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As a teen I was watching TV at my buddy Danny's house when he and his brother Jim got into an argument over what to watch. Danny won, or so he thought. Sitting on the couch with our backs to Jim, he had retrieved one of those old Hoover metal vacuum cleaner hoses and went to town on Danny's head.

Family infighting. We obviously abandoned any thought about the TV show and focused on cleaning up the mess before his parents got home. Sorta like here we are now with OUR infighting on how we will retain our 2A rights (as well as all other rights).

We have to stop our infighting and branch outward. We know exactly how the snowflakes feel because they won't shut up. They don't care who they offend. They have zero facts but that doesn't stop them. Their vast communication outlets lie and even in the minority frankly, they are kicking our abs. I think we gotta start eating what they eat. Drinking what they drink. Reading what they read. So to speak. Shake up their apple cart.

Even their unbiased information is biased. Nothing new but, I believe I have got at least a few people to think or start to question what they have been told by focusing outward.
Gun Control -
Agreed. I think a lot of the reason we're losing ground is because of our different mindset. Maybe this is a generalization, but in my experience, gun owners (and liberty-minded folk) tend to actually have a more live and let live attitude toward others than the opposition. Because we value our freedoms so highly, we wouldn't dream of going around like a schoolyard bully and telling people what they can and can't do. We may not necessarily agree with the way others live their lives but we recognize their rights to do so.
However, the "greater good" crowd has no boundaries. By whatever means necessary. Lie, cheat, and steal is the template. So we're stuck. We either lower ourselves into the muck or we'll continue to lose. Taking the high road doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere.
What's my suggestion? I think it's too late for a meeting of the minds. This country has already become too divided. I'm ready to split it at the Mississippi. They can have their progressive socialist gun-free utopia. We'll keep our constitutional republic.
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Agreed. I think a lot of the reason we're losing ground is because of our different mindset. Maybe this is a generalization, but in my experience, gun owners (and liberty-minded folk) tend to actually have a more live and let live attitude toward others than the opposition. Because we value our freedoms so highly, we wouldn't dream of going around like a schoolyard bully and telling people what they can and can't do. We may not necessarily agree with the way others live their lives but we recognize their rights to do so.

Thanks. That's what I meant to say
There is no discussion to be had. We are dealing with a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia (as Orwell stated)

Strong delusion is upon the masses (as predicted would be in the last days), so the choice can only be one or the or white. Sorry to burst the bubble but the gray is gone and the only compromise will be that which is forced
Agreed. I think a lot of the reason we're losing ground is because of our different mindset. Maybe this is a generalization, but in my experience, gun owners (and liberty-minded folk) tend to actually have a more live and let live attitude toward others than the opposition. Because we value our freedoms so highly, we wouldn't dream of going around like a schoolyard bully and telling people what they can and can't do. We may not necessarily agree with the way others live their lives but we recognize their rights to do so.
However, the "greater good" crowd has no boundaries. By whatever means necessary. Lie, cheat, and steal is the template. So we're stuck. We either lower ourselves into the muck or we'll continue to lose. Taking the high road doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere.
What's my suggestion? I think it's too late for a meeting of the minds. This country has already become too divided. I'm ready to split it at the Mississippi. They can have their progressive socialist gun-free utopia. We'll keep our constitutional republic.

People have long voted with their feet. Only problem is a lot of the far left has enough money to do the same. So they turn their home into a sewer trying to make it utopia. So when that happens they move to a place with a lot of conservatives since they have a nice place to live. Well as soon as the left sets up shop the first thing they start doing is electing the same people who made a sewer out of the old home. The right either will not vote since the one running is not perfect, or throw away their vote for same reason. So you have OR, and CA. ID is next. It's a race to the bottom.
Yes, we have our own differences within "our house."* And, we need to also educate our own. By all means.....educate and spread the word.

The LEFT will have you believe that the NRA is at fault. So. what does the NRA believe/stand for: NRA | About the NRA

Then, get to know the LEFT (from the Dems web site:

Preventing Gun Violence
With 33,000 Americans dying every year**, Democrats believe that we must finally take sensible action to address gun violence. While responsible gun ownership is part of the fabric of many communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. We can respect the rights of responsible gun owners while keeping our communities safe. To build on the success of the lifesaving Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, we will expand and strengthen background checks and close dangerous loopholes in our current laws; repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) to revoke the dangerous legal immunity protections gun makers and sellers now enjoy; and keep weapons of war—such as assault weapons and large capacity ammunition magazines (LCAM's)—off our streets. We will fight back against attempts to make it harder for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to revoke federal licenses from law breaking gun dealers, and ensure guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists, intimate partner abusers, other violent criminals, and those with severe mental health issues. There is insufficient research on effective gun prevention policies, which is why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must have the resources it needs to study gun violence as a public health issue.

They say that they are only asking for "reasonable and common sense legislation."

Really? Reasonable and common sense according to Hillary, Chucky, Feinstein, the Brady bunch, etc....?

*My mother is a Democrat who even voted for OBAMA. Today, she claims that she doesn't vote anymore. LOL.

**That figure is not a pure gun violence statistic. I'd call it a "lie." But, you know....statistics can be skewed.

Aloha, Mark

PS.....what is the Republicans Stance on Guns? Taken from: https://prod-static-ngop-pbl.s3.ama...[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf?mid=76323&rid=13483726

The Second Amendment: Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms We uphold the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, a natural inalienable right that predates the Constitution and is secured by the Second Amendment. Lawful gun ownership enables Americans to exercise their God-given right of selfdefense for the safety of their homes, their loved ones, and their communities.

We salute the Republican Congress for defending the right to keep and bear arms by preventing the President from installing a new liberal majority on the Supreme Court. The confirmation to the Court of additional anti-gun justices would eviscerate the Second Amendment's fundamental protections. Already, local officials in the nation's capital and elsewhere are defying the Court's decisions upholding an individual right to bear arms as affirmed by the Supreme Court in Heller and McDonald. We support firearm reciprocity legislation to recognize the right of law-abiding Americans to carry firearms to protect themselves and their families in all 50 states. We support constitutional carry statutes and salute the states that have passed them. We oppose ill-conceived laws that would restrict magazine capacity or ban the sale of the most popular and common modern rifle. We also oppose any effort to deprive individuals of their right to keep and bear arms without due process of law.

We condemn frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers and the current Administration's illegal harassment of firearm dealers. We oppose federal licensing or registration of law-abiding gun owners, registration of ammunition, and restoration of the ill-fated Clinton gun ban. We call for a thorough investigation — by a new Republican administration — of the deadly "Fast and Furious" operation perpetrated by Department of Justice officials who approved and allowed illegal sales of guns to known violent criminals.
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As a teen I was watching TV at my buddy Danny's house when he and his brother Jim got into an argument over what to watch. Danny won, or so he thought. Sitting on the couch with our backs to Jim, he had retrieved one of those old Hoover metal vacuum cleaner hoses and went to town on Danny's head.

Family infighting. We obviously abandoned any thought about the TV show and focused on cleaning up the mess before his parents got home. Sorta like here we are now with OUR infighting on how we will retain our 2A rights (as well as all other rights).

We have to stop our infighting and branch outward. We know exactly how the snowflakes feel because they won't shut up. They don't care who they offend. They have zero facts but that doesn't stop them. Their vast communication outlets lie and even in the minority frankly, they are kicking our abs. I think we gotta start eating what they eat. Drinking what they drink. Reading what they read. So to speak. Shake up their apple cart.

Even their unbiased information is biased. Nothing new but, I believe I have got at least a few people to think or start to question what they have been told by focusing outward.
Gun Control -

Unfortunately, when you own the mail service, you can control what gets delivered.
I have a strong sense that things will get much worse before they get better.
I'd even go as far as to promise so much.

Not that we should give up but to do what we can to spread the truth and to prepare for the inevitable chaos at hand.
California ranks dead last in Qualify of Life now. Who would of thought...:confused:

California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says

I have work colleague who's mom lives in San Diego and she's there is garbage every now in SD.

Thanks Tony617. I liked the link. I even sent it to my sister in CA.

Then, I also found this link within that article. LOL.....CA certainly is, moving Forward.*

Post-bankruptcy California city tests 'universal' income for residents

Aloha, Mark

*For those that didn't understand "Forward."

Don't Vote, Revolt! "Communists, Forward!" (English Subs)
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OP, I think we share similar goals; to disagree on a point might seem counter-intuitive to your premise, but here it goes anyway...

"Getting along" is a fallacy!

All down through the ages; there has been great schisms. Great arguments over the ownership and control over something (everything actually, lol).

The East-West schism over the Nicene Creed, the Suni-Shia schism over the next and last Ali, the Holy Land; all land and property disputes, the schisms over birth rights (aka order of birth) vs what has been earned, etc, etc.

The futility if trying to control enough of another's mind is well established; in fact, some believe the frustration some people feel over this futility is where many of our sadistic thoughts (verbal flogging, chastisement, & violence) towards one another come from...once again, its well established.

The idea of compromise on ownership, getting along, or "no discourse for the greater good" is a proven fallacy sir; by centuries upon centuries of examples.

Argument, discourse, and yes in-fighting makes us stronger.

Believe it or not, the Left; by trying to control so much our lives, is actually making us stronger; as does our in-fighting.

The vision of a Left-leaning idea amounts to Inductive Reasoning, an Unconstrained Thought, and the "I'll buy, you pay" philosophy.

The vision of a Right-leaning idea is Deductive Reasoning, Constrained Thought, Categorical Imperatives, and basically,

"No Trespassing".

There always has been and there always will be somebody who thinks they have the ownership of another's life, property, and among many other things, the right to self defense.

The only blanket-philosophy I'll stand by with other people is the US Constitution; there can be no budging on Individual Liberty!

Individual Liberty is unlimited until the exercise of which infringes on another's Individual Liberty.

Respect for Individual Liberty includes discourse, argument, and in-fighting.

Preventing people from letting off steam (discourse, argument, & in-fighting), is what I believe causes people to snap.

California ranks dead last in Qualify of Life now. Who would of thought...:confused:

California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says

I have work colleague who's mom lives in San Diego and she's there is garbage every now in SD.

Yep, then they jumped ship like Rats and scurried North. It's too bad that such beautiful states on the West Coast have been systematically destroyed while the masses were asleep.:s0129::s0129::s0129:
Agreed. I think a lot of the reason we're losing ground is because of our different mindset. Maybe this is a generalization, but in my experience, gun owners (and liberty-minded folk) tend to actually have a more live and let live attitude toward others than the opposition. Because we value our freedoms so highly, we wouldn't dream of going around like a schoolyard bully and telling people what they can and can't do. We may not necessarily agree with the way others live their lives but we recognize their rights to do so.
However, the "greater good" crowd has no boundaries. By whatever means necessary. Lie, cheat, and steal is the template. So we're stuck. We either lower ourselves into the muck or we'll continue to lose. Taking the high road doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere.
What's my suggestion? I think it's too late for a meeting of the minds. This country has already become too divided. I'm ready to split it at the Mississippi. They can have their progressive socialist gun-free utopia. We'll keep our constitutional republic.

I know that there are more than a handful of 2A states east of Ole Miss, don't be so critical of the Southern states.:)
Yankees up north, Hell yeah we can agree on that.;););)

The OP didn't mention compromise and that is the essence of his post. He suggests a unification of forces to protect 2A rights. Using the methods of the opponent to take them down.
People read what they want to see.

We have an attention deficit disorder when we need it least.
So now we discuss what? Crappy places to live?
There is no discussion to be had. We are dealing with a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia (as Orwell stated)

Strong delusion is upon the masses (as predicted would be in the last days), so the choice can only be one or the or white. Sorry to burst the bubble but the gray is gone and the only compromise will be that which is forced

I think you're right. Hard to have a meaningful discussion with the far left at this point.



My wife told me when my generation goes away ( boomer ), the 2nd A goes with it. If our kids and grandkids can't get more excited about fighting for their rights, so be it. We've done our part, and I'm tired. If they can't invest the energy to step up, its on them. It doesn't help that the younger generations have been liberally brainwashed in our schools. Isn't it funny that the government sent us to foreign lands to stem the tide of world Communism, and they were right here at home infiltrating our infrastructure and culture, media, entertainment...I dream about living to see Jane Fonda hang for treason.
The OP didn't mention compromise and that is the essence of his post. He suggests a unification of forces to protect 2A rights. Using the methods of the opponent to take them down.
People read what they want to see.

We have an attention deficit disorder when we need it least.
So now we discuss what? Crappy places to live?

This is a classic example. Knowing where the opposition is getting their information, ideology, from my point of view is not a compromise. There's what you think and then there's what you know. Just saying the other side are a bunch of pansies won't win any elections or drive politicians to your side. They don't have to ever agree with me or like what I am doing but there can be a point when they can't argue what I am doing and acknowledge it as protected as every other right.
Take action, do not cease and engage at every opportunity.
Think the framers of the Constitution threw up their hands and said "screw this, I'm tired"?

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