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How Well Does The Firearms Community Treat Various Minorities - Multiple Votes Allowed

  • In general pretty equally, though some individuals simply clash

    Votes: 67 68.4%
  • Racial minorities are excluded poorly treated

    Votes: 15 15.3%
  • Women are excluded or poorly treated

    Votes: 12 12.2%
  • LGBTQ people are excluded or poorly treated

    Votes: 23 23.5%
  • Agnostics, athiests, or people of non Christian religions are excluded or pootly treated

    Votes: 10 10.2%
  • Members of the political left are excluded or poorly treated

    Votes: 31 31.6%
  • Younger generations such as "Zoomers" are excluded of poorly treated

    Votes: 8 8.2%
  • Others not listed are excluded or poorly treated. Please elaborate

    Votes: 3 3.1%

  • Total voters
Newbie: look at me, look at me, I'm special
Me: Cool, got any guns?
Newbie: Yes
Me: Cool, lets talk about guns then
Newbie: I don't want to talk about guns, I want to talk about how special I am.
Me: but this is a gun forum so lets talk about guns
Newbie: you're just a big bubleguming big meanie.
Me: :s0097:
Yup. We (gun owners) are our own worst enemies. It'd be awesome if more gun owners can make 2A single issue votes and not the rest of the platforms or messages, or the letter by the politician names.
Could you do it? If there was a hypothetically perfect Pro 2a candidate that hit every single point on 2a but every other position they held was the opposite of what your views, could you put all that aside and vote for them strictly for their 2a position?
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Newbie: look at me, look at me, I'm special
Me: Cool, got any guns?
Newbie: Yes
Me: Cool, lets talk about guns then
Newbie: I don't want to talk about guns, I want to talk about how special I am.
Me: but this is a gun forum so lets talk about guns
Newbie: you're just a big bubleguming big meanie.
Me: :s0097:
idk what you want man, I'm just responding to the thread started by *somebody else*. You want more people in your hobby, but don't want gun owners with other perspectives and life experiences?

Best thing you can do to disarm the gun control crowd is to A) be *actively* inclusive of other people and B) reach out to non-gun owners and show them how to safely handle firearms and also that you *aren't bubblegums*. Cuz right now both political parties desperately need gun ownership to be a partisan issue in order to pull votes and when push comes to shove a red authoritarian will strip you of your rights just as quick and easy as a blue authoritarian.


Could you do it? If the was a hypothetically perfect Pro 2a candidate that hit every single point on 2a but every other position they held was the opposite of what your views, could you put all that aside and vote for them strictly for their 2a position?
Me? I'm not so sure I could hold my nose and vote for someone who equates my existence with cruel, vile bubblegum. But a perfectly 2A for All type candidate probably wouldn't be tossing all that culture war nonsense around anyway.
I'm certain this video has been previously posted, but I wanted to get some feedback. I believe that NWFA has a fairly diverse membership, and I thought it would be useful to take a look in the mirror. All thoughts and input are welcome, but I am especially looking forward to those from folks who are members of otherwise perceived classes of discrimination due to race, religion, sex, sexual preference, etc.

My personal opinion of the video is that the boogie man they have been taught to fear does not exist. I still very definitely support their right to keep and bear arms. I also believe that if they popped their heads out of their political bubble and got to know a few folks "on the other side" that they wouldn't be as badly worked up.
Nope. I don't have fears or misgivings about American gun culture.

I do however have a lot of contempt for politicians using gun ownership as a way to scare poeple so they can get votes. Also for those who want to take away out rights because they think only police and government should have guns.
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The general lack of awareness between gun owners and non-owners will always be a factor. Could we reasonably expect the general public to have significant knowledge, beyond the basics, about automobiles and the auto industry? How about beyond the basics regarding cameras, lenses, and the photo/video industry? The difference for us, of course, is the constitutional protections afforded gun owners, but that's the most fundamental kicker of all: the general public is even more naive about our constitution.
This is a good point. For those who aren't familiar with guns, all they know is what they see or hear in the media, movies, etc, or from interactions with people in their day-to-day lives. Hollywood has overtly pushed the gun control agenda for over half a century, as has the news media. I remember growing up watching TV shows and movies that always painted gun owners as nutjobs or criminals, vilifying the idea of regular folks owning "assault rifles", portraying law enforcement as some omnipotent presence that swoops in at the last moment to save the day, etc.

We're not just fighting a different political point of view. We're fighting 50+ years of indoctrination by people and groups that think they know what's best for everyone else. And the interesting part is I think we're winning.

The media has latched onto using fear as a tactic to shape public opinion, but in doing so they have inadvertently exposed the shortcomings of the "brilliant future" they advocate for - namely, that the government cannot protect everyone from everything. The constant barrage of "scary" news is making a lot of people realize that they are responsible for their own self-preservation. Once a person's mind accepts that concept, it's a very short hop to recognizing the value of firearms in private hands.

From that perspective, as terrible as the pandemic was, it was also instrumental in revealing this basic truth to the broadest possible number of people. There's nothing like bare store shelves, a disrupted supply chain, massive job loss, economic chaos, and blatant trampling of inalienable rights by our supposedly benign government to get people to see the value of self-reliance.

The downside, of course, is that using fear as a tool the way the media does also fosters paranoia and distrust within our communities, without which it's difficult to get people to work together to fix the problems within our society. We need that cohesion, that willingness to set aside minor differences to achieve broader goals if we ever hope to pull this nation back from the abyss.

Also, much as I wish it weren't the case, not every gun owner is a good "ambassador" of 2A. Lots of folks have bought guns out of fear and have not developed the appropriate mindset for responsible ownership and usage. Others seem to think a gun can be used to compensate for lack of other essential qualities. Those folks aren't doing the 2A community any favors. Hopefully they eventually will develop the right mindset and get some proper training, but I'm not holding my breath.
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. Edit: Yeah I just sorta cr@pped out my real feelings on appeasing the gun-grabbers and 'identity' groups. In hindsight it was a bit harsh..for this forum.
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Also, much as I wish it weren't the case, not every gun owner is a good "ambassador" of 2A.
That is one of the most unfortunate truths that harms gun owners. I can't begin to number how many times I've been in a seemingly remote area of the wilderness only to find residue from gun-owning idiots who have left there shot-to-hell trash in the otherwise pristine woods. Infuriates me. And then there are the even lower scum, poachers, abusers of the worst kind. It only takes one of these type vermin to ruin the reputation for all of us (not to mention mentally deranged murderers like we just saw in Kansas City).

And let's be clear about that word "reputation." Given the majority of the American public does not resonate with this thread's topic, "gun culture," our reputation is all they really have. When our collective reputation gets diminished by scum who use guns to harm the environment or murder, that stains all of us (to at least some degree) in blanket fashion. It is not about whether that is "fair," it is not about "facts," so get those ideas out of your mind. Of course it is unfair, but it is reality. Yes, we do what we can to repair our collective reputation through individual contacts within our own circle of acquaintances, but we must be realistic and understand that will never suffice to repair damage to our "gun culture" reputation done by the few. Just like we see in politics, or even in our personal lives, once a reputation gets damaged it is nearly impossible to recover.
idk what you want man, I'm just responding to the thread started by *somebody else*. You want more people in your hobby, but don't want gun owners with other perspectives and life experiences?

Best thing you can do to disarm the gun control crowd is to A) be *actively* inclusive of other people and B) reach out to non-gun owners and show them how to safely handle firearms and also that you *aren't bubblegums*. Cuz right now both political parties desperately need gun ownership to be a partisan issue in order to pull votes and when push comes to shove a red authoritarian will strip you of your rights just as quick and easy as a blue authoritarian.

Me? I'm not so sure I could hold my nose and vote for someone who equates my existence with cruel, vile bubblegum. But a perfectly 2A for All type candidate probably wouldn't be tossing all that culture war nonsense around anyway.
I have said none of the things you are accusing me of. So here is a little insight for you. I own an ammunition company and sell my ammo to anyone legal to buy it. I teach reloading and marksmanship skills to anyone that asks. I'm a range officer at my local gun range and help out on Hunter sight in days. I participate in site cleanup and have trash no lands hand outs on my gun show table. Which by the way I'll be at one this weekend. Stop by and say howdy, that offer applies to anyone reading this post by the way. That you might wear a Pink tu-tu and shoot a Teal 9mm matters not to me. I make both colors of ammo as well as others with out prejudice.
There sure are lots of crazy drivers out there on the roads. Those idiots give all automobile owners a bad reputation. We car owners really need to shape up and represent ourselves better...

My point is just that like car owners, gun owners are just people who own guns. We are far from any kind of exclusive club, or monolithic bloc. The collective "us" on this forum that hurts the left-leaners feelings are really just individual members, not the group as a whole.

On a forum of this nature, there's going to be more of one side than the other; that's just the way it is. There are some who hate others for their ideology, but most people (and I believe the large majority here) will respect others as people, even if they don't acquiesce to their views.

In other words, just because someone argues against your politics, doesn't mean they won't accept you as a person and a responsible gun owner.
Lots of folks have bought guns out of fear and have not developed the appropriate mindset for responsible ownership and usage.
Who gets to decide that? Do we do the same thing for having children? Getting on street corner and speaking your feelings to passing people? Is there a test for someone before they work to get on a ballot for an election? Are humans just too dumb to be able to own a firearm without some sort of qualification? Did you pass test? What was the test? Gosh I've bought guns since 2010 and never figured I was lacking some form of qualification. I sure hope I don't shoot my eye out. Stoopid old me.....
The bottom line is, we have a culture problem, and it's NOT a 'gun culture' problem. The masses have been deluded, indoctrinated, and utterly confused as to what's really going on. I suppose your average anti-gun person looks around and sees news reports on mass-shootings and such, and believes that the world isn't fair. Their lives are in danger, how can this happen? Why do bad people exist? That's what they can't grasp..that bad people exist. They believe if guns..and lets be clear..all guns..weren't in the hands of citizens, then bad people would go away.

It's not our job to convince them of the #1 basic fact of life..which is it's your responsibility to defend yourself. It always has been.

That's why I believe the whole argument about 'including' others is the wrong way to think. I don't care about their identity. I think people who feel a need to broadcast their particular beliefs, identities, politics, religion etc...are ultimately selfish and narcissistic. When I meet a stranger, I don't interrogate them about anything the original OP posted the poll about. It's none of my business. And it's not their business to tell me.
Saturday Dad Meme'ing...
Who gets to decide that? Do we do the same thing for having children? Getting on street corner and speaking your feelings to passing people? Is there a test for someone before they work to get on a ballot for an election? Are humans just too dumb to be able to own a firearm without some sort of qualification? Did you pass test? What was the test? Gosh I've bought guns since 2010 and never figured I was lacking some form of qualification. I sure hope I don't shoot my eye out. Stoopid old me.....
That's not at all what I'm saying. I'm not advocating for a litmus test or saying everyone should have to go through some mandatory training. I'm glad we don't have any of that. Just noting quite a few folks I've met who are recent gun owners bought their guns out of fear, and now think they're "ready to protect themselves" without any further steps - no at-home practice, no seeking additional training, no understanding of the law and when / how a firearm can be used lawfully. Yes we have the exact same problem with people who drive cars or use power tools, but nobody's calling for nationwide bans of Ford Fiestas and bandsaws because of the actions of their owners.
That's not at all what I'm saying.
I believe that. And I realize you weren't advocating for that. It's that you bordered on the premises that people should have to get training to own guns. Of course right behind that is licensing, like on your car. A yearly re-up, and maybe yearly training too? Those are the things that set me off. Being new to fire arms compared to many here, I relished the chance to dig into proper handling and safety of fire arms. That's part of the enjoyment, following the basic rules. I wish there was a way to get people to immerse themselves in firearm ownership and responsible handling of firearms. Unfortunately the "Anti's" only want restrictions.
I believe that. And I realize you weren't advocating for that. It's that you bordered on the premises that people should have to get training to own guns. Of course right behind that is licensing, like on your car. A yearly re-up, and maybe yearly training too? Those are the things that set me off. Being new to fire arms compared to many here, I relished the chance to dig into proper handling and safety of fire arms. That's part of the enjoyment, following the basic rules. I wish there was a way to get people to immerse themselves in firearm ownership and responsible handling of firearms. Unfortunately the "Anti's" only want restrictions.
I get your point, and was not my intention to set anyone off. Reality is that the actions of a few gun owners are used to paint the many with the same brush. That is a problem. I don't know how to solve it, or even if it can be solved, but ignoring it and pretending it doesn't exist isn't the right answer.

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