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"Unfortunately, there are several bills being introduced during this legislation session which would further erode the rights of responsible adults. And this proposed new law, like so many others already on the books, may not be effective in stopping violent criminals from getting their hands on firearms and hurting innocent people. I encourage you to make calls to the Co-Sponsors of House Bill 3200 and let them know how you feel. See list of Co-Sponsors below."
"Rather than punish law abiding citizens, I would rather focus on measures we can take to prevent violent offenders from harming others in our community. I really appreciate your support of our 2nd Amendment rights and will do my best to oppose HB 3200."
Thank you for your comments.
*Dennis Richardson
State Representative
House District 4
900 Court Street H-373
Salem, OR 97301
<broken link removed>
Co-Sponsors for House Bill 3200:
Rep. Greenlick – 503-986-1433
Rep. Bailey – 503-986-1442
Rep. Buckley – 503-986-1405
Rep. Dembro – 503-986-1445
Rep. Frederick – 503-986-1443
Rep. Keny-Guyer – 503-986-1446
Rep. Read – 503-986-1427
Rep. Reardon – 503-986-1428
Rep. Tomei – 503-986-1441
Sen. Burdick – 503-986-1718
Sen. Dingfelder – 503-986-1723
Sen. Hass – 503-986-1714
Sen. Monnes Anderson – 503-986-1725
Sen. Monroe – 503-986-1724
Sen. Shields – 503-986-1722
Sen. Steiner Hayward – 503-986-1717
I asked this before and no one gave an answer. It was brought up earlier in the thread that maybe they are guilty of Malfeasance or possibly something else. How can we begin legal action against the sponsors/co-sponsors of these types of bills? I don't have a lot of money but am willing to donate if anyone knows of a GOOD PRO GUN attorney who will work for cheap. Come on guys let's use the law to OUR advantage for once. How do we get this ball rolling?

The other thing I have been doing when I call and talk to someone or leave a message is I tell them I have been a life long democrat (which is far from the truth).
Then why did he sponsor it? Smells fishy.

Greenlick in response to HB3200;*"It's not where they [most legislators] want to go and it's not where I think we're going to go," said Greenlick, "but it's where we should be going.". <====

Like i wrote earlier smelled fishy that Greenlick said he didn't support this bill even though he sponsored it. This guy can't be trusted!
Here is the email I just sent to all reps and senators. I have already done all the quick form letters. copied one part from another member's letter as i thought it appropriate and it was well stated. Not sure if it will make difference but have to do something. Does anyone have governor's email? his website does not divulge that information. would like to send it to him as well. We have to keep pushing back

To Oregon Senators and House Reps,

I am deeply frustrated with the current push against the constitutions of both the State of Oregon and the United States. Specifically our right as law abiding, tax paying , voting citizens to keep and bear arms. As employees of the tax paying citizens of this state I would expect that you would have the utmost respect and understanding for our constitutional rights. Remember you took an Oath.

County of ___________________
I, _____________________________, do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Oregon, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of
according to the best of my ability

HB3200 begs the questions:

What is the true purpose of this bill? I am sure you are all aware of the statistics associated with gun violence in this country and that statistically this ban will not change anything. This is simply a bill based on feelings and NOT facts.

· Despite their popularity and wide ownership, so-called "assault rifles" are rarely used in crimes (most gun crimes are committed with handguns). According to FBI crime statistics, twice as many murders are committed withhands, fists, and feet (728 in 2011) as are committed with all rifles, including all so-called "assault rifles" (323 in 2011).Five times as many murders are committed with knives and other cutting instruments (1,694 in 2011) as are committed with all rifles, including all so-called "assault rifles" Murder Victims by Weapon 2007-2011

Are you truly concerned about illegal violence that results in deaths? I believe this is a definitive NO!
There are already many laws specific to the illegal use of firearms in crimes. Criminals don't seem to care
about the existing laws so what makes you think they will abide by this one? Common Sense anyone? If you really want to make a change look at the people that commit the crimes not the tools they use. That is the real root of the problem.

Who will this bill,if passed, really effect? This bill if passed will only effect the law abiding citizen. People that break the law and are willing to murder another human being will not be concerned with yet another law.


Do you, the advocates and authors of this bill, have any clue about guns at all? The obvious answer is no. The bill is simply based on cosmetic features of various guns and how they make you feel. I believe that it is important in the decision making process to actually understand the subject about which you are making decisions. When it comes to politics this is obviously not the case. Guns are inanimate objects like any other tool. It is the user that determines how it is used and for what. You can no more blame a gun for murder than you can blame a car for drunk driving or a match for arson.

As a law abiding, tax paying, business owning, employing, gun owning father of 5 I can only hope that the majority of our congress has enough sense to NOT vote for this bill or any others like it. I can only speak politically with my money and my vote and will do so at the next election. Please keep in mind you work for us not the other way around.

I kept mine short -- here's what I just sent to all of the bill co-sponsors:

Dear Senators,

As a hard working, tax paying, law abiding citizen of the State of Oregon, I'm completely offended and almost speechless to such an absurd bill that is filled with so much ignorance.


Please stop wasting our TIME and MONEY on bills that lack intelligence and common sense!

Respectfully yours,
My Name Here
I also feel that this bill is just an extreme measure to get people to think that a less extreme bill is ok. It's similar to the so called budget cuts that are only reductions in the increased spending. Thats the mind set of too many politicians.
Any Democrats who support their party should contact them and let them know that they object to being associated with such an outrage. That it makes all Democrats look bad and will hurt the parties chances of re-election and reduce their donations, while helping the Republican party.
If anyone cares I'm a voting Republican.
I don't care if this bill goes anywhere even if it goes to the trash, those that put their name on it should be voted out. This is the time guys, write their names down and remember when election time is around and remind everyone who NOT to vote for. As far as I am concerned even after this thing is dead they should still be hounded because it was waisting the tax payer money and I think we need to continue to remind them what a dumba$$ they are.
The problem is that there will continue to be more of these bills pushed. Some, being slightly less unconstitutional will get more support in Salem. The idea is to put everything on the table thinking that we, "the little people" will be placated with just "some" of our rights being infringed.

It's a war of attrition and the statists are winning. We must stay active and vocal.

One of my favorite writers says this: "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system and too soon to shoot the b*****ds." -Claire Wolf
I just finished my letter to all HB3200 sponsors -

"HB 3200 should be immediately withdrawn from consideration. As a Sworn Law Enforcement Officer and private citizen I find the ability of the police to search my home with no warrant to be a grievous offense against my God given liberties!

I have never witnessed a more ill-conceived, capricious, and blatant offense to law-abiding citizens as HB3200.

I am shocked and disappointed that something like this would even be considered in my state. It is very troubling that Oregon has legislators who are trying to ban things through their ignorance and arrogance.

I am also not comforted that Senate Democrats have claimed they will not move forward with a bill of this kind. Last session we were told that a ban on licensed carry on school property would not move forward and then Peter Courtney revived it in the last days of the session and tried to ram it through with no opportunity for public testimony!

At a time of great economic distress your time would be better served in addressing the critical lack of mental health care in Oregon as well as enforcing existing laws that would punish those found guilty of crimes against persons. Stop trying to punish lawful gun owners through this ill-considered and blatantly unconstitutional legislation.

You must know that after over 25 years of civic duty this is the first letter addressing infringement of my rights that I have ever written and it took HB3200 to do it. I am not alone in my opinion.

I strongly urge you to oppose HB 3200 and any bill that mindlessly attacks the rights of the people."

Oregon constitution

Section 27. Right to bear arms;military subordinate to civil power. The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence [sic] of themselves and the State,but the military shall be kept in strict subordination to civil power.
Any Democrats who support their party should contact them and let them know that they object to being associated with such an outrage. That it makes all Democrats look bad and will hurt the parties chances of re-election and reduce their donations, while helping the Republican party.

That's exactly what I tell all of the elected officials who propose this nonsense.
Taken from the Ceasefire Oregon web page"Our bill to ban assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition magazines was introduced in the Oregon House of Representatives on Feb. 21. You'll find the bill here. Please visit our News and Advocacy pages for more information." Of coarse this is HB 3200. How does a group of nitwits such as these people get a representative to sponsor such garbage? It looks like they didn't even read it before it was put out for consideration. Why is OFF not writing gun bills that protect further erosion of our constitutional right, and having a representative sponsorship if this is the case?
"A bill promoted by Ceasefire Oregon to ban many semi-automatic firearms and high-capacity gun magazines generated a national outcry over the weekend from angry pro-gun activists.
Even Rep. Mitch Greenlick, D-Portland, the chief sponsor of House Bill 3200, said the bill as introduced goes too far in not only banning the sale of these weapons but in limiting each gun owner to continue possessing just one of these firearms.

Greenlick said he also disagrees with a provision that would allow the state police to investigate gun owners who possess one of these weapons to make sure they are safely stored.

"In its current form, it's a pretty flawed bill," said Greenlick, adding that "I don't think [the bill] is in play.""

Oregon gun control bill attracts national publicity; sponsor says it appears dead on arrival |
Keep up the good work!

"At this point, legislators are hearing an outpouring of criticism for HB 3200 from opponents of gun control. Greenlick said he was peppered with as many as 1,000 emails over the weekend criticizing him and the bill."
Oh :s0087: no!

Especially the state of emergency that is declared when enacted?
SECTION 6. This 2013 Act being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public
peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2013 Act takes effect
on its passage.

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