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A great read...Makes me wish there were 27 pages!!

Never anything as interesting as some of the other stories posted here, but...

My folks were living between Overlake and Redmond , Wa ...Off NE 51st, about a mile above the Smmamaish slough and the dairy that used to be there. They were leasing a home on 15 acres with 40 acres, a barn and tack room across the street. I was probably eight or nine years old and in those days allowed to explore to my hearts content, just as long as I was home for dinner. One afternoon, I took to rummaging through the tack room and found an old snuff can rusted closed but, it had something metallic inside. At least it souned metallic when I shook it. I couldn't get it open and, believe me I tried using a stick to push the lid off, banged the tin on a breaking post in the middle of the coral and even hammered on it with a rock, to no avail. I put the tin in my back pocket and walked home as it was getting close to dinner. I showed the tin to my Dad and his eyes got as big as dinner plates. He handled tin very gently and used his pocket knife to open the tin.

Inside were about a dozen blasting caps...enough to have done a little eight year old so severe damage. Dad soaked the caps in motor oil for a month then buried them in an undisclosed location. As I recall that was the same exploration trip that I found a Daisy Red Ryder in the corner of an old abandoned pump house on the property. Lost it when I shot an an Alder and the ricochet broke one of the front windows of the house. Damned Kids!! :D
I forgot a couple good ones from last summer.

First one - I was bank fishing with my nephew out at Hagg. Walking around and into one of the coves on the southeastern shore - I found a HUGE pair of wimmenz undies (very stained, very granny panty-ish) hanging about 8' off the ground on a tree branch.

The second one was also out at Hagg. Was fishing with my buddy Jason, searching for panfish in a back cove on the SW corner of the lake. From out of no where a young woman comes out of the brush along with her dog. She then proceeded to strip from the waist up and just kick back on a tree stump, enjoying the sun. Made the slow fishing a bit more bearable :)
A few years ago a friend and I were at a BBQ at a friends place near Sunriver. He crashed at my house than night and the next day wanted to do some sight seeing and go for a swim (he was new to the area) so we went out to Wickiup Reservoir. It was Sunday and the beach near the dam was totally empty - except for us and two girls down the beach. We could not quite believe the 'display' they put on shortly thereafter. It's not we couldn't be seen and they were out in the open.
I'm not sure that this would qualify as a strange find in the woods.
In 1966 I was working for the department of natural resources in Washington State. This was a summertime work program for high school students. Our crew consisted of 16 plus our foreman, Bud.
But that was driving our crew truck on the road leading the alongside the north fork of the Toutle River. We were heading for a spot on the river to spend our lunch hour but we came across a strange sight. There was a sixties Volkswagen beetle stuck in the middle of a bridge. The bridge consisted of two logs across the stream that were connected by three 12 by 12 wooden beams, wooden planking was laid on top of the logs for vehicles to travel across. The Volkswagen was down in the opener center of the bridge having slipped off the planking.
This was going to ruin our lunch hour swim.
There was no one around for Volkswagen that we could see. The car was locked and blocking our way. So the 16 of us picked up the Volkswagen and moved it about 100 feet back up the road to a parking area. Then we went merrily on our way laughing at what the owner would think when they got back with a tow truck.
All I have always wondered what to look on the person's face looked like when they saw their car had moved.:s0114:
Not a find but a scary experience.

Elk hunting in ukiah in northern oregon.
I was 17 hunting with my dad we had spike only tags. My dad hunted there many years prior and had GPS coordinates to rock out cropping half way down a steep and very large valley.
After sitting watching the other side of the valley for many hours we had spotted a heard of 40+ head. Spotting each elk to find a spike there was none, but 2 massive branch bulls, one was leading the heard so we just sat and watch the heard cross about 600 yards away, when the hair stood up on my neck and heard zoooooom kaboom first round went inches above our heads so we hit the deck hiding in the rock probably about 5 more shoots went by and one clipped the rock out cropping we were on.
2 hunters behind us shot the lead bull. back in my younger days with a temper i wanted to return fire but didn't. later that evening saw them driving down the road with the bull in the bed of there truck.

Honest mistake could have easily misted our brains all over that valley lol.
I got lots of stories, I grew up in Chelan (WA) and did a lot of snorkeling during the swimable months. Watches, jewelry, money, fishing gear, etc were all hauled out of that lake each summer. Located a couple sunken boats for owners (who had to hire a salvage crew to remove them), then came back afterward to collect the lost contents. I had heard there were tossed guns near the bridges but never dove there because of the current.

Vacationing at Howard Prairie Lake (southern OR) I pulled just tons of lures, line and other gear from that lake. Almost ran into trouble when my flipper got entangled in some high-test line and I had left my dive knife on shore. I got about a foot from the surface but was finally saved by the quick release buckles on the fin. Returned later with the knife and removed easily 150' of that line. Recovered two full tackle boxes from there too (lost by boaters maybe a year or so prior- rust/silt), cleaned them up and filled them with various lures I had recovered then gave them to a pair of boys who looked like they could use them.

Working on a wildfire rehab my group stumbled on an old dump site exposed by the wildfire. Pulled lots of great old bottles and other "junk" from that find, still have a few of the bottles to this day.

More recently I went up to my usual shooting place but found the road blocked by snow. Out on foot scouting if the snow was passable I noted something orange 30-40 yards down the steep embankment. Pulled out the binocs and its a car on its side and I was seeing it from the top! No recent evidence of a car going over and no smoke/sound from it but from my vantage point it looked recent. I pulled a rope from my trunk and used it to get down the steeper road embankment, then scrambled down to the area. Once I got up closer it was obvious it had been there a while, interior was gutted and a safety cage installed, engine was stripped of the useful bits, it was a rally car gone over the edge some years ago. There were other car/farm bits down there too, trunk to some old caddy, tires, remnants of another engine. Strangest thing was in the remaining snow there were fresh boot prints not of my own, but no other sign in the ground. I made a mess coming down the embankment (it would have been impossible not to!) but there was nothing outside the snow. Climbing back up I heard another vehicle pull up behind my car but I kept climbing. Got back to the rope and was about mid-way up that when this white-haired officer peeks over the edge ~20 feet from me, yet he doesn't see me! Freaked him out something good when I said "Well howdy officer!" :)
He was up there with a trainee doing his usual patrol and we chatted a bit. He told me that car had been down there for some years and they usually get a call about it once a year. Also told me there was another not far away down a different road, but I had my fill of exploring for that day.
When I was about 7 yrs old, my dad and I were exploring the dunes around Coos Bay. This was back before they closed a lot of the areas to motorvehicles. We were on the south end, near what is now weyerhaeuser, which is also near where the old army base was, and also where the army use to do test fires into the dunes. Anyway, We got out of our dunebuggy to do some more exploring. I had kinda wandered away from my dad. I start kicking and digging at something in the sand, so he starts to walk up to see what I had found. As he gets closer, he just starts screaming "NOOOO!!!!", and yanks me by my arm so hard, I thought he ripped it off. He had good reason. I was kicking a landmine...
Not to far outdoors but outside none the less.

Got off the school bus in Damascus OR in approx 1985 and had about 100 yards from the bus stop to my front door. I was walking and all of a sudden my mother burst out of the front door, sprinted to me, grabbed me and half drug, half carried me back to the house. When we got there I was like "what's up mom?" we went to the front window where my jaw dropped open like you would not believe. A freaking black panther (jaguar) was in my front yard nosing around....true story. One escaped from an illegal exotic pet seller in the area of Barton.

I also found an huge safe in the woods someone had stolen and tried to open without sucess. Interesting.
penis stump.jpg

metolius area

penis stump.jpg
When I was a kid living down in Talent OR.. My uncle took me some lake I cant recall in the apple gate for some duck hunting. We get there and we are getting all set up.. on the lake is a small John-boat with a camo type covering on it and around it is a pile of decoys floating.. pretty much all par with the whole duck hunt theme..
However, as we were almost set our selfs to set forth and hunt a flock of ducks came in for a swim lured I am sure by the decoys.. and as they made their incoming pass, the cover of the boat flew of the owner stands up with a 12 ga. type shotty with a drum magazine below it... In seconds it soon started raining ducks from the sky. At that point we made the decision to find another lake.

Another time over in the butte Falls Oregone area.. Hunting with same uncle (there is a theme here.. weird stuff happens around him)
Deer Hunting this time. As we are walking down a trail, get the feeling of something behind us. We both turn to see a pure white 4 point buck standing ten feet from us.. In shock we were quite late on the draw and it was gone before we had a chance to shoot. We looked around a bit but unable to pick up his trail in the woods we wend on down the trail... Then again, ten feet behind.. again shock (come on how often do you get stalked by a pure white deer)..
This happened a couple time, could never pick up its trail. Dang thing was fast!! You'd think it would not be able to hide very well. Wonder if any one ever shot it?

Once while moose hunting in alaska found a case of "c" rations.. looks like they had been there for oh maybe 20+ years

Two days into a hike away from the "road" system in Ketchikan Alaska, on a narrow game trail looking for small streams to cast a fly, I found a rusty pile of a model "T" truck. Guess a very long time ago that game trail was a road. This was the same hike I almost caught a black bear on a 6wt rod, with 8lbs test. :) As I was waist deep in the creek, casting back a fly, I turned my head to see how close that fly was rolling to the brush.. It wasnt the brush I needed to worry about. That fly rolled about an inch from a blacky sitting down watching me fish. Wanted a free meal, damn welfare bears.
Outside lake illiamna in Alaska I was fishing buddies with a brown bear. He was about 10 or 15 feet from me, the Reds were in thick!! And me and the bear are just hauling the fish in. At one point we both look at each other, fish in my hand, fish in his mount, both nod in agreement the fishing is awesome.. an continued to catch fish. Good times. Miss a lot of things about Alaska!
Once in Glamis while with my dad in his dune buggy, we went into this large bowl and down in the center of it was lagoon and palm trees and biniki clad model... and camera crew.... Boy was the producer un-happy with my dad as he spun around the bowl a few times! We had been to the same spot many times before, so it was neat to see something new...
Penis stump is funny stuff!!!
Gehrheart, you reminded me of when my Grandpa, Uncle and I wear hunting on Prince of Whales... I dunno how high up the mountain we were, but we were above the cloud and hear the sound of a sick girrafe..... I look up in the sky, and see a giant blue heron cruising around.
It just seemed like to high of an elevation for him to be....

techieguy, I have heard great stories out of Glamis!!!! On my bucket list for sure!

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