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We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.
How's about a thread devoted to, well, those offbeat revolvers. Unusual designs, odd or gonzo calibers, curious provenance, strangely modified, home brews, or anything else a little, shall we say, wacky. Have some to share? Enjoy!
So, I've read ICORE has a new(er) division called Big Six that involves competing with a wheelgun with a .40 or greater bore. Sounds super neato! Particularly considering the type of revolver shooting I've been doing in recent memory.
Which big boomer would you select for the aforementioned...
So, I, vaguely, recall this being and interest of sorts. In recent years it gurgling to the surface with the idea of putting a stock on wife's cap'n'ball revolver or SBRing a Magnum Research BFR; neither happened, albeit for different reasons. Then I forgot about it for a while and, more...