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I know that a few years ago, the discussion about firearms, and non-related went thru a whole over haul. And I can see with good cause, seeing the unity the last several months is nice. Really enjoy it.

But I noticed yet again slowly political biased is rearing its ugly head once more.
I don't have the answer, but seems when anything has a high end profile politically it gets in the postings here. Starts off slow and then gets to party bashing, again.

I vowed to myself to stay out of those discussions about 4 months ago, because I get enough of this crap in my email, TV and elsewhere and NWFA is a sort of a Firearms owners Sanctuary.
I know the mods are doing their best, and as we get closer to the next election the political is oooozing back in. I see stuff lately that I had deleted for saying months ago, stays in postings.
This has to be confusing for new comers too.

My suggestion, add political party names to the censor list. Sounds stupid but people can't seem to stop doing what they are doing. Perhaps seeing that edit in their post will wake them up.

The site is doing well and the right direction, but we either should add word usage, or not limit political discussions. I can't see it ever working both ways... just some feedback.

I still don't get why folks get worked up about this stuff in the first place. Honestly. Are we all adults here or not? (I know there may be a small handful of exceptions). But seriously, why can't folks just walk away from conversations they don't like? Why the need to have anyone's discussions shut down just because you or me or anyone else doesn't happen to like the way it's going? It's not that difficult. Honestly, the mods should be able to have an easy job here - and they would, if folks wouldn't get so wrapped up in opinions that they disagree with, or rabbit trails in a thread. So what? Let it go or move on.

Aside from outright threats on people, or illegal activity, I don't see a reason that some heated discussion can't live in certain areas of this forum. Sometimes people need to say what they say just to get it off their chests, and doing it here is probably safer than doing it at home, at work or some other inappropriate venue. Sometimes folks just need to vent. I have always kind of felt that one particular area of this site is just for that, but perhaps I am incorrect in that assumption.

As I've repeated multiple times here, I have exactly zero people on ignore. There are some here that do irritate me, and when they do irritate me enough, I walk away from that discussion - that's my ignore feature.

I don't know, maybe it's just easier for me than for some others. It just seems what I was taught as a kid would apply here. Don't like it, walk away.

But then, that opinion may earn me a spot on a few ignore lists here too ;) Go ahead, walk away....:rolleyes:
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I've got somewhat involved politically in large part of this site. I've attended some hearings in Salem. Paid attention to NW politics and have learn a lot in the past few years. I think the diversity from members views, economic standing (the one guy members bought the safe for), subject knowledge and employment backgrounds. While most people here may not personally know each other I don't get the sense of keyboard warriors.
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I still don't get why folks get worked up about this stuff in the first place. Honestly. Are we all adults here or not? (I know there may be a small handful of exceptions). But seriously, why can't folks just walk away from conversations they don't like? Why the need to have anyone's discussions shut down just because you or me or anyone else doesn't happen to like the way it's going? It's not that difficult. Honestly, the mods should be able to have an easy job here - and they would, if folks wouldn't get so wrapped up in opinions that they disagree with, or rabbit trails in a thread. So what? Let it go or move on.

I don't think its that easy to be honest, depending on the topic. There are just many topics people have deep inner feelings about.
God is a huge one, because so many view this area different, the list just goes on. About every topic we could have about issues in this country have resulted in this sites members going full retard on the topic. And it doesn't matter even if its pro-gun people get all bent. I recall one where a very pro-gun person we all know and love Hickok45, wrote a article on unity. This was insane the name calling and badgering that went on, taking that topic way off topic, I even went to an other liberal gun site to look at the differences man I was beat up here, just for talking with others about firearms, LOL Gees.
The problem, is as you said people can't control themselves. And even if they do act childish, its not just you and I that see this discourse, the entire anti-community reads what is said and uses it for cannon fodder. WE can not even treat each other well within firearms topic, and I think all these off topics non-firearms related as I mentioned on the OP, add fuel to the fire. If Gayrights, gender, political party, abortion, just to name a few were off and kept off as well as party sided issues other then firearm, I think we would be better off. I have political online discussions elsewhere. I like the Firearm part in NorthWest Firearms, I don't need anything else here.
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I like the diversity of topics here, I also believe if one uses the "Shopping Cart Method" when here it can be most useful.

For instance when you go to the store you don't put everything in your cart, you only put in what you're interested in. So if a topic doesn't catch your eye, move along and don't "Put it in your cart".

This banning or shutting down of topics seems a bit "Kindercare" IMO.

That said the personal attack crap should be called out by all and shamed accordingly.
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I only ignore n00bs who try to sell bubba'd MAK90s for $1000.00 and expect those who know to embrace the good deal being offered.

My weak side is I have a penchant for confrontation when I believe someone is bullying, or clearly being a troll/dick like that guy with the initials of John Brown. Shocked that I never stepped in and played it's game...but hey, I don't need to be banned again and must respect the rules.
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I don't think its that easy to be honest, depending on the topic. There are just many topics people have deep inner feelings about.
God is a huge one, because so many view this area different, the list just goes on. About every topic we could have about issues in this country have resulted in this sites members going full retard on the topic. And it doesn't matter even if its pro-gun people get all bent. I recall one where a very pro-gun person we all know and love Hickok45, wrote a article on unity. This was insane the name calling and badgering that went on, taking that topic way off topic, I even went to an other liberal gun site to look at the differences man I was beat up here, just for talking with others about firearms, LOL Gees.
The problem, is as you said people can't control themselves. And even if they do act childish, its not just you and I that see this discourse, the entire anti-community reads what is said and uses it for cannon fodder. WE can not even treat each other well within firearms topic, and I think all these off topics non-firearms related as I mentioned on the OP, add fuel to the fire. If Gayrights, gender, political party, abortion, just to name a few were off and kept off as well as party sided issues other then firearm, I think we would be better off. I have political online discussions elsewhere. I like the Firearm part in NorthWest Firearms, I don't need anything else here.

I do get where you're going with it, and I have to remind myself that it's not as easy for one person to shut it off as it is for another. I have plenty of topics I feel very strongly about. I have some strongly held religious views, but I don't share them here just because it's not the best place to discuss it.

Politics though, that's hopelessly intertwined with guns - not because we made it so, but because politicians have. Hell, if they left guns and gun owners alone, you'd probably rarely hear politics discussed here. And honestly, while some of the political stuff works me up, I find my desire to leave the communications channel open, kind of along the lines of what the 1st amendment is for, is stronger than wanting to shut discussions or topics down. I know it's not my site, so I do my best to abide by the rules, no doubt I, as have many others, cross the line from time to time, but it's been a while since my last warning, so I must not be going too far ;)

I just hate to see discussions shut down, even when they're a hot topic, just because a handful of folks can't control themselves. I know now everyone feels that way, but I do. I'd rather have all the content and self-filter what I read and respond to - but I know I can and will do that. For those that just can't help themselves, well, I guess the only option is to shut them down or to shut down the topic(s) that get them so worked up. I'm sad to see it having to go that way, but like many things in this world, the actions of a few often seem to impact the rest.

So I will continue to abide by the site rules and the decisions of @Joe Link and the @Moderators If they think certain content needs to be shut down, so be it. My hope though is to leave as much room for free discussion as possible, even if that's being maybe a bit too optimistic.

Everyone still has access to the 'ignore' feature - seems to me that's all the tools anyone needs to apply the appropriate level of filtering.
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I do get where you're going with it, and I have to remind myself that it's not as easy for one person to shut it off as it is for another. I have plenty of topics I feel very strongly about. I have some strongly held religious views, but I don't share them here just because it's not the best place to discuss it.

Politics though, that's hopelessly intertwined with guns - not because we made it so, but because politicians have. Hell, if they left guns and gun owners alone, you'd probably rarely hear politics discussed here. And honestly, while some of the political stuff works me up, I find my desire to leave the communications channel open, kind of along the lines of what the 1st amendment is for, is stronger than wanting to shut discussions or topics down. I know it's not my site, so I do my best to abide by the rules, no doubt I, as have many others, cross the line from time to time, but it's been a while since my last warning, so I must not be going too far ;)

I just hate to see discussions shut down, even when they're a hot topic, just because a handful of folks can't control themselves. I know now everyone feels that way, but I do. I'd rather have all the content and self-filter what I read and respond to - but I know I can and will do that. For those that just can't help themselves, well, I guess the only option is to shut them down or to shut down the topic(s) that get them so worked up. I'm sad to see it having to go that way, but like many things in this world, the actions of a few often seem to impact the rest.

So I will continue to abide by the site rules and the decisions of @Joe Link and the @Moderators If they think certain content needs to be shut down, so be it. My hope though is to leave as much room for free discussion as possible, even if that's being maybe a bit too optimistic.

Everyone still has access to the 'ignore' feature - seems to me that's all the tools anyone needs to apply the appropriate level of filtering.

You my friend have a very rare gift. You are great at putting things into words and being diplomatic at the same time. You can get your point across to someone with a soft nudge where others feel the need to drop the hammer. Now the hammer is needed sometimes which is why some of the mods are great at what they do. But your gift is something that we are seriously lacking in this world and need more of.

The ability to communicate is huge. Kudos to you my friend KUDOS! ;):)
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You my friend have a very rare gift. You are great at putting things into words and being diplomatic at the same time. You can get your point across to someone with a soft nudge where others feel the need to drop the hammer. Now the hammer is needed sometimes which is why some of the mods are great at what they do. But your gift is something that we are seriously lacking in this world and need more of.

The ability to communicate is huge. Kudos to you my friend KUDOS! ;):)

Brown noser.

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You my friend have a very rare gift. You are great at putting things into words and being diplomatic at the same time. You can get your point across to someone with a soft nudge where others feel the need to drop the hammer. Now the hammer is needed sometimes which is why some of the mods are great at what they do. But your gift is something that we are seriously lacking in this world and need more of.

The ability to communicate is huge. Kudos to you my friend KUDOS! ;):)

Almost like a politician, huh?? I appreciate the compliment, I just happen to have to communicate for a living and being able to see more than one side and find a way to try to bring them together is a skill I was taught at a young age. Doesn't mean I don't have strong opinions and views, I just know how to temper certain views when it's called for. And there are times, even on this forum, when I do lose my cool ;)
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I do get where you're going with it, and I have to remind myself that it's not as easy for one person to shut it off as it is for another.

I just hate to see discussions shut down, even when they're a hot topic, just because a handful of folks can't control themselves. I know now everyone feels that way, but I do. I'd rather have all the content and self-filter what I read and respond to - but I know I can and will do that. For those that just can't help themselves, well, I guess the only option is to shut them down or to shut down the topic(s) that get them so worked up. I'm sad to see it having to go that way, but like many things in this world, the actions of a few often seem to impact the rest.

Everyone still has access to the 'ignore' feature - seems to me that's all the tools anyone needs to apply the appropriate level of filtering.
This is why it is very helpful to report posts that stray outside the rules. If we get an early heads up then we can monitor the thread closer and edit, delete posts/content (if necessary) and handle the offending member/members. We would rather not shut down threads/topics but sometimes it is not feasible to clean up one as they have gone way too long and become too time consuming to save.
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You my friend have a very rare gift. You are great at putting things into words and being diplomatic at the same time. You can get your point across to someone with a soft nudge where others feel the need to drop the hammer. Now the hammer is needed sometimes which is why some of the mods are great at what they do. But your gift is something that we are seriously lacking in this world and need more of.

The ability to communicate is huge. Kudos to you my friend KUDOS! ;):)

So, true story I thought might be interesting here. I do Twitter and like to get in the dirt a bit politically there. I don't get nasty, but I speak out a bit more than I may do here at times.

So one day, I leave a comment for the actor Don Cheadle. I've left comments on any number of celebrity and politicians' Twitter feeds. This one, for some reason, got Mr. Cheadle's attention, and he came after me. Then his followers started coming after me. It was the craziest thing I've had happen on my personal Twitter feed. So, I responded back to Mr. Cheadle and explained my point of view a bit further. Also, he had taken a swipe at my avatar on Twitter to make fun of me. The photo is of me, in real life, doing something kind of playful with my daughter at a children's museum. He thought it was some weird way of being a smart-azz. So I explained what the picture was for and that my daughter had taken it and really liked it. At no point did I get mad at the guy, though he was clearly irritated with me.

Move forward a bit and after a few more exchanges, we had agreed that we've got very different opinions on the topic we were discussing (I think it was on illegal immigration as I recall). In the end, not only did he back down on the attacks, but we parted by giving each other compliments. I honestly like the guy as an actor. Turns out, he loves to do the children's museum thing with his kids, and we found a common thing there that we could agree on. Who would have thought? Anyway, it's always a fun challenge to me to try and find some way that two people of such opposing viewpoints can find something to agree on. That's actually why I enjoy Twitter, not to start fights, but to find a way to show folks that even the most opposite of people can occasionally agree on something.

Arguing with Don Cheadle, who would've known?? :s0114:
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This is why it is very helpful to report posts that stray outside the rules. If we get an early heads up then we can monitor the thread closer and edit, delete posts/content (if necessary) and handle the offending member/members. We would rather not shut down threads/topics but sometimes it is not feasible to clean up one as they have gone way too long and become too time consuming to save.

I do use that report feature, I'm sure you've all seen reports from me in the past. I do think there are very appropriate times for the mods to step in, and I'm thankful you're all there to do just that.
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I do get where you're going with it, and I have to remind myself that it's not as easy for one person to shut it off as it is for another. I have plenty of topics I feel very strongly about. I have some strongly held religious views, but I don't share them here just because it's not the best place to discuss it.

Politics though, that's hopelessly intertwined with guns - not because we made it so, but because politicians have. Hell, if they left guns and gun owners alone, you'd probably rarely hear politics discussed here. And honestly, while some of the political stuff works me up, I find my desire to leave the communications channel open, kind of along the lines of what the 1st amendment is for, is stronger than wanting to shut discussions or topics down. I know it's not my site, so I do my best to abide by the rules, no doubt I, as have many others, cross the line from time to time, but it's been a while since my last warning, so I must not be going too far ;)

I just hate to see discussions shut down, even when they're a hot topic, just because a handful of folks can't control themselves. I know now everyone feels that way, but I do. I'd rather have all the content and self-filter what I read and respond to - but I know I can and will do that. For those that just can't help themselves, well, I guess the only option is to shut them down or to shut down the topic(s) that get them so worked up. I'm sad to see it having to go that way, but like many things in this world, the actions of a few often seem to impact the rest.

So I will continue to abide by the site rules and the decisions of @Joe Link and the @Moderators If they think certain content needs to be shut down, so be it. My hope though is to leave as much room for free discussion as possible, even if that's being maybe a bit too optimistic.

Everyone still has access to the 'ignore' feature - seems to me that's all the tools anyone needs to apply the appropriate level of filtering.

Once again, you put the head to the nail....In the most soothing, gentle and easy to read way.

You my friend have a very rare gift. You are great at putting things into words and being diplomatic at the same time. You can get your point across to someone with a soft nudge where others feel the need to drop the hammer. Now the hammer is needed sometimes which is why some of the mods are great at what they do. But your gift is something that we are seriously lacking in this world and need more of.

The ability to communicate is huge. Kudos to you my friend KUDOS! ;):)

I've been telling him this for several years.

Almost like a politician, huh?? I appreciate the compliment, I just happen to have to communicate for a living and being able to see more than one side and find a way to try to bring them together is a skill I was taught at a young age. Doesn't mean I don't have strong opinions and views, I just know how to temper certain views when it's called for. And there are times, even on this forum, when I do lose my cool ;)

Don't put yourself down. You're much better than that. Maybe a top level ambassador? ;)
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I hate the idea of banning words. Or eliminating a topic because it "Might" become a problem. A lot of times here we can be having a good discussion that gets a little hot, goes off the rails for a few posts, and then the cooler heads prevail. The person(s) that may have put fuel to fire leave, or calm down, and a good discussion continues. I see it all the time, more and more actually than, say, five years ago? Members ARE ignoring baiters now more than ever. I'm also seeing members that registered years ago, with very few posts, joining in discussions.
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I waited to hear a bit more to rebuttable.

The issues that present themselves on this site are unique to anyone firearms site. I have been a member of several and ran a few groups as well. I do realize some can articulate things better on a forum, then others. I have done everything from Counseling to lobbying and one think I can say for a fact is, when people are passionate, and have a strong moral fortitude they tend to have no problem taking a gut punch to stand for what they feel is right. But add the touch of personal experience to this and we end up with aggression.
NWFA, no joke, is a living breathing thing of sorts. And why we may make light or fun of antis and their safe places etc. Firearms owners also have idiosyncrasies as well. This group has some of the most unique minds I have ever met, and I have met allot of people in my days. But this also can translate into misunderstandings and ill feelings. Its not a easy thing to manage at all. I forget myself, even having done the Admins and Mods jobs elsewhere how hard it is to play Yard Duty Teacher. We have a high majority of Alphas here too, which can add to who is better then who, or smarter then situations, with neither backing down, and both wanting the last word.

I would say one thing we are not good at as a group is validation, we see the antis abuse that so frequent that we seldom see there may be value even in those we disagree with, no need to shut someone down, and then claim no one understands us.. I do that much better in person, then I do on a website. But it still is the same ideology. This is not to say do not stand for what you believe, its saying don't step on others why you are standing for yourself. And was why the idea I posted seems a very valid option to consider.
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