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We had breakfast in the park, then picked out our spot on the curb to set out our chairs for the parade. Getting prime real estate for your chair is a thing here. Watched the F-15's do their flyby at the start of the parade then watched the parade. Lunch in the park. Later we'll sit in the front yard and watch the fireworks. They get set off in the High school field which is right behind our across the street neighbors house. Same as we do every year. You might say it's a family tradition. (My apologizes to Hank Jr.)
Happy Independence day to you all as well. I worked, but got paid an extra 8 hours so there's that....

** Edit to add a story **

My first July 4th in the Coast Guard was while stationed in Depoe Bay. The OOD send three of us out to pull weeds. We all grumbled to each other about it and after a bit one of the guys went in and complained to the OOD that we should be on holiday routine since it was Independence Day. The OOD walked out and calmly took each one of us and moved us across the yard from each other and said, "There, now you guys can pull weeds independently".....
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Had family, Kids, grandkids & friends over...a day like that is heaven on earth to me.

Long live the Republic.

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