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Dear Representative or Senator,

My name is del_and_bones and I am a graduate student at Oregon State University. I am currently working toward my PhD in physics and I would like to discuss the current proposed legislation regarding the lawful ownership of firearms, namely HB 3200. I shall make my case using cited facts about crime and gun ownership.

Over the past 20 years, the discussion about reducing violent crime has centered on the regulation of firearms. During this period the number of violent crimes in the US has dropped from 1.9 million (1991) to 1.2 million (2011) while the population has increased from 252 million to 311 million [1]. This equates to a violent crime rate of 758 (crimes per 100,000 people) in 1991 to 386 (crimes per 100,000 people) in 2011 [1]. During this time we have seen a federal assault weapons ban, 1994-2004. Many like to point out that this spurred the drop in crime, which is not the case. The firearms listed in the ban have become more popular than ever and there are more of these firearms in civilian hands than prior to the ban. Since the tragedy at Sandy Hook, the NICS, the free FBI background check system, has had over 2.7 million checks [3] mostly due to fear of a permanent ban on semiautomatic firearms.

Many people argue that registration does not lead to confiscation. The rebuttal for this argument points to historical incidences of where a national government has disarmed their own citizens by enforcing registration. I will forgo the usual foreign examples and instead use domestic examples of confiscation. In 1967 New York City enacted comprehensive firearm registration, this included long-guns and handguns. At the time politicians spouted how this would not lead to confiscation, however in 1991 the city council made private possession of certain semiautomatic rifles and shotguns illegal, similar to those banned between 1994 and 2004, and confiscated them using random searches of people’s homes. This however did little to curb crime as a vast majority of firearms used in crimes were not lawfully registered nor were they rifles or shotguns. The FBI Uniform crime reports show that a vast majority of firearms related crimes are committed using handguns. Current legislation in California is threatening to collect the state’s 167,000 registered “assault weapons” without compensation for their owners. Current New York legislation has lowered the magazine limit from 10 to 7 rounds, which is receiving fierce opposition on the county level. Looking beyond the violation of the Second Amendment, these laws also violate eminent domain as they do not compensate the owners for their property.

The state of Oregon has one of the lowest violent crime rates in the country at 248 violent crimes per 100,000 people [1], comparatively New York and California have violent rates of 398 and 411 per 100,000 respectively [1]. I would also like to note that roughly 40% of Oregonians own firearms [2] [4]. This gives credence to the idea that possession of firearms does not lead to crime.

We can also delve into firearms case law. In 1939 a case, US v. Miller, came before the Supreme Court of the United States questioning if the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA) violated the Second Amendment. The court ruled that the Second Amendment applies to “ordinary military equipment.” Semiautomatic firearms fall under this because their fully automatic counterparts are standard issue in all branches of the armed services. The next landmark firearms case in the nation’s highest court was the widely publicized DC v. Heller (2007). The decision in Heller expounded upon Miller by stating that the Second Amendment applies to the firearms that used by militia, in other words, it applies to those which have common use for lawful purposes. Next I’d like to mention McDonald v. Chicago (2010), which did set the standard that firearms can be regulated, more specifically: "prohibit...the possession of firearms by felons or mentally ill" and "laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms." This, however, is not a license for bans on types of firearms, only reasonable restrictions on whom may possess them and where they may possess them. Lastly, I would like to note that in Haynes v. US (1968), the Supreme Court ruled that felons have no duty to register their weapons because it violates their Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination. These all address the restriction layed out in HB 3200 as being unconstitutional based upon the Second Amendment but it also violates firearms owners’ Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizures. The text in HB 3200 explicitly states that an “inspector” can “inspect” the firearm and its storage container without a warrant (Sec 4.5.b. and Sec 5.4). This places an undue burden upon lawful firearm owners while not curbing a criminal’s ability to acquire firearms.

I would also like to address the misnomer that the police have the duty to protect civilians. The Supreme Court and the DC Court of Appeals have ruled that the police only have obligation to enforce the law. In Warren v. DC (1981) the DC Court of Appeals held that the police have no obligation to provide protective services to an individual except when police develop a special duty to particular individuals. This is interesting because it stated that police have no duty to victims of criminal acts. In the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales (2005), the Supreme Court found that the police had no obligation to enforce a restraining order and therefore could not be deprived of their fourteenth Amendment rights (due process clause). These rulings affirm the concept that the individual is ultimately responsible for their own safety.

I implore you to vote against any and all new firearms legislation that restricts the ability of law-abiding citizens to acquire them, especially HB 3200. None of the provisions in the bill stop criminals from acquiring firearms. This bill unconstitutionally serves to only restrict the lawful use of firearms by law-abiding citizens and by definition criminals do not adhere to laws. Instead, please focus on mental health reform so that those who need treatment can receive help, not only from medication, but also through psychiatric help. The lack of follow-up mental care needs to be addressed. Another useful reform would be to institute stiffer penalties for those who break the law using a firearm. It will help curb the violence and will not hinder the law abiding citizen defending themselves.

Oregon Constitution Section 27:
The people shall have the right to keep and bear arms for the defence [sic] of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power[.]
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing your reply. If you would like to discuss the finer points of firearms ownership or the current laws, I will gladly either meet with you or discuss them over the phone. Sincerely,


1. FBI Uniform Crime Reports: FBI ? Violent Crime

2. Gun Ownership, by State - Guns, by State - Gun Owners Percentage by State

3. <broken link removed>

4.Oregon gun owners not monolithic in their views on new firearms restrictions, survey shows |
another alert from OFF
The Oregon House has several Democratic members who support gun rights. The Oregon Senate has only two. That’s right, out of 16 Democratic Oregon Senators, only two support your right to own a firearm.

The two are Senator Arnie Roblan and Senator Betsy Johnson.

If you would take a moment to email them, or leave a message at their office expressing your appreciation for their past support, it would mean a lot at a time when they are the lone voices of reason in the Democratic caucus.

Senator Arnie Roblan
503 986 1409
[email protected]

Senator Betsy Johnson
503 986 1716
[email protected]

Thank you!

It looks like Betsy Johnson is good to go. I just got this response from her:

Dear James ,

Thank you for your thoughtful and comprehensive email. I will continue to oppose any additional firearms restrictions, including SB-346, SB-347 and, especially, HB-3200.

Best regards,

Member, Democratic Gun Owners Caucus
NFA License Holder
(503) 986-1716
I used the OFF auto mailer Sunday at 7:19 am. By 7:57 am I received this response from Rep John Huffman Dist 59 (representing Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, Sherman and portions of Wasco Counties)

Thank you for taking the time to email me regarding gun control legislation.* I try to find the root causes of a problem or issue and then develop common sense policy that will deal with the root problem, not the symptom(s) of the problem.* Additional gun control would largely hurt law abiding citizens.* Our focus needs to be on issues like mental health, illegal access to guns, strengthening our families, and eliminating excessively violent material from kids and youth. Areas that I believe address the root issues.* I have not and will not support legislation that further erodes our God given, and our Constitutionally given and guaranteed rights and freedoms.

Rep. John Huffman
House Dist. 59

I am impressed with his response as well as how quickly he responded (less than 40 mins on a Sunday morning!) As of this post he is the only legislator to respond...
We encourage you to call the sponsors and co-sponsors of HB 3200.

Rep. Greenlick &#8211; 503-986-1433

Rep. Bailey &#8211; 503-986-1442

Rep. Buckley &#8211; 503-986-1405

Rep. Dembro &#8211; 503-986-1445

Rep. Frederick &#8211; 503-986-1443

Rep. Keny-Guyer &#8211; 503-986-1446

Rep. Read &#8211; 503-986-1427

Rep. Reardon &#8211; 503-986-1428

Rep. Tomei &#8211; 503-986-1441

Sen. Burdick &#8211; 503-986-1718

Sen. Dingfelder &#8211; 503-986-1723

Sen. Hass &#8211; 503-986-1714

Sen. Monnes Anderson &#8211; 503-986-1725

Sen. Monroe &#8211; 503-986-1724

Sen. Shields &#8211; 503-986-1722

Sen. Steiner Hayward &#8211; 503-986-1717
As OFF has requested, and I agree with, we need to be sure to send praise to Senators Betsy Johnson and Arnie Roblan, both pro-gun Democrats. Some of you will refuse to do so based on other disagreements or party affiliations, and I understand that. My position is that people need to be commended when they make the correct choice, period. I appreciate them standing up to the rest of their party in our interests, and NWFA is a single-issue organization.
I called all the Sen and Rep on this list. I told them that if I had to sell my guns that I would take all the proceeds and donate to their opponents in the next election. Strangely some did not like that.

Thank you for your comments and thoughts regarding HB 3200.* Senator Whitsett opposes any further restrictions on possession of firearms and actually opposes many of those already in place, both at the State and Federal levels.
We encourage you to call the sponsors and co-sponsors of HB 3200.
Rep. Greenlick &#8211; 503-986-1433
Rep. Bailey &#8211; 503-986-1442
Rep. Buckley &#8211; 503-986-1405
Rep. Dembro &#8211; 503-986-1445
Rep. Frederick &#8211; 503-986-1443
Rep. Keny-Guyer &#8211; 503-986-1446
Rep. Read &#8211; 503-986-1427
Rep. Reardon &#8211; 503-986-1428
Rep. Tomei &#8211; 503-986-1441
Sen. Burdick &#8211; 503-986-1718
Sen. Dingfelder &#8211; 503-986-1723
Sen. Hass &#8211; 503-986-1714
Sen. Monnes Anderson &#8211; 503-986-1725
Sen. Monroe &#8211; 503-986-1724
Sen. Shields &#8211; 503-986-1722
Sen. Steiner Hayward &#8211; 503-986-1717
Again, thank you for your thoughts regarding this matter.
Warm regards,

Sandy Sumner
Legislative Assistant
Office of Doug Whitsett
Senator, *District 28
Sandy Sumner
Legislative Assistant
Office of Doug Whitsett
Senator, *District 28
P: (503) 986-1728
F: (503) 986-1971
Personally I believe that any politician who tries to attack the constitution should be tried for treason.[/B] Also since they have an apparent lack for support for the constitution they took an oath to uphold, they should not benefit from any of the legal protection granted within the constitution.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

Black's Law Dictionary, 4th ed., 1968

"LEVYING WAR. In criminal law. The assembling of a body of men for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable object; and all who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of the action, and who are leagued in the general conspiracy, are considered as engaged in levying war, within the meaning of the constitution. Const. art. 3, subsection 3; Ex parte Bollman, 4 Cranch, 75, 2 L.ed. 554

The words include forcible opposition, as the result of a combination of individuals, to the execution of any public law of the United States; and to constitute treason within the Federal Constitution, there must be a combination of individuals united for the common purpose of forcibly preventing the execution of some public law and the actual or threatened use of force by the combination to prevent its execution. Kegerreis v. Van Zile, 167 N.Y.S. 874, 876, 180 App. Div. 414."

We all know that the State and federal Constitutions are the supreme laws of the land don't we?

Re: "an apparent lack for support for the constitution they took an oath to uphold"
It's harder to support something you have only superficial educational exposure to. Oregon law (ORS 336.057 & 067) requires public schools to provide a minimum of 5 years of a class devoted to the Constitutions. We all know public school "policies" oppose those laws too don't we. Treason....count 2?
As OFF has requested, and I agree with, we need to be sure to send praise to Senators Betsy Johnson and Arnie Roblan, both pro-gun Democrats. Some of you will refuse to do so based on other disagreements or party affiliations, and I understand that. My position is that people need to be commended when they make the correct choice, period. I appreciate them standing up to the rest of their party in our interests, and NWFA is a single-issue organization.

Yes listen to Joe! There are quite a few strongly pro-gun Democrats out there and we are going to need them now and in the future. It is becoming increasingly unlikely that the Republicans will gain and keep control of one or both houses of the legislature so having a few Dem votes on our side is going to be absolutely critical in stopping attacks on our Second Amendment rights. Jeff Barkley of Aloha is another NRA A rated Democrat and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee to boot.
Yes listen to Joe! There are quite a few strongly pro-gun Democrats out there and we are going to need them now and in the future. It is becoming increasingly unlikely that the Republicans will gain and keep control of one or both houses of the legislature so having a few Dem votes on our side is going to be absolutely critical in stopping attacks on our Second Amendment rights. Jeff Barkley of Aloha is another NRA A rated Democrat and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee to boot.

House Majority Leader Val Hoyle and freshman Representative Shemia Fagan are two House Democrats who support our gun rights. They're not quite as visible as the others, but they provide support nonetheless.

Val Hoyle
[email protected]

Shemia Fagan
[email protected]
Even the "sponsor" of HB 3200 says it is "flawed" and it "goes too far":

How does one introduce a bill that he thinks is "pretty flawed?"

Is that incompetence? laziness? was he too busy to read it? did someone slip it into a pile of bills that he rubber stamped? perhaps narcissism? Did he think it was a good idea and then a few thousand angry people emailed him and he backpedaled?

You'd think it be a part of your job description to not sponsor a bill that you think was pretty flawed.

Scary part - he probably does this with every bill.
When I called Rep. Reardon &#8211; 503-986-1428 mentioned on the lists above I got Barker's office. His person answering the phone said that the bill didn't have a chance.

I'm still going to keep up the pressure any way, this is not over. If we do get over this hurdle remember mid-term elections are our best chance to slow down the agressive progressive.

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