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I've been interested in these reproductions of the Schofield* for a while, particularly the version in .38 Special. I believe they are made by Uberti and sold by Cimarron.

Has anyone owned or shot these much? Did you find it a quality piece?

Thanks for any info.

* This type of revolver.
A feller at the gun club shows up occasionally with his Uberti Schofield in .44 Russian. It is absolutely gorgeous! Shoots very well.
From what I've seen the Uberti Guns are of a higher quality than the Cimarron guns of the same model. I don't have any first hand information but they might be seconds or something.
I used to have a taylor and company, 45 lc Schofield that was beautiful until I had to move and I had to part with it. I wish I could have kept but moving cross country isnt cheap.
Does anyone know the difference between the Taylor & Co offered Schofield and Cimarron's? I'm comparison shopping tonight. The Taylor one looks (from the picture) to have a better finish, but I realize that it is hard to judge via the web. It is also about $60 less than the Cimarron with the same features (.38 Special, blued, 7" barrel, etc.).

I've been retired from the cowboy matches for a while; the Cimarron wasn't widely known at that point so will avoid comments on it.

The REAL winner in those days that all the Schofield fans were after was the S&W version.

I always liked their special features & didn't shoot them much myself, yet they always seemed a little awkward to my hand. YMMV.
Thanks for the information @41mag. Much appreciate.

This is one that has been on my list for some time now. One of my brothers gave me a C-note gift card at an online gun vendors, so I think I will move forward with Taylor version soon. Perhaps tomorrow.
Most of these handguns are made by Uberti. Cimarron takes them, disassembles them, and refinishes them, inside and out, pretty much as Colt used to.
Side by side the Ubertis are usually rougher and not finished quite as well. Take a look at the Web Sites. Cimarron offers pretty much everything Colt used to.
They are the only place I know of where you can still order original style Silver Tiffany Grips
I , and only my opinion, consider them a better firearm.
From what I've seen the Uberti Guns are of a higher quality than the Cimarron guns of the same model. I don't have any first hand information but they might be seconds or something.
ALL Cimmaron guns (they are not a manufacturer) come from Italy, either Uberti or Pietta. For awhile Uberti had the (perceived) edge on quality, fit, and finish... they seem to have swapped places a few times over the decades but it appears Pietta has once again pulled even.

My own current personal example (Pietta) is not a Schofield, but it IS flat-azzed gorgeous, IMHO*
The Taylor & Co marketed units seem to get an extra amount of attention in the fit and finish department and their prices reflect it.

*Photo was taken to show the (cheap) Cimarron box but the reflection washed it out.
I picked up my first Uberti back in the late 90s. It was a 45 Colt. Quickly traded it for. a 5" 38 special, actually Shooting 38 Long Colt. Handled well and extremely pleasant to shoot.
Later picked up a Cimarron 3" in 38 special. Was easy to carry and great shoot. Lost them both in mid 2000s, but always looking for a replacement.
My Cousin here in Tombstone is a Gunsmith for Cimarron Handguns. Slow right now, but we've shot and handled lots of them in the last 24 years.

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