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So, I am presently farting about Gunbroker — largely for revolver-related antics, though not exclusively. Is no secret I'm hip to all things to all things .44 Magnum. On that score, I've run across a Smith & Wesson 69 at times. Appears to be L frame, rather than N, stainless, in the big forty-four. Interesting indeed.

Anyone have experience with them? Know the story? Other thoughts? Thanks!
Yup! I had one. Five shot L-Frame in 44 Mag. It was a good gun, but I traded it off.
FYI, I now have a 329PD (N frame 44 scandium frame) that is super light. It doesn't kick as bad as the 69 did.
I should have kept the 69 for my wife. When it was loaded with 44 Specials it was a sweet shooter and she shot it better than any other handgun.

edit to add, mine was a 4". They also make a 3".
I would think it's an appropriate name because it delivers "punishment" at both ends... Much like the "other" meaning for 69...

Can't say I have any desire at all to shoot an L frame .44 Magnum. My J frame .357 is unpleasant enough.

Seen them for sale a few times at places like Cabela's if you want to handle one first...
My Dardick is prettier....not.

That's one of the best looking 44spl's I have seen in a long time! :)
Word. Though, admittedly, I'm all over the map tonight: beyond this one, looking at a nickeled 1980-vintage S&W 10-7, a Remington XP-100, a Taurus 500, and even an Astra A-80. (giggle) Variety is the spice of life.
Love my 686+, that said I've always been a fan of the Model 66, more of a .357 guy over .44 mag. You fancy the .44 more?

Model 66.jpg
Well, in all seriousness, I still like and carry the .38s/.357s; often carry a snub in said and enjoy target shooting with a 686 and Webley, for example. But, yah, once I went on the .44 tangent, there was no looking back and the adventure continues. Different strokes and all. :D
I would think it's an appropriate name because it delivers "punishment" at both ends... Much like the "other" meaning for 69...

Can't say I have any desire at all to shoot an L frame .44 Magnum. My J frame .357 is unpleasant enough.

Seen them for sale a few times at places like Cabela's if you want to handle one first...
There is no comparison between the two, really. I love shooting my 60-15 in 357. The 69 is/was the only gun that I used a glove when I shot and the only handgun that made me bleed. It would split the skin in the web of my hand, and my hands are scarred and calloused from years of manual labor. If I'd needed it, I wouldn't have noticed, but it wasn't all that fun to shoot. S&W put an extra ball detent in the crane to help keep the cylinder in line during recoil. Probably a good idea. It also has a different barrel than normal, more like a Dan Wesson with a tube barrel, barrel shroud and a nut to hold it all together. Rather interesting, as it's the only gun in their lineup that I am aware uses tis style.
The 5" 500 X-Frame I had developed a huge amount of recoil, but it transferred its recoil in a more rearward direction. In the videos of me shooting that gun you could see it push my shoulder blades back. But the 500 did not "hit" the web of the hand anywhere near as bad as the 69, or my 60 for that matter. As I mentioned earlier, it was a sweetheart with 44 Specials. Like any other S&W revolver, it was accurate.

To play "touchie-feelie" with one, you'll think it's any other L-frame. It just has really big holes.

I'd never say, "Don't buy it". I'm just prepping anyone that's as curious as I was.

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