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When my dads father passed back in the late 80's one of the guns my dad inherited was a 401 self loading rifle ( 1910 winchester ). My brother took it down to the pond one day to do some plinking. Back then there was no such thing as moderation - you shot all your ammunition up before you were done. Dad was pissed because of how difficult it was to find ammunition for this rifle even back them. I believe these cases were one offs and cannot be made from other cartridges. These were heavy guns built like tanks. They were pretty much indestructible. I can only imagine that a few of these rifles are in the back of someones closet sitting in need of ammunition.
When my dads father passed back in the late 80's one of the guns my dad inherited was a 401 self loading rifle ( 1910 winchester ). My brother took it down to the pond one day to do some plinking. Back then there was no such thing as moderation - you shot all your ammunition up before you were done. Dad was pissed because of how difficult it was to find ammunition for this rifle even back them. I believe these cases were one offs and cannot be made from other cartridges. These were heavy guns built like tanks. They were pretty much indestructible. I can only imagine that a few of these rifles are in the back of someones closet sitting in need of ammunition.
Thanks but I havent seen that rifle in a few decades - good to know some are still reloading for it.

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