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My doctor likes to tell me stories about med school. One of his favorite was the breast exams. Him and his bros would jokingly line hop depending on the quality of breasts to be examined.

Well none of them should apply to be the next surgeon general of the United States.

The Dems would have a heart attack.

Aloha, Mark
Interesting. They will quickly learn the patients lie.
Here they are, saying "the government should fund/direct/lead". Right.

"As future health professionals, especially physicians, we have huge amounts of power in our society," said Mattie Renn, a medical student..." Oh yeah...? You really think so?
So how they could really help is operating outside the box to keep costs down and make mental health readily available.
The statistics on death and shootings are disingenuous when you consider that 61% of firearm deaths are by suicide, which is only 50% of the suicide deaths. Seems they could put their attention to much more needed places.

Problem is, given current Oregon laws, our doctor can have our guns confiscated, and many doctors probably think a gun only endangers the owner. And if you mouth off the doctor might consider that aggressiveness that warrants confiscating your guns. If any doctor asks me about guns I'm gonna say I don't have any.
I've been seeing my physician for 25 years now, she's great. Her husband and son are avid hunters, she and I talk shooting, etc.
My wife's former oncologist was heavily into 3-Gun. Clint Smith is his son's Godfather. I'd venture, he is a serious shooter.

The proper response is
"the suicide rate for doctors is double the national average (7 times if you just count female physicians). Are you asking because you are depressed? Tell me about your mother"
In my 20's I had a bad groin pull and swollen lymph nodes, and my Dr. at the time insisted that I probably had a STD. I assured him, no, I'd been married for 6 years, there was no hanky-panky. He kept pushing it, finally saying, "c'mon, every man cheats." I looked at him and said, "while you may engage in that behavior, I do not - and, it is a line I will not cross." The conversation ended right there. Found another doctor within a month.
I had a doc ask me once, I told them guns were not just for killing people. To which they argued that their only purpose was to kill people... I said they were a "sick bubblegummer" and they should probably get help.
"As future health professionals, especially physicians, we have huge amounts of power in our society," said Mattie Renn, a medical student..."

Oh yeah...? You really think so?

Well, yea, for sure. Especially if healthcare is eventually taken over by the government, which is what so many people want to see happen these days.

If that does become reality, then in order to get healthcare, you will have to talk to an agent of the government. Your physician will then be working for the government, and NOT for you!

And heck, even right now today, your doctor can easily submit a request to the government, and arrange to have all of your guns confiscated. That is now the law here in Oregon. To me, that is having a lot of power over a gun owner.
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In my 20's I had a bad groin pull and swollen lymph nodes, and my Dr. at the time insisted that I probably had a STD. I assured him, no, I'd been married for 6 years, there was no hanky-panky. He kept pushing it, finally saying, "c'mon, every man cheats." I looked at him and said, "while you may engage in that behavior, I do not - and, it is a line I will not cross." The conversation ended right there. Found another doctor within a month.

I've seen this behavior among some doctors too. They don't seem to trust that what their patient is telling them, is either accurate or true. But why on earth would a person lie to their physician? That makes no sense at all.

And how is a patient then supposed to be able to trust a physician, who does not trust you?
My doctor asked me about my gun and I said it is okay but it doesn't work like it did when I was seventeen. Couple days later the office calls and says my trial sample of Cialis was at the front counter and I could pick it up any time.
Problem is, given current Oregon laws, our doctor can have our guns confiscated, and many doctors probably think a gun only endangers the owner. And if you mouth off the doctor might consider that aggressiveness that warrants confiscating your guns. If any doctor asks me about guns I'm gonna say I don't have any.

The health clinic that I have been going to instituted an annual questionnaire a few years ago, that they ask all patients to fill out. The questions on the form are either about drug use ( both legal and illegal ), or are regarding your mental health.

I asked them about this new questionnaire, and why they were now requiring patients to provide this info. I was told that the clinic receives money from Obamacare, to help pay for medical treatment of the poor. And that the Federal government requires that health care facilities track this patient data, in order to qualify to receive this Federal funding.

Anyway, they keep giving me this form to fill out every year, and I keep losing it, and fail to turn it in.

I can easily see things changing soon, to where questionnaires like this one will become updated, so that questions about gun ownership and gun storage will be added. There is a reason why the Antis want to make gun control a public health issue. It is because they want your doctor to become involved, in monitoring your gun ownership.
But why on earth would a person lie to their physician? That makes no sense at all.

Every day multiple times a day.

Denial makes people lie because they dont want to hear bad news. (Patients will say they dont have chest pain when they do because they dont want it to be a heart attack)

Lying about drug use is common. We dont report anyone and only want them to be better so it is dumb to lie about that. If you are bouncing off the walls and acting crazy and the drug screen shows meth what is the point of saying that you did not take any?

Lying to get pain meds is huge. That's probably number one reason patients lie.

People do not want to get scolded (I dont do that) when their diabetes is worse. I had a patient who swore up and down she was eating healthy and then later that day I saw her driving her scooter down the side walk holding a big ice cream cone in each hand.
I wish @bolus was my doc. Id talk to him about guns. Actually, I have!!! Hmmmm, it might make things weird though at the next clean and shoot.....
Every day multiple times a day.

Denial makes people lie because they dont want to hear bad news. (Patients will say they dont have chest pain when they do because they dont want it to be a heart attack)

Lying about drug use is common. We dont report anyone and only want them to be better so it is dumb to lie about that. If you are bouncing off the walls and acting crazy and the drug screen shows meth what is the point of saying that you did not take any?

Lying to get pain meds is huge. That's probably number one reason patients lie.

People do not want to get scolded (I dont do that) when their diabetes is worse. I had a patient who swore up and down she was eating healthy and then later that day I saw her driving her scooter down the side walk holding a big ice cream cone in each hand.

Nothing that you have said here is relevant at all to what I have experienced from some doctors. I'm talking about describing specific symptoms that I am experiencing, and not being believed. Or even explaining that I have been treated in the past by other doctors, for a chronic problem, and not believing that either. In no cases have I ever been trying to get pain medication.

And I don't even drink any kind or amount of alcohol anymore, much less have ever done any kind of drugs during my life. Those are not the sort of issues that I am talking about.

Some doctors don't seem to want to believe what I say, or even bother to check my past records to verify that what I am saying is true. Even when they have a computer terminal right at hand, so they can easily do that.

For example, in my last doctor visit, I complained that my balance problems have continued to plague me. That I have been having difficulty walking at times, and have continued to come close to falling at times. Yet, the doctor had me walk across the room as she watched, and she then said that I was walking just fine, and simply dismissed the issue, without any further discussion. This is despite the fact that these problems have plagued me for years now, and I have suffered 3 major falls over that time, with two of them inflicting most painful injuries on me that took a long time to heal. And all of those records are stored electronically in my medical file.

Doctors just want to rush you in and out so very fast these days. Patients are now just parts on an assembly line. The MD has just a few moments to talk to you and analyze the situation, and then down the conveyor belt you go.

I've not had a consistent doctor at the clinic I have been going to for 2 1/2 years now. I used to have a doctor there that I consistently saw for 12 years, and who knew me well. I was very happy with the care that I received from him. But he is gone, now. Now, I just get whatever doctor is available. So I am now shuffled back and forth. And some of the care that I have received has been atrocious and incompetent, in my opinion.

And tell me this, why is it that clinics go to such great lengths to enter information into their computer records, when doctors hardly ever bother to consult them? I mean, what is the point of even entering all of that data into a computer system, if it is never going to ever be accessed?

I am very down on the medical profession these days. I absolutely hate going to the doctor now. It is just too frustrating of an experience for me, as communications have become a nightmare. I do not respect physicians anymore, because they simply do not respect me.

I am very down on the medical profession these days. I absolutely hate going to the doctor now. It is just too frustrating of an experience for me, as communications have become a nightmare. I do not respect physicians anymore, because they simply do not respect me.

There is a push for doctors to see more patients in shorter visits because of the reduction in payments from the government or insurance companies.

When I was in private practice years back blue cross came to us and said "we are going to reduce you reimbursement by 20% of every charge. You are a small clinic and we dont need you so you have no room for negotiation." Since 60% of our patients had blue cross we had to just accept a sudden 20% drop in reimbursement for those patients. The only option is to shorten the visits and see more patients.

Most of what gets written in the chart is all garbage to satisfy insurance companies and medicare requirements. When I get records to review on a patient, there is something important perhaps every 5-10 pages. The rest is filled with documentation requirements to justify billing medicare requirements and most of it is clinically useless.

If you add that to the fact that every EMR (electronic medical record) is not designed at all with the physician in mind, it takes a huge amount of time to find anything. EPIC, one of the "best" EMR's did not even get a search function until recently. I've received records from the VA where out of 1000 pages, perhaps 10 pages had useful clinical information.

So physicians are pushed to make a visit as short as possible, document huge amounts of useless information in the chart just to get paid. (This is why physician burnout and suicide is at it's highest right now). One of the reasons I left Portland was because in the corporate hospital environment, we were constantly pushed to do more useless work at the expense of patient care.

There are a few docs that still try so consider changing clinics if that's an option. If you are having balance issues, a walk across the exam room is not good enough. It may require additional labs, nerve testing or brain imaging. Even if it is not something fixable there is physical therapy and other treatments that cant be done.

I can completely understand your frustration in physicians and medicine in its current form. It is terrible and I hate it as well.
There are a few docs that still try so consider changing clinics if that's an option. If you are having balance issues, a walk across the exam room is not good enough. It may require additional labs, nerve testing or brain imaging. Even if it is not something fixable there is physical therapy and other treatments that cant be done.

I can completely understand your frustration in physicians and medicine in its current form. It is terrible and I hate it as well.

@bolus, you just described the very reason why in 2004, a GP friend let his billing staff of seven go, and decided to forego insurance. He informed his clients (mostly well-to-do New Yorkers), and less than half of his patients left his practice. The rest paid at the time of service.
You bet, he worried about whether he was killing his practice, but as he saw it, his practice was killing him.
Within a month, he was a much happier man, spent more time with his family, and from talking with him, gave better care to his patients.
It would also describe the trajectory of my current rheumatologist. He hasn't been able to shed insurance, and it is hard being a solo practitioner with insurance companies chiseling him constantly, but he persists, and I'm glad for him.
There's an old adage, "you're only an alcoholic if you drink more than your doctor". I make sure my good ol boy patients get an eyeful of the bird mounts in my office, and reassure them any discussion of guns is going to be a constructive review on good marksmanship, hunting, and maintenance of a proper collection. Anyone wanting a new PCP that's on the right side of the 2A can feel free to PM me for details.

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