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  1. Want to Buy
410 Gauge
Oregon city
I'm waiting a 410 of any kind really as long as it's suitable for bird hunting & I'm also wanting a semi auto 12 gauge also suitable for bird hunting 3in nothing high dollar under 500.00
would really like a older browning even something "none" functional as long as it's a major brand "parts availability" & worth fixing
Thank's everyone
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I'm waiting a 410 of any kind really as long as it's suitable for bird hunting & I'm also wanting a semi auto 12 gauge also suitable for bird hunting 3in nothing high dollar under 500.00
would really like a older browning even something "none" functional as long as it's a major brand "parts availability" & worth fixing
Thank's everyone
I have a Panzer arms semi auto with wood stock I bought on a whim last year, cost me $375 when I finally received it. It's in new condition, you can have it for $300 if you're interested in it.
I have a Winchester 1200 pump action, 2 3/4" chamber, 12ga., 28" barrel. Wood stock and forend. Comes with a loose leather zip-up carrying case. $170 and it's yours. Send me a PM if interested.
I'm waiting a 410 of any kind really as long as it's suitable for bird hunting & I'm also wanting a semi auto 12 gauge also suitable for bird hunting 3in nothing high dollar under 500.00
would really like a older browning even something "none" functional as long as it's a major brand "parts availability" & worth fixing
Thank's everyone
I have a mosseburg 12ga 28" barrel
Used one turkey hunt, never been fired

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