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I have what is possibly a noob question. I recently just trade my .45 high point for a, Ruger Blackhawk .357. I'm looking to polish it, not necessarily trying to get a mirror shine, to make it look nicer. What's a good brand or way to polish it? I've heard of Mother, Lucas Metal Polish and Flitz paste Metal Polish. Any help would be appreciate! IMG_9074.jpeg
I have used this on everything : car stuff , house stuff , gun stuff etc . Bimart sells a 10oz tub for like 12 or 13 dollars that will last a long time . Love it . :)
1729985859484.jpeg Looks like your Blackhawk was made summer of 1980 . :)
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I watched a video and that's what the guys used. I'll have to look for that for sure! How did you get the checkered look?!
He went to Bimart and got the polish and the flannel shirt he was wearing when he took the picture.............:rolleyes:

You can also use Neverdull which is also available at Bimart next to the flannel's
Nobody else is asking this question, so I will.

Did you find someone to trade you straight across their Ruger revolver for your Hi Point?
Nobody else is asking this question, so I will.

Did you find someone to trade you straight across their Ruger revolver for your Hi Point?
lol I was waiting for someone too. Negative. My digital camo .45 high point, holster, 50 rounds of ammo and $150 cash. My manager has a bunch of guns, but doesn't have a high point. I was looking for a .357 Taurus Tracker, but couldn't pass up the opportunity.
I am not really a fan of mirror finished revolvers. To touch up my Dan Wesson 744 I found a Scotch Brite white pad to give me a perfect match to the original brushed stainless finish. Buffing in the same direction as the original brushed stainless finish was key to a good match... of course.

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Another vote for Mother's, it'll do what you're looking to do. Old soft cloth(s) and a little Mother's, that Ruger and lots of elbow grease will get'er looking the way you want.

Want to speed it along, a cotton polishing wheel on a Dremel will also do the trick. I successfully polished a couple of semi-auto barrels and barrel hoods that way.

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