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Trade my 1000 small pistol primers for your 1000 small pistol MAGNUM primers.
(Willing to trade up to 2000 for 2000 if that will make it more worth your time and effort.)
I have either CCI (#500) or Winchester (#WSP). Both are new stock - I purchased within this past year.
For the SPMP, I...
WTT: CCI 550 SPMP for Standard SPP
My CCI 550 Small Pistol Magnum Primers for your standard Small Pistol Primers (CCI, Federal, Winchester or Remington)
3000 available for trade.
Minimum trade size: 500
Got more than I need. (New - arrived 5/19/22 from Natchez)
I know I can use them in...
I would like to trade SPP (few SPMP) primers for primers …..LRP manufacturer doesn’t matter to me.
Just a few….. decided to just stick with rifle loading and get rid of the little pistol stuff I have.
200 federal #100 TRADE PENDING