't always think straight.
Very similar to how liberals react following a school shooting.