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I have been considering getting my first 9mm for the last few weeks. After doing a lot of research on the different brands and models I decided on the Springfield XD Mod 2 9mm in 4" barrel (it was a toss up between 4" and 5" even after I held them both) and picked it up at my local gun store (Oregon Arms & Ammunition across from WinCo in Hillsboro). There was a delay in the approval process so they had to call me about an hour or so later when it went through. My wife tagged along to see the gun store I'd found where I was spending so much money as that was also where I had bought her S&W .380 EZ a few weeks ago. :)

Along with the gun I picked up 500 rounds of 9mm Remington ammunition and a couple of extra magazines (2 came with the XD). Springfield is having a promotion until the end of the year where any of the XD models will get you a free range bag and 3 magazines. I'll fill out the form online tonight and that will give me 7 magazines when I get them and a lot more shooting between reloading.

My wife and I are hoping to shoot both the XD and her EZ for the first time this Saturday on some private property that a co-worker's dad owns near Sherwood. Although it looks like any number of black 9mm semi-autos out there, I'll get some pictures of it later to post. I'll see if it lives up to all the good things I read about it and saw on YouTube. :)

My wife has the Bi-tone version of the XD9 Service Mod 2, she thinks it is more accurate than her Glock so she is torn between the two. Accuracy will win her over I know, just give it a little time. I have the same Gun in 40, and two 3" Mod 2 40's also. I like the extra capacity of the XDM, but the Mod 2's grip is just great. My son bought a Shield 380 EZ too, but he's in Texas so I have not handled it.
I did buy a XDM10 5.25 last week, already submitted the Gear Up claim. (Came with three mag's, all 5.25's of any caliber do) I'll end up with six mags for my ten.
I bought my wife hers a couple years ago and there was another 'Gear Up' promo then and I bought her a couple just like you we have seven for hers..
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My wife has the Bi-tone version of the XD9 Service Mod 2, she thinks it is more accurate than her Glock so she is torn between the two. Accuracy will win her over I know, just give it a little time. I have the same Gun in 40, and two 3" Mod 2 40's also. I like the extra capacity of the XDM, but the Mod 2's grip is just great. My son bought a Shield 380 EZ too, but he's in Texas so I have not handled it.
I did buy a XDM10 5.25 last week, already submitted the Gear Up claim. (Came with three mag's, all 5.25's of any caliber do) I'll end up with six mags for my ten.
I bought my wife hers a couple years ago and there was another 'Gear Up' promo then and I bought her a couple just like you we have seven for hers..
Give us all a review of the XDM 10 once you've broken it in.
I'll be doing the new XDM10 and new G-20 side by side ….one of these days.

Working on getting the wife to go shooting with me, so she can use her XD9 M2 again.
Congratulations on your new 9. I had a XDM 9mm I really liked. Shot a lot
more accurate than my G17.:D I sold the G17 and then the XDM was stolen.o_O
Then I ended up going the M&P route.:rolleyes:
I had an xd9 in 4" for a while-- absolutely nothing bad to say about it at all. Just didn't fit my hand right. Have fun!
Fyi, the sights are really tight so if you go with aftermarkets prepare for a bit of a fight. I used a can of compressed air to freeze them and tapped out with a brass punch. They only come out one direction and I forget which. I put the old ones on my impact wrench at work for better accuracy... o_O
There was a delay in the approval process so they had to call me about an hour or so later when it went through.
I was doing a transfer yesterday too when the delay came through. According to the FFL, the system was reporting "required database is down". Great conversations while we waited, it finally came through around 4pm.
I'm going out to shoot it Saturday morning and will see how it shoots. I got all of the stuff the factory put on it cleaned off tonight and it feels a bit smoother although the slide is sure stiff. I've almost caught a finger in the ejection port a few times while I worked the slide.

One thing I have noticed (and this may be the same thing you found Asbtg), I'm not crazy about where the mag release is as my thumb barely reaches it. I have average sized hands and my thumb hits it at the tip, which isn't strong enough to push it for an ejection. I have to kind of shift my hand around on the grip a little bit, which throws off my grip. I tried using my index finger on the right side but that isn't any easier.

It's not like I'm shooting in competition with it, so I don't need to speed change the mag, but it isn't as comfortable and intuitive as the S&W M&P .380 EZ I have and a couple of Glocks I've shot. Maybe after I shoot it a bit it will get more natural, but during dry testing the mag release just isn't in a natural position for my hand. I'll find out more on what I think after shooting tomorrow. I sure hope the spring loosens up a bit though.

I have to kind of shift my hand around on the grip a little bit, which throws off my grip. I tried using my index finger on the right side but that isn't any easier.
I have the same problem on a 1911; maybe just a short thumb. I REALLY like my 1911 though and am willing to work with its... ahem... shortcomings. :oops:
I ran my Springer with the worst pile of variety ammo of all makes, models and weights I could pile into a quart Ziploc bag one day and burned it all off as fast as I could load mags. Nary a hiccup. 400+/- rounds between 2 shooters. The oil was dripping out of the magwell by the end of the pile, but zippity-doo-dah it went!
One thing I have noticed (and this may be the same thing you found Asbtg), I'm not crazy about where the mag release is as my thumb barely reaches it. I have average sized hands and my thumb hits it at the tip, which isn't strong enough to push it for an ejection. I have to kind of shift my hand around on the grip a little bit, which throws off my grip. I tried using my index finger on the right side but that isn't any easier.

Even worse on the 10 MM's as the grip is longer on the fore and aft axis due to the longer round. I never noticed the problem on the 9 MM, but my right thumb is discombobulated after a VA operation and it can't work right in any case. I either use a second hand or the index finger (Which requires some gyrations due to the thumb anyway)
I'm glad to know it's not just me... :) If that is the only thing that I notice about the gun, I probably have a real good gun. The only way to be sure of getting a perfect fit is to have a gun custom built just for me, fitted for my hand and how I like to hold it and shoot. I'm pretty sure something like that would be way outside my shooting budget though. :D

When I was shooting the gun this morning it didn't turn out to be much of a problem. I think when I sit and dry fire and work the empty mags and slide that things stand out more than they do when actually firing. I put about 100 rounds through it and between my wife and the other 3 people in our group another 50 or so rounds were put through it. Not a problem with it at all. My wife and I are going to try and hit Wolf Creek tomorrow morning for about an hour and put another couple of hundred rounds through it and the S&W .380 EZ she has. I'm hoping the shooting will loosen up the springs a bit as that is one stiff gun. I found the recoil minimal and it is more accurate than I am, although I did get some good center target groupings a few times when I slowed down.

Since we were with 3 other people on private land today, I'm hoping my wife and I can get on a lane by ourselves for about an hour on Sunday. She was having problems with the grip safeties (more on the S&W .380 EZ than the XD 9mm) and I want to work with her on keeping her hand high on the grip and not let it come down. I think if we can spend some time with her practicing it will help her. We both like shooting with people we know, but sometimes it's good to have the privacy so we can concentrate on specifics. It was a great day to shoot and tomorrow should also be a good one.


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